This fairy has some tea

Chapter 68 Storage Blind Box

Chapter 68 Storage Blind Box
Yinghui clicked his tongue, it was really a big handwriting.

"Actually, rather than asking for prizes, I think Chunyu's family is more to show their own strength and background.

This once-a-day driving of clouds and rain has also become a grand scene of every alchemy meeting.

Many monks even came to participate in the alchemy conference, not to compete in alchemy, but to watch Zhenjun Yuanying cast spells.

Especially those with wind-type spiritual roots, there are several epiphanies every year. "

Ying Hui is very envious, but unfortunately, she has so many spiritual roots, but she doesn't have wind spiritual roots.

But it is still absolutely safe for monk Yuanying to make a move, even if he does not have this spiritual root, he can still gain a lot of insight. Did Ying Xun and the others wait early with their necks stretched?

"The Pill Fighting Conference will officially start after the day, and we will also get together with our friends in these two days. We are all in the foundation building period, so it is inconvenient to take you with us.

If you are bored, let Xiaomin take you out to play. There are some spirit stones in the storage bag for you. You can use them to buy some special products here. When you go back, you can meet the little sister you like.

There are too many people in Chuxi City recently, you two are not high-level, don't cause trouble casually, if someone bullies you, report my name. "

As he said that, he threw another spirit beast bag over and said, "This is an ownerless spirit beast bag. After you recognize the master, take my spirit beast with you. It has a second-level strength, understands human language, and is usually lazy. , Just stay in the spirit animal bag, it won't disturb you, if you encounter danger that you can't handle, just release it.

I also put the food in the storage bag for you, if it is hungry, you can feed it a little. "

Ying Xun explained everything in detail, until he was sure that Ying Hui understood everything, and waved his sleeves without taking away a single cloud.

When Chunyu Zhaomin came over, the whole courtyard was empty, only Ying Hui was left.

"Ahui, don't be sad. It's boring for adults to sit together and talk about mysteries. I'll take you out to play."

Of course Ying Hui is not sad, her cultivation base is so bad, even if her previous life is counted, she is not qualified to sit on an equal footing with others, and she can't play together at all.

She has never been so leisurely. The spirit stones that Ying Xun gave were a little pocket money but there were a thousand of them. She had never seen so many spirit stones in her two lifetimes. Play around.

She kind of enjoys everything now, enjoying the tranquility of Yaoze Realm.

"Where are we going to play today?"

Chunyu Zhaomin obviously did his homework, and he mentioned several places one after another, and asked Yinghui to choose.

"We can go to the square market in Chuxi City. Recently, many monks from other places have come to the Dou Dan Conference. The square market is very lively, and there are many stalls selling everything. You can go there to broaden your horizons.

I heard that there are also blind storage boxes for sale, which is very interesting. If you are lucky, you can still pick up the leaks.

There is also the lotus pond in Nanxi Lake. I heard that recently there is a small pond full of twin lotuses. It is said that as long as a lover goes there to make a wish, they can be together for life.

There is also the Guangyue Tower. It is said that there are people who open an altar to preach every day. If you want a pot of tea, you can sit there for a day. Those who preach will be able to leave their names on the Guangyue Tower.

It is a good place to become famous.

If you are all bored, we can go boating directly on the river, and stop wherever we find it interesting. "

Chunyu Zhaomin was obviously very concerned about this task, or maybe it was simply out of gratitude to Yinghui, he thought of several places to go, and let Yinghui choose.

Yinghui has no interest in the wishing pool like Nanxi Lake, it looks like it's just for bluffing, and besides, she is a lonely family, so she can find someone to make a wish with.

But she was a little hesitant about the blind storage box and the Guangyue Building, thinking that both are quite interesting.

There are still two days before the Alchemy Competition will officially start, and one day of playing in one place is enough.

Thinking of the storage bag full of spirit stones, Yinghui chose Fangshi without hesitation.

After leaving the city lord's mansion, he saw the pair of white jade lions lying in front of the door, as if basking in the sun leisurely, Ying Hui couldn't help but stop.

"Ahui, do you think that the lord of Chuxi City is so unfathomable that he can even throw spiritual weapons out to guard the gate?"

Hearing what she said, Ying Hui's heart was moved. He knew that there might be some misunderstanding, so he followed her words: "Isn't it? This is a spiritual weapon. Look at this pair of white jade lions, full of spiritual energy , clever and lively..."

"Hahaha, almost everyone who has been to Chuxi City has been bluffed by this pair of jade lions in the City Lord's Mansion.

This white jade lion is actually a pair of magic tools refined by the city lord, and it is used as a gatekeeper. It has neither offense nor defense, and it is very tasteless. The appearance is good-looking, and the materials used for refining the weapon are high-quality. After the spirit weapon is obtained, it is refined again by someone else, and it becomes a spirit weapon.

It's a pity that there is no special change except that the gatekeeper is more clever, that is, to the ordinary jade lion.

Except for bluffing, ahem, it's not precious. "

When Zhaomin got excited, she almost uttered the phrase "useless" in her heart.

Ying Hui was speechless, secretly thinking that the city lord was so full that he had no interest in this jade lion anymore.

According to Chunyu Zhaomin, the storage blind box is to seal the storage bag with a secret method after the death of the monk and before the consciousness of recognizing the Lord dissipates, so as to keep the consciousness lingering.

Such a storage bag must not have been opened because the consciousness of recognizing the Lord is still there, and neither the buyer nor the seller knows what is inside.

However, if the owner of this storage bag is really from a prominent background and knows that there are good things in it without opening it, presumably, the seller of this storage blind box will not be willing to take it out.

Therefore, the possibility of good things in this blind storage box is really not high.

But for low-level monks, this game is just a thrill.

It's not that different from gambling.

Therefore, it is still all the rage, and there are a lot of buyers.

Especially the little doll who has just read a few episodes, fantasizing every day that he is the protagonist, and that a chance from heaven falls on him.

Therefore, as soon as Yinghui and Yinghui appeared in front of the blind storage box stall, they were very warmly received by the stall owner.

Yinghui never believed in the good thing of a pie falling from the sky, and she didn't think she had that kind of luck, but she had enough spirit stones in her hands, so there was no need to suffer herself, it was just for fun.

In other words, this is more like a complete farewell to the bitter self in the previous life. From now on, she will live so comfortably.

Immediately paid two hundred spirit stones, and had to pick two.

Chunyu Zhaomin wouldn't buy this. Her brother was addicted to gambling, which made her family restless. She hated these things.

But this thing is really interesting, Yinghui and the others stay here for a short time, even if they are addicted, after leaving, they have nothing to play, so they stop, so she dared to bring Yinghui to join in the fun.

(End of this chapter)

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