This fairy has some tea

Chapter 70 Debate

Chapter 70 Debate

"How tall, what's your full name? What color clothes do you like, what qualifications?"

The young man's forehead was forced to sweat by the barrage of questions.

"Who else is there in your cousin's house? Why didn't your parents and elders come and let you come as a child?"

"My cousin is six feet tall, her full name is Liu Sang, she likes to wear white clothes, she has two earth roots and three earth roots.

My aunt's family was out of town, and before I could come here, I knew the place, so I ran over to guard it first, lest my cousin's belongings be bought, who knows, it was still a step late. "

As he spoke, his eyes were sad, and people couldn't help feeling pity in his heart.

Ying Hui curled his lips into a smile, the young man felt his heart skip a beat but couldn't figure out what was wrong with what he said just now, so he straightened his back hard and cheered himself up.

"It seems that you do know the owner of the storage bag."

"Of course, Fellow Daoist, I didn't lie."

The young man thought to himself, he must have thought too much just now.

"However, I still have some doubts."

Ying Hui looked at the young man's eyes as if facing a formidable enemy, revealing a mocking expression.

"You said that your cousin is nineteen years old, and she is a cousin and brother, and lives far away. How can you know so much about your cousin's height and preferences?"

"I, I, of course it was my aunt who mentioned it to me."

Ying Hui shook his head, "But I think you are talking nonsense."

"Don't spout blood."

The young man was obviously a little excited, and the onlookers were choked by Ying Hui several times, and they didn't dare to interrupt at will, but they all stared at her with the same hatred.

How could he bully a young man who lost his family like this!
"There is a word mulberry on the storage bag, so the owner's name has the word mulberry. The storage bag is white, and the owner likes plain clothes. The height of six feet is the average height of most adult female cultivators. What goes wrong.

There is still earth and wood aura left on the storage bag, so it’s okay to say that it’s earth and wood dual spiritual roots, but..."

Ying Hui lengthened the ending, and seeing the boy's increasingly ugly expression, said: "But the owner of this storage bag is definitely above the Foundation Establishment level!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar, and they all looked eagerly at the storage bag.

"My cousin is indeed at the fifth level of Qi Refining."

"Then this storage bag cannot belong to your cousin!"

"What evidence do you have that this storage bag belongs to a Foundation Establishment cultivator?"

The boy is still holding on.

Ying Hui didn't answer him, but instead said: "Then if I really prove that this storage bag belongs to the Foundation Establishment cultivator, are you going to say again that my cousin is indeed a Foundation Establishment cultivator, and she lied because she was afraid that I would be greedy for the things in the ink?" of?"

Teenager: My mind has been guessed by others, what should I do?Waiting online, very urgent.

"You do know the owner of the storage bag, right? It's just like I said, because you were afraid that I wouldn't let it go, so you deliberately called the owner a worthless casual cultivator."

Instead of continuing to press, Ying Hui affirmed his relationship with the owner of the storage bag, but the young boy didn't dare to really relax, his body tensed as if he was facing an enemy.

Some stubbornly asked: "How do you know that this storage bag belongs to a foundation-building cultivator? The consciousness of recognizing the Lord should have almost dissipated, and it is not much stronger than the spiritual consciousness of a Qi-refining cultivator."

"Because this storage bag has the scent of the volcanic flower.

The smell of this flower is very light, but it lasts for a long time. It is a commonly used auxiliary medicine for refining the elixir of the foundation building period. "

Ying Xun and the others often make alchemy on the spaceship, and she is really familiar with this taste.

"Maybe my cousin likes the smell of this flower, so she specially found incense?"

Ying Hui shook his head, "No, your cousin doesn't like it, your cousin likes mosang flowers."


"Okay, don't you say that your cousin is a foundation cultivator?"

The eagerness on Ying Hui's face was too obvious, the young man was silent, knowing that he could not get the storage bag, he looked at the storage bag with regret, turned around and disappeared into the crowd without hesitation.

Everyone was in an uproar, staring at Yinghui with burning eyes.

That's the storage bag of an alchemist in the Foundation Establishment period, it's definitely bloody money.

Even the stall owner is heartbroken, but he also knows that it has nothing to do with him since the item has been sold, and he rolled his eyes, and immediately shouted: "Have the blind storage box of the foundation alchemist. Two hundred spirit stones each!"

Sit down and raise prices.

The onlookers poohed a few times inwardly, the stall owner was shameless, but they couldn't help but think, what if there are other storage bags in the same place as the one Ying Hui got?

Isn't that blood money?
Therefore, they cursed profiteers, but were honest in body, and handed over spirit stones one after another, fearing that one step later, the blind storage box would be gone.

Ying Hui hurriedly picked up another storage bag, and then withdrew from the crowd.

"Ahui, tell me, why did that person do that just now? Since he knew that the storage bag belonged to the Foundation Establishment cultivator, why didn't he just buy it, instead, he came to pester you after you bought it?"

"Why else? There is no spirit stone. He must have met the owner of the storage bag. After discovering the storage bag at the stall owner, he hurried home to raise spirit stones."

"Then why didn't he find someone to watch it for him, or tell the stall owner to keep the storage bag for him?"

Ying Hui found that Chunyu Zhaomin was a little too naive, no wonder she was bullied by her worthless brother.

"No profiteering, no business, if he really insists on letting the stall owner keep it for him, you guess, the stall owner will stop selling it immediately, keep it for himself and open it, and there will be no loss left or right.

As for looking for someone to watch, the things are not his, the stall owner has the right to sell them, and others have the right to buy them. The more people look at them, the faster the things will sell. "

Chunyu Zhaomin suddenly realized, and became more and more admired for this little girl who was several years younger than him.

Both of them were a little curious about the two blind storage boxes that Ying Hui got, and they were not in the mood to continue shopping. They found a restaurant and asked for a box, and Ying Hui began to open the seal, erasing the original brand of spiritual consciousness. .

Because the master is dead, the spiritual sense is the rootless source, and after an unknown amount of time, the spiritual sense has been consumed a lot. Before the food in the restaurant comes, Yinghui has already opened the storage bag.

The moment he opened the storage bag, Ying Hui was almost blinded.

I saw that in the storage bag, half of the bag was full of spirit stones, there were tens of thousands of them, and the other half of the bag was filled with various pills, talismans, formation plates, magic tools, jade slips, etc.

This storage bag is by no means something that ordinary casual cultivators can have.

No wonder the boy was so eager.

Ying Hui knocked on the table, it would be fine if the young man was alone, but if there were other people behind him, maybe he would make trouble for them.

Although Peilan was with him and Chunyu Zhaomin was with him, the money was touching, and no one could say whether it would cause any trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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