This fairy has some tea

Chapter 74 Chang Hong

Chapter 74 Chang Hong
"I also know that I may be bumped into by fellow Taoists in the Yueguanglou waiter, but my family is poor, and it is not easy for me to find a job, so I have to bite the bullet.

Thinking that the fellow daoist I met yesterday was not a domineering person, even if I met him, as long as I sincerely apologize to the fellow daoist, the fellow daoist will certainly forgive me. "

Chang Hong flatters him casually, but Ying Hui doesn't like that.

"Are you related to Chunyu's family? Who are you related to? As a monk, even if you are poor, you will not be short of food. If you don't go to work for a few days, can you still starve to death? Didn't you think I was young, so you wanted to frame me No?"

"How dare you lie to fellow Taoist, my grandmother was born in a branch of Chunyu's family, and she and Chunyu Qianqian are sisters.

It's just that my grandmother has ordinary qualifications and got married early, but my aunt and grandmother entered the first line because of her extraordinary qualifications.

There is a big difference in age between the two. When my aunt and grandmother were born, my grandmother was already married, so although they are biological sisters, their relationship is not deep.

But after all, blood is thicker than water, so it still takes care of us.

This time I caused trouble, and my grandmother went to ask Chunyu's family specifically, but Chunyu's family didn't pursue it for the sake of my aunt and grandmother. "

Ying Hui laughed and said: "No wonder you dare to come out in this wind, you are not afraid of being bumped into by me."

Chang Hong heard Ying Hui's yin and yang strangeness, and quickly explained: "Fellow Daoist, please don't misunderstand me, I am really forced to helplessness, and I am not arrogant."

He sighed and said: "It's just that grandma has a strange disease, and every time she suffers from it, she suffers terribly. Only the flower dew made of Sunflower can relieve it a little.

The family's savings have long been exhausted, so I had to find a job to earn some spirit stones. Grandma's flower dew is indispensable every day. I really have no choice. Originally, I wanted to borrow some spirit stones to save the storage. Buying the blind box can also relieve a bit, who wants to..."

He said with a wry smile, "Who wants to be unlucky, not earn money, and owe a large amount of interest on the usury loan."

It is really sad for those who hear it, and tears for those who see it.

If this is a young lady from a pure family, pure and not short of money, I am afraid that she will directly take out Lingshi to pay off the debt for him, and she may feel guilty for stealing her opportunity.

What kind of person is Yinghui? She struggles at the bottom, her sympathy is really limited, and she can be soft-hearted to those who are good to herself. She is not so overflowing with those who want to deceive her.

Therefore, she didn't answer his words at all, and only looked up at Chunyu Zhaomin, and Chunyu Zhaomin nodded. It seemed that Chunyu's family did have such relatives.

"I didn't expect that it would be so difficult for you, you are very filial, and you are the nephew of senior Chunyu Qianqian, so let's forget about our little grievances."

Chunyu Zhaomin was still feeling sorry for Chang Hong's misery, but when she heard Yinghui's words, she suddenly realized that Yinghui was the victim, she was the one who was hit, missed treasure, and almost got sacked. How can you sympathize with a person who harms others!
Feeling ashamed and grateful for Yinghui's generosity.

After all, it is her own relatives, Chunyu Qianqian has already formed alchemy, even if her nephews and grandchildren are not close, it is not good to be too harsh, but Yinghui has to appease her, and there will be another tug-of-war, otherwise there will be trouble If Chunyu's family and Ying's family are unhappy, she has a great responsibility.

Ying Hui was willing to suffer a little grievance, so he let it go, he was really kind-hearted, maybe it was because he was afraid of embarrassing himself, thinking of these, he became more and more moved.

Ying Hui didn't know Chunyu Zhaomin's mental journey, she only knew that since they were relatives, even if she was unwilling to forgive her, she would not get much advantage for such a small grievance. narrow reputation.

This reputation doesn't matter at all, but she is still on the ground, so there is really no need to make such troubles for petty gains.

Otherwise, Chunyu's family really intends to punish her, and there will be opportunities for her to suffer.

After all, she has no strength now.

"You have such an aunt, how can you live in such a pitiful way? Can senior Qianqian not be able to cope with your grandmother's disease?"

This time, without Chang Hong's answer, Zhaomin gave the answer first.

"Aunt Qianqian has been in seclusion for a year. I think his grandmother's illness is new recently."

Chang Hong smiled wryly again: "Aunt Zhaomin is right, my grandmother's illness happened not long after my aunt and grandmother retreated. The retreat is different from others. It is not easy to disturb, so we can only rely on ourselves.

Over the years, I have invited doctors to repair, bought the Sunshine Flowers, here and there, I have spent all my money, but my illnesses have become less and less. , I don’t have a fire spirit root, and all the friends in the building know what I’m thinking. They heard that someone taught the method of water training today, so they quickly informed me. This is also one of the reasons why I took the risk to come here today. "

As he said that, he smiled and said to Yinghui: "Fortunately, fellow Taoist is kind-hearted and won't pursue my fault anymore. Otherwise, Chunyu's family might not be able to let me go as easily as before."

Thousands of wears and thousands of wears, flattery does not wear, young people know this well.

The water training method was almost over when Ying Hui first discovered Chang Hong. At this time, another diehard fire training method had already been replaced, and he preached the absolute advantage of the fire training method.

"Then after listening to this water training method, what do you know about refining flower dew?"

Chang Hong shook her head helplessly, "Although what the senior said is ingenious, the few examples he gave are far from those of Shimmering Sunflower, so the reference value is not great. There is no specific refining method, just try it yourself. It's not impossible, it just needs a lot of Sunflowers, if I have so many Sunflowers, I don't have to worry about it."

"Sparkling Sunflower is a fire-attribute spiritual flower. Instead of pursuing the method of water training, you might as well try fire training. It will be easier on the contrary."

"I know that too, but I don't have a fire spirit root, and I have no clue about the method of fire refinement."

"The method of water training just now, if I remember correctly, the senior gave two examples, right? One is the condensed essence of Frost White Grass, and the other is the complete refining method of Qingjin Dan.

Green Gold Pill is refined from two kinds of spirits, wood-type green acorn and metal-type quenching stone. Because gold overcomes wood, when using fire refining method to refine Green Gold Pill, it is often necessary to add water-type spirit grass to neutralize it. , so the refined green gold pill must be impure, at most it can only be a middle-grade pill.

But if you use the method of water training, according to that senior, once you succeed, you can almost get top-grade pills at your fingertips. "

Chang Hong listened to Ying Hui's narration, her eyes became brighter and brighter, and she murmured unconsciously: "A five-year-old green acorn needs two spirit stones, and two quenching stones only needs three." Spiritual stones, one green acorn and one quenching stone can produce a furnace of green gold pills, even middle-grade ones can be sold for two spirit stones, and that furnace of pills is worth twenty spirit stones."

 Thank you for being calm and impulsive is the devil's reward, and thank you Xingyun Lifang for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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