Chapter 73

"Of course it's not the property of Chuxi City. It was founded by an ancestor of my Chunyu family to attract monks from all over the world to give lectures, and to eliminate the bad habit of monks who cherish their own brooms."

Ying Hui shook his head, this ancestor of Chunyu's family was really naive, he didn't need outsiders, his Chunyu's family would spray him to death.

The law is not passed on lightly, and the practice is the foundation of a family, so how could it be spread all over the world.

That is the source of extinction.

Sure enough, Chunyu Zhaomin continued: "Although the ancestor failed, the reputation of Guangyue Tower is still well-known, but many people discuss the Tao again in order to become famous. Throughout the ages, many monks have benefited from this, breaking through the bottleneck, and from now on. On the other hand, the ancestor has fulfilled his wish."

Yinghui didn't have as many emotions as Chunyu Zhaomin, and he just thought it's no wonder that the ancestor of Chunyu's family was not directly beaten to death. It seems that his mind is not really confused.

As for whether the purpose of building Guangyue Tower is really ideal, or a means of propaganda, it is not known.

Guangyue Tower is not where anyone wants to go. It all depends on the level of cultivation. Little monks in the Qi refining period can climb up to the fourth floor.

The first floor is the lobby, which is the place where the little Qi-refining monks stay. There are many monks who have completed the Qi-refining practice here to discuss the Tao, trying to attract which big boss from the Guangyue Tower to pass by and become a blockbuster. After being valued, a certain Have a bright future.

The second to fourth floors are mainly foundation-building monks.

It's not impossible for a Qi refining monk to come up, but as long as he goes upstairs, he needs to order at least a pot of tea, otherwise he will be invited downstairs by the servant, leaving embarrassment in vain.

The tea above the second floor cannot be afforded by ordinary qi refining monks, so most of them are kept on the first floor.

The two of Yinghui mainly watched the excitement. Although Chunyu Zhaomin was shy in his pocket, he was still the direct descendant of a top-notch family. Elder Jindan would also give them lectures from time to time. Maybe you can see these arguments about Ye Luzi's background.

Although Yinghui hasn't returned to Ying's family yet, she naturally knows the difference. Even in the Langhuan world, she is about to enter the top sect of Taiwei Xianzong. If she has questions about cultivation, she can't ask for advice. .

But there is no need to spend a lot of money to watch the fun, no matter how rich you are, you don't spend it like this.

Therefore, the two directly found a corner on the first floor, ordered tea and snacks, and looked at the friar talking on the stage, sometimes they were touched by the friar's ingenuity.

For example, the person on stage is not talking about the method of cultivation at this time, but the way of alchemy that is very suitable for the situation.

The Dou Dan Conference will be held soon, so it can be regarded as keeping up with the trend.

The way of alchemy that this person talked about is not the same as the ordinary fire method of alchemy, but the method of water training, which is based on water, so that the spiritual materials are scattered and gathered in the water, and when the spiritual materials are scattered, The impurity monomers are dissociated, and this opportunity is used to wash out the impurities of the spiritual materials, and then recondense the spiritual materials to achieve the purification of the spiritual materials. Finally, using water as a medium, all the spiritual materials are fused and condensed into pills.

Compared with the fire method of alchemy, this method has its own disadvantages. For example, the alchemy takes a long time and the alchemy is slower. But it also has many advantages. For example, this method is gentle and not easy to make mistakes. Even if any step is wrong, it is not like the fire method. Alchemy is general, once it is directly destroyed, the spiritual material can be extracted and made into spiritual liquid, and even after the steps are corrected, the alchemy can be resumed.

There are also many elixir with mutually restraining properties. After being neutralized by a water medium, they can be stably fused and increase the chance of becoming a pill.

It's the gospel for those who don't have fire roots and want to make alchemy.

Yinghui has all water and fire spiritual roots, so he is naturally interested in this method of water training, and naturally listens very seriously.

Until a familiar figure flashed in front of her.

That person was none other than the ordinary boy who tried to trick her into storing the blind box yesterday, exposing Ying Hui, who originally wanted to make a fortune silently, and got another windfall.

Naturally, the boy didn't buy the spiritual tea here and come here for entertainment.

He was dressed as a waiter, refilling the tea for the guests from time to time, and serving a plate of snacks. He seemed to be working very seriously, but his eyes fell on the stage from time to time. Obviously, he was using two things at once, eavesdropping on the people on the stage. sermon.

Ying Hui touched Chunyu Zhaomin's arm and motioned him to look at the man.

Chunyu Zhaomin was a little surprised, "Haven't all the relevant people who caused trouble yesterday been cleaned up? How is he doing well?"

Chunyu Zhaomin thought that Ying Hui was dissatisfied with Chunyu's family's efficiency in handling affairs, and if he was a little embarrassed, he would play the sound transmission talisman and notify Chunyu and Qianyang to deal with it quickly.

Ying Hui is not so serious, she moved from place to place, and seeing that the glory and wealth she got is about to fly away, she can't help but want to fight. Although the young man wants to touch her, he is not guilty of death , there is no need to drive people to death.

It's just that this young man's luck is really bad. Seeing that the blind storage box in his hand was cut off by him, he didn't know how to escape the responsibility of Chunyu's family, but when he turned around, he was bumped into by himself, the righteous master.

Ying Hui pondered for a while, and he couldn't be entirely blamed for his bad luck. Chuxi City is only so big, and there are limited places to play.

Perhaps it was because Ying Hui's gaze was so hot that the young man felt something in his heart. The young man suddenly turned around and saw Ying Hui staring at him straightly.

Seeing the two of them suddenly, the young man was so frightened that the teapot almost fell to the ground.

Seeing that I have such a great deterrent power, I can't help feeling that it feels good to pretend to be a tiger.

The boy made a bow with the teapot in his arms, then took the teapot to the back kitchen, changed his clothes after a while, and came to their table.

"Little Chang Hong, please greet the two fairies. I offended you so much yesterday, and I haven't confessed to the fairies. If the fairies forgive me."

The young man didn't care that Yinghui was lower than his own age, so he was very embarrassed, bowing and apologizing.

If you don't hit the smiling person with your hand, it would seem that the two of them are stingy if they pursue it.

"Sit down, I don't want to be seen as a monkey."

The movement of the young man has already attracted many people to watch. Ying Hui felt a little annoyed at these sizing eyes.

The boy was very obedient and could wink, and immediately sat down and released a soundproof cover at the same time.

"You are lucky. There was such a big commotion at Chunyu's house yesterday, but you, the perpetrator, were safe and sound, and you can still come out to work today."

Ying Hui glanced at him with a half-smile, wanting to know what the origin of this humble little monk was.

Chang Hong sighed, glanced at Chunyu Zhaomin, and said with a wry smile: "To tell you the truth, people from Chunyu's family did find me yesterday, but although my status is low, I am related to Chunyu's family. Greedy caused trouble for fellow daoist, but he didn't have any thoughts of harming fellow daoist, so for the sake of my relatives, let me be spared once."

 Thanks to Xingyun Lifang for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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