Chapter 64
Who knows if there will be any inspiration, alchemy is complementary to each other, and many skills can be used together when refining different elixirs.

The two parties were very happy to reach a cooperation. This alchemy furnace with fire was directly given to Yinghui by Ying Xun as a small gift for her to teach them alchemy.

When Ying Rong passed by a certain fairy city, he stopped the flying boat and bought all the materials needed for the twenty kinds of spirit pills in the refining period reported by Yinghui.

Even for most of the pills, her practice is still unable to refine them, but for a few people with deep pockets, this is not a problem.

What's more, there is still so much time on the way back, maybe Ying Hui's cultivation base can be one step closer, and there are more pills to be refined, which can be prepared in advance so as not to delay the alchemy.

The on-site teaching of alchemy in full swing began like this.

However, Ying Hui clearly felt that he had followed the steps on the Jade Slips, and that he had indeed refined the top-grade pills by relying on these steps, but in the hands of the five of them, there would always be all kinds of pills. question.

However, after all, he is a young genius in alchemy. After Yinghui helped him to investigate and correct it several times, Ying Xun was the first to refine the top-grade Bigu pill.

Immediately afterwards, there was Ying Americium, and Ying Rong did not give up. After the tenth refining, he also successfully refined the top-grade pill, and then the other two also refined the top-grade Bigu pill one after another.

Several people worked together and refined several furnaces one after another. When Ying Xun was refining No.20 furnace, he successfully refined a whole furnace of the best Bigu Dan. This impressive achievement even surpassed that of Yan Yan Point out their success.

However, Ying Xun's talent is already high, and he has his own alchemy furnace that has accompanied him for many years, and he can release spiritual fires one after another. There is nothing wrong with being able to do this.

However, Ying Xun's talent is obviously more than that. In the process of constantly refining Bigu Dan by analogy, he suddenly understood many problems that he couldn't understand before.

In one go, he directly opened the furnace to refine a batch of Peiyuan Pill.

This Peiyuan Pill is similar to Peiling Pill, they are both used to replenish spiritual power, but the Peiyuan Pill has more aura and is for Foundation Establishment cultivators.

He used to refine Peiyuan pills, ten pills in one furnace, the best achievement was to produce five high-grade pills, with one or two low-grade pills mixed in.

But this time when he turned on the furnace, he didn't feel stagnant, and he had a premonition before the furnace was turned on.

Sure enough, putting the elixir into the bottle, it was ten neat top-grade elixir.

Not a single blemish.

Ying Xun stared blankly at the bottle full of high-grade alchemy, and his heart was very complicated. He was stuck in a bottleneck in alchemy, so he went to participate in the alchemy fight, not only to fight for the family, but also to watch other people's alchemy methods through the alchemy fight, to find One's own lack, promote alchemy.

Who would have thought that the goal of this trip would be fulfilled by the little girl brought over by Ying Rong before reaching the destination.

He had a hunch that what Yinghui could bring him was more than that.

Seeing that he had refined a whole bottle of high-grade pills, the others asked for advice one after another. When these people were at home, they supported each other and studied the way of pills together. Teach each other.

However, no matter how clear someone else's perception is taught, it is not as thorough as one's own comprehension.

In the end, only Americium Ying produced nine high-grade pills, which was still a little short of the whole furnace.

But the days to come are long, and with slow practice, there is bound to be a day of understanding.

Time flew by as everyone was frantically refining alchemy, and in the blink of an eye it was another month. Yinghui's cultivation on the second level of Qi Refining had already been stabilized, and they finally reached Lingnan.

Their destination was not Chunyu's house in Lingnan City.

It's Chuxi, a small fairy city to the west of Lingnan City.

There are many small families entrenched in Chuxi City. The streams in the city are intertwined, as if they are located on the water, and the scenery is really beautiful.

As the actual convener of the Fighting Alchemy Conference, Lingnan Chunyu's family naturally would not open the door of their base camp to let idlers in and out at will.

The small aristocratic families in Chuxi City were all attached to Chunyu's family, and the Chunyu's family was still the unyielding host of the meeting held here.

In front of the City Lord's Mansion, there are two white jade warriors lying down and sitting down, lively and agile like living things.

As soon as Ying Hui and the others approached, they saw a white light flash in his eyes, and then he heard a low growl, and immediately two direct descendants of Chunyu's family came out to greet him.

Ying Hui looked at it so novelly that he couldn't help but take a few more glances. The aura on the white jade lion was flickering, agile and natural, like a living thing.
In the previous and present lives, the first time I saw a spirit weapon, it was such a pair of gatekeeper jade lions. Ying Hui was quite shocked, and even secretly clicked his tongue, full of hope for the future.

She already knew the richness of Yaoze Realm, but Chuxi City is just a small vassal city, its aura is richer than that of Taiweishanfang City where she lived before.

In the Langhuan world, the spirit weapon that can be used as the treasure of a small sect is unexpectedly thrown at the door to guard the gate.

Although the street is not full of spiritual grass, there are many rare and famous products of Fanzhi.

The flowers are clustered and colorful.

Her thoughts were racing, but the people who came out to greet them had already approached. There were a man and a woman, both handsome and beautiful.

Both of them appeared to be no more than twenty years old, but both of them were already in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

The lifespan of a monk will continue to grow as his cultivation level changes.

A hundred years of longevity in the Qi refining period, three hundred in the foundation building period, eight hundred golden elixirs, and two thousand yuan infants.

If calculated according to the lifespan, 20 years old in the Qi refining stage is equivalent to 60 years old in the Foundation Establishment stage, 160 years old in the Jindan stage, and [-] years old in the Nascent Soul stage.

However, if a person is already in his sixties before he can build a foundation, his appearance will not rejuvenate because of his advanced cultivation, but he will maintain this state forever and will not continue to grow old until he People who are over 180 years old and have not formed a pill will continue to age.

Cultivators are not all single-minded, they also care about appearance, in addition to beauty, it is also a manifestation of strength.

And only when entering the Nascent Soul Stage, can one have a chance to rejuvenate the body and truly rejuvenate.

However, modifying the appearance will waste a good opportunity to shape the body and lose the opportunity to change the root bone, very few people waste everything.

Of course, appearance can also cheat.

For example, if you take the Dingyan Pill, your appearance will remain at the moment you take the Pill until you die.

However, this elixir has drawbacks.

The beauty that is barely retained does not come out of thin air, it needs to consume a lot of vitality to maintain it.

The closer a person's lifespan is, the more vitality he needs to consume to maintain his appearance.

On the contrary, young people don't need to consume much vitality.

(End of this chapter)

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