Chapter 67
Chunyu Zhaomin thought about his own family, his parents were over fifty, and when she came back from establishing her foundation, she didn't have much lifespan, so if she endured it for decades, after her parents died, her brother could be kicked out of the house.

Her brother is also good-looking, is there any possibility of marrying someone else?It's a pity that her reputation has deteriorated in the past two years, and her parents probably don't want to part with it. Chunyu Zhaomin asked regretfully, "Then what's the best policy?"

"The best strategy? The best strategy is simple. I can find a heart-biting Gu, or just beat it up, sign a master-servant contract, let her chase the dog, she dare not ride a chicken, what to worry about, if she is obedient and doesn't cause trouble, If you don't provoke me, I won't restrain her, she will be at the knees of my parents for me, and I will pursue my own way, wouldn't it be beautiful."

Ying Hui's words about Bai Lian'er are actually about her brother, how could Chunyu Zhaomin not know, but she is still a little dazed, the best policy is the most convenient and the most effective.

It's just that with her heart, she should be more forbearing and choose the middle strategy.

But she was a little unwilling, why, why should she keep sacrificing herself.

Why can a brother who has accomplished nothing be able to enjoy everything about her with peace of mind.

In fact, there is another way that Ying Hui did not say, that is, when those debt collectors from the casino come, they can directly find a way to light a mist, or create a magic array, so as to stimulate those debt collectors and make them lose their sense of proportion. He directly beat her brother to death, and he can also pursue the responsibility by the way, recover some of the money he lost before, and make up for the loss.

It's just that this method is easy to keep demons, and it seems that Yinghui herself is too vicious, so she didn't say it.

Watching her expression change, Ying Hui knew that she had made up her mind.

Then, the rest is their own family affairs.

She didn't know anything, but she was just worried about her situation after returning home, and she talked a little more about her wild thoughts.

As for what Chunyu Zhaomin would do after listening to her wild thoughts, it was not up to her to decide.

Chunyu Zhaomin made an appointment to come to see her tomorrow, and said goodbye to Yinghui with a lot of worries.

Ying Hui wandered into the flower hall after sending her away.

The five members of the Ying family were holding tea and looking at Ying Hui who walked in with complicated eyes.

Ying Hui sat down on the remaining vacant seat indifferently, picked up the cup of tea, and took a sip.

This teacup is specially made, and it will only be used after Ying Xun develops new tea, no matter how hot the tea soup is, it is always cool outside.

A sip of clear tea is in the mouth, like a mouthful of fine wine slipping into the stomach, vigorous spiritual power explodes in the abdomen, with the heat of fire aura, and the coolness of ice aura, the two heavens of ice and fire, I don’t know that this one How does tea fuse the two opposing auras of ice and fire?

Ying Hui released his consciousness curiously, and studied it carefully, but heard his little uncle Ying Xun hum.

Seeing that Ying Hui finally raised his head, he put down the teacup heavily: "Did you come here to drink some tea?"

Ying Hui didn't care about Ying Xun's cold face, and said with a playful smile: "I saw my little uncle's spiritual consciousness swaying on my body for a long time, didn't Tete ask me to come over to taste new tea?
Little uncle, this tea is really unique. I have been looking at it for a long time, but I can't see how it is blended with spiritual energy. Little uncle, please tell A Hui. "

This tea is Ying Xun's proud creation, Ying Hui's question almost touched his heart, so Xuan couldn't hold back and chatted with her about tea ceremony.

Fortunately, Ying Rong coughed and brought back his thoughts of letting go.

Try to get serious again.

"What kind of messed-up ideas did you just come up with? No matter how bad Chunyu Zhaomin's background is, she is now a real direct descendant of the same family. You can see that this little girl has extraordinary qualifications just by looking at Chunyu Qianyue's attitude towards her. Nine times out of ten, this kind of shit is a test of her family. Even if she can't handle it well, the family will definitely clean it up for her.

If your meddling causes trouble, Chunyu's family will accuse you, what will you do? "

"I'm not afraid. Chunyu's family will not dare to bully me with my little uncles around."

Ying Hui praised her first, and then hurriedly said: "Besides, I only gave her one idea, which is to let him please his grandparents, isn't that wrong?"

"Don't you still come up with an idea to give my brother a heart-biting Gu?"

"When did I come up with such an idea, little uncle, how can you wrong me!"

Ying Hui's words were so straightforward that Ying Xun was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but wonder if he really misunderstood Ying Hui.

Thinking about it this time, I realized that Yinghui really never said that, what she said was how she would deal with Bai Lian'er, and what inspiration Chunyu Zhaomin would get, that was her business.

"Hahaha, you girl, you are so tricky.

However, you can remember, if you go back and plant the heart-biting Gu on Bai Lian'er, I'll see if I don't go to the family to report you. "

Ying Xun can tell that this girl is not a naive little white rabbit, but a wolf with a big tail in sheep's clothing. Bai Lian'er's tricks are no match for her, and she can't help but add a little bit to Yinghui. difficulty.

Ying Hui glanced at his mouth, fortunately he was not quick to talk, or else, Bai Lian'er's life was counted on her?
In fact, Ying Hui didn't think about how to entertain Bai Lian'er and her daughter. Although it saves trouble to defeat the enemy with one move, it always feels that the fun is lost.

Ying Hui put his weird thoughts behind him, and brought the topic to tea again as he liked.

While coaxing Ying Xun to be happy, he got a pair or two of this newly made ice flame tea for nothing.

The jealousy of the other four people who also coveted the tea was beyond recognition.

He secretly hated himself for not being able to hold back his face and holding Ying Xun's stinky feet.

Early the next morning, when Ying Hui finished his practice, he saw Ying Xun and others standing in the yard, looking up at the sky.

It's like a row of Wangfu stones.

She followed their gazes, looked up, and saw a faint figure shuttled among the dense clouds, and when bursts of spiritual light flashed, the low-pressure cloud was slowly blown away, moving towards the distance. go.

After a while, the sky was full of rays of light.

It took Yinghui a long time to look at it, and he didn't even notice that his neck was stiff.

"Okay, don't look at it, everyone is gone."

Ying Rong patted her and called her back to the flower hall.

This place is built next to the lake, and the lotus leaves are connected to the sky on the lake, and the lotus flowers reflecting the sun are so beautiful, so everyone likes to come here for chatting.

"Ninth Brother, what were you doing just now?"

"Didn't you see it all?" Ying Rong admired yearningly, "It's rainy in Lingnan, nine out of ten days are cloudy and rainy, although for monks, cloudy and rainy days don't affect anything, even the rainy days in Lingnan are different. artistic conception.

However, in order to get a good start, Chunyu's family will have a special Yuanying Zhenjun to drive away the clouds and rain every day during the Pill Fighting Conference to ensure that the city of Chuxi is sunny every day. "

(End of this chapter)

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