This fairy has some tea

Chapter 65 Xiaomin

Chapter 65 Xiaomin
However, with really outstanding aptitude, young geniuses at such a young age, how many of them would take Dingyan Pill?

That is to say, those with poor qualifications and want to rely on their beauty to make a living will take risks.

Moreover, Dingyan Dan is an external force after all, the beauty maintained by him is always stiffer than that of a real young man, the older he is, the more stiff he will be.

Ying Hui has seen many women who have taken Dingyan Dan, and can tell at a glance whether they are really young or not.

Just like the couple in front of me, 100% original ecology, just like Ying Rong, they are truly the favored children of heaven.

"Qianyang, Qianyue, I guessed that you are responsible for the reception, so why can't your Chunyu family bring in fresh faces? Could it be that there are no successors?"

It was Ying Yu who spoke, Ying Hui was the most familiar with Ying Rong along the way, followed by Ying Xun, who was the highest seniority, and Ying Bing, who was also a woman.

I don't have a deep friendship with this Seventeenth Uncle Ying Yu, so I don't know him well.

Ying Yu is different from Lu Chi Ying Rong, he likes to travel the most, has a wide range of friends, and has acquaintances all over the world.

Even Lingnan, I have been here several times.

Every time they come, as long as it is a grand event held by Chunyu's family, these two people are almost responsible for the reception of visitors from top aristocratic families.

Ying Yu is nearly forty years old, similar in age to these two people, and his cultivation base is also in the middle stage of foundation establishment. He has known the two of them since the establishment of the foundation. Nearly 20 years have passed, and Chunyu's family has no plans to change people. He is not joking. After a run, the surname Bai should be accepted.

Chunyu Qianyang and Chunyu Qianyue, although they are still young, they are considered well-known celebrities in the world of Yaoze. These two are twins, except for the difference in gender, they almost look exactly the same, but the male one is different. Show femininity, women are not vulgar, very handsome.

Even, the qualifications of the two are exactly the same, they both have wood and fire dual spiritual roots, and both spiritual roots are nine inches two.

It is even rumored that the two of them have a special sense of twins, and the combination of the two is extremely powerful.

Almost as soon as the two matured, they became the living signs of Chunyu's family.

Especially in the matter of hospitality, it is really the facade of the facade, and it is almost impossible to refuse it.

The two were helpless, but they didn't show it on the surface, and Chunyu Qianyang said with a seemingly good nature: "I expected that Daoist Ying Yu would definitely come to join in the fun, and I specially invited this post of reception. How come the Ying family is the only one this year?" You guys at the foundation stage are here.

Your Ying family is so stingy, you are reluctant to send out a few little dolls in the qi refining stage, as if we would snatch people.

If you want me to say, you should also send out your Qi-refining sons to practice and practice, which is very good for improving alchemy. "

The sincerity Chunyu Qianyang said seemed to be very considerate of the Ying family, but in fact it was just a mockery of Ying Yu's statement that Chunyu's family has no successors.

My Chunyu family has no successors, and your Ying family is also a timid generation, and by the way, I laughed at the Ying family's alchemy that is almost at the bottom of the top families.

Who is Ying Yu, who knew the urine nature of these two people, and didn't care, secretly echoed that Rong Rong's decision to bring Ying Huilai was the right one, and directly pulled out Ying Hui who was following everyone, and said: "No, the little one at home Cubs are not interested in these things, and those of us who are elders can't help it.

Fortunately, there was another one who was reluctant to come, and those of us who are elders just made do with it.

The little girl is young and timid, if she is bullied, don't blame us elders who have the cheek to seek justice for her. "

Ying Yu originally wanted to show off Yinghui's alchemy skills in a more modest way, but when he thought of Ying Xun's advice, his words changed as soon as he spoke, and he would rather suffer a little loss than sell his little niece.

However, just her appearance was enough to surprise Chunyu and Qianyang.

He looked Yinghui from top to bottom, and praised a few times: "It's a good seedling."

Although Ying Yu spoke harshly, she was already admitting cowardice in a disguised form. As the hosts, the two of them naturally would not chase after them. They enthusiastically arranged the accommodation for several people, and found a special person to serve them and run errands. It was a successful completion of Ying's reception.

As for the other small aristocratic families or casual cultivators who came one after another, people from Chuxi City will naturally come forward.

It wouldn't be necessary for the two of them to go out again and again, otherwise, the two of them would never have accepted such a task.

Seeing that Ying's family had settled down, the two called another person before leaving.

"This is Xiao Min. During the meeting, let her take Ying Hui around.

The scenery of Chuxi City is very different from yours in the north of the Yangtze River. It should be the first time for Ying Hui to travel far away, so he just took the opportunity to have fun, and don't worry about being in the alchemy meeting, it's boring.

Xiao Min, Ying Hui will be taken care of by you. There will be no tasks assigned to you these days. You should take her around and take good care of her. "

The little girl named Xiao Min was about ten years old, and she was very delicate. She was wearing Chunyu's family's formal cassock with red patterns on a white background, which made her beautifully carved.

It just seemed a little shy, and the moment Chunyu Qianyang called him, he straightened his body, looking a little nervous.

Chunyu Qianyue seemed to notice her nervousness, rubbed her braided head, the little girl was encouraged, looked up at her, saw that she was a little girl much shorter than herself, and finally relaxed slowly .

Chunyu Qianyang responded to Yu and said, "Do you still have my sound transmission talisman? If the people below are not attentive, please send the sound transmission to me in time, and I will send someone over to deal with it immediately."

Ying Yu knew that the affairs of the Dou Dan Conference were complicated, so she stopped making noise, and said there was more, so she sent the two of them out of the house.

He smiled and greeted Xiao Min, and then let the two go to play by themselves.

Xiao Min's full name is Chunyu Zhaomin, and he was originally a distant branch of Chunyu's family. He brought his parents and family back to the family after being found out of top qualifications.

Because her parents' aptitude is not high, and she has an older brother with mediocre aptitude, after returning to the family, her expenses have suddenly increased, and she has to live on her own, which is a bit difficult.

As the saying goes, it is easy to go from simplicity to extravagance, and it is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. If you fall into the nest of wealth, your parents are fine, but her brother learned to compare in a few days, and he is always playing tricks on her, cheating some Lingshi Huahua.

Xiao Min is not stupid, she won't spoil her own things to others, but she can't help her parents to help her, she is still young, and she has blocked a lot of holes for her brother who is not up to date.

It is said that that bastard brother recently got into gambling debts again. After all, she is a serious member of the Chunyu family's direct lineage. Others dare not do anything to him, but they dealt with his parents and elder brothers severely several times.

She also had to continue to plug holes for this "good big brother". Seeing that she had become the direct heir of a top family, but even took out a spirit stone, Xiao Min had no choice but to accept some tasks to earn some expenses for herself.

This reception task, the general direct branch dislikes the tediousness and waste of time, even if the reward is high, they are not willing to come, which happens to be cheap for her.

(End of this chapter)

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