This fairy has some tea

Chapter 69 Touching Porcelain

Chapter 69 Touching Porcelain
There were dozens of large and small storage bags of various designs and colors on the stall owner's stall. Not to mention the contents inside, these storage bags alone were a huge fortune to her in the past.

I didn't expect that I would have such a rich and spend a lot of money one day.

Ying Hui only felt that he had the brilliance of a playboy at the moment, and the stall owner looked at her with the excitement of being taken advantage of.

It turns out that the feeling of being a local tyrant is so refreshing.

"Which two do the little fairy look at? The little fairy is from a wealthy family and has a noble status. If it is hard to choose, why not buy two more. These few spirit stones are not worthy of being a little fairy."

The stall owner was very discerning, and Yinghui's attire was not considered very luxurious, but Chunyu Zhaomin next to her was wearing cassocks that could only be worn by Chunyu's direct lineage. This attire was a symbol of status.

With the direct descendants of Chunyu's family accompanying him personally, Ying Hui's status cannot be lowered.

Such a person, if he is happy, he will be rounded up directly with a wave of his hand.

"That's unnecessary."

How did he know that the fake local tyrant and poor man in front of him had suddenly become rich, and buying two would already be a waste of money for her.

Ying Hui looked around the stalls. Some of these storage bags were new, some were old, and some were very delicate. At a glance, one could tell that a female nun had processed them herself.

Suddenly, a slightly worn plain white storage bag moved Yinghui's heart.

This storage bag has obviously been processed in addition. On the body of the plain white bag, a bright Moissanite flower is outlined with a thin red thread, and on the petals, there are two drops of crystal clear flowers piled up with white embroidery thread. The fresh dew makes the delicate flowers even more tender.

Ying Hui picked it up without hesitation, and wanted to pick another one.

At this moment, someone yelled urgently: "Wait a minute."

Ying Hui was so frightened that his hands trembled, and he immediately put the storage bag he had just got into his arms and patted it, before turning around to look at the speaker.

It looked like a young boy in a younger grade, and he seemed to be quite different from Chunyu Zhaomin.

His cultivation base is not low, and he already has the fourth level of Qi Refining.

Ying Hui has a habit of judging people by looking at their cultivation base first, and only when they have a solid understanding of their cultivation base can they start to look at each other.

He is not tall and has an ordinary appearance. He is the kind that cannot be found among the crowd.

The body is also a little fatter, with a little less of a monk's fairy spirit, and a little more of a secular fireworks.

"Fellow Daoist, can I trouble you to take out the storage bag just now?"

The little boy finally ran up to him, begging Ying Hui with a somewhat ugly face.


Ying Hui categorically refused.

The quick and easy way made the little boy choke.

Isn't such a big girl the best coaxer?Why are you not curious about this one?

"Fellow Daoist, is the storage bag you just took with moissanite flowers embroidered on a plain white background?

There are two drops of dew on the flower! "

It is true, it seems that the other party knows the origin of this storage bag.

The blind storage box was already hot here, and the small argument between the two immediately attracted many people to watch.When Chunyu Zhaomin saw someone making trouble, he was about to put Yinghui behind him.

Ying Hui shook his head. With so many people, the other party didn't dare to make a move. Besides, she wasn't afraid to do it.

Hearing that the young boy described the appearance of the storage bag in such detail, Ying Hui still didn't move, nor did he take it out for the young boy to confirm.

The people around couldn't hold back their itch and booed one after another.

"Little girl, hurry up and take a look, and see if what this young man said is right."

"I don't know how long this stall owner has set up his stall, and I don't know how long this storage bag has been here. Anyone who is interested doesn't know what this storage bag looks like? I really took out the storage bag and was robbed senior Compensate me?"

Senior couldn't afford to pay, and didn't want to pay, so he could only shut up.

The young boy seemed very at a loss, he raised his hands and shook, and said: "I won't snatch it, I won't snatch it, fellow daoists, don't misunderstand me."

"Don't grab my storage bag. Why do you ask me to take it out? This storage bag is my personal property. I want you to show me all the spirit stones in your pocket. You give it?"

The boy was choked again, he felt that this little girl was a bit difficult to deal with, much more difficult than he thought.

"Fellow Daoist, don't get me wrong, I'm not coveting your things, it's just this storage bag..."

Speaking of this, the young boy's ordinary eyes suddenly became watery, and he burst into tears, choked up and continued: "It's just that this storage bag is my cousin's relic, and it was at the stall owner's side before. I saw it once, and I felt a little like her, but I thought she was a good one, so I didn't think much about it.

Who knew that I just got the news today that when my cousin was out training, she had already gone.

She loves Moissanite the most, and the Moissanite on the storage bag is shown by her own hands. Do you see if there is a small word mulberry on the petals?There is a word mulberry in my cousin's name.

Fellow Daoist, can you transfer this storage bag to me? "

Yinghui: "You still said you didn't covet my things, and you just opened your mouth to ask for my storage bag?

I want your storage bag, will you give it? "

The young boy's face froze, and what he said seemed to be a bit of a slap in the face.

He begged sadly: "Well, what's the matter with this, this storage bag is just something for friends to play for fun, I, I will pay you the spirit stones, friends, please."

The onlookers were all moved by the sincerity and desolation of the young man, and they all helped to persuade him.

Ying Hui was shocked, and asked: "With the transfer you just said, do you want to prostitute for nothing? Are you begging or robbing?
In broad daylight, opening one's mouth asks for a storage bag worth a hundred spirit stones.

Your empty teeth are worth a few words, right? "

Everyone's face froze.

One hundred spirit stones, especially for a few young children, is not a small amount, who would be willing to give it to others for nothing.

"No, that's not what I mean. I use spirit stones. I use spirit stones to buy them from fellow daoists. Is that okay?"

"It's not impossible, how many spirit stones do you have?"

The young boy looked at Yinghui Xiji's eyes and made a one-word comparison.

Ying Hui rolled his eyes: "Are you kidding me?"

Turning around, I didn't want to talk to him, and continued to pick another storage bag.

The young man was in a hurry, and said: "Didn't you just spend a hundred spirit stones to buy it? If you resell it to me, you won't suffer a loss.

Fellow Daoist, my cousin is just an ordinary casual cultivator. She can't open any good things in her storage bag. If you don't sell them to me, you will lose money. "

Yinghui Lezi was also amused. Seeing the young man's indomitable appearance, he stopped what he was doing and asked, "How old is your cousin? What is your cultivation level?"

The young man paused obviously, and then his eyes flickered for a moment, and then he said immediately: "My cousin is nineteen years old, and she is at the fifth level of Qi refining."

(End of this chapter)

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