Chapter 78
Ying Hui understood, although she didn't feel that Xianghuai's identity was anything to be despised, but she couldn't stand their cheap smiles.

"Although my Nineteenth Aunt is not as good as Miss Xianghuai in appearance, I have not lost in cultivation, and I don't know why some young people are ugly, and their cultivation is not as good as others.

If it were me, I would be ashamed and hide at home, study hard and practice hard, so as not to be ashamed of myself. "

Speaking of this, he said as if suddenly enlightened, "Some people won't say that although I am ugly and my cultivation is poor, I can make alchemy, right?

Zhaomin, those who come to the alchemy conference seem to be able to make alchemy, right? "

"I don't know how to make alchemy, so why do you come to the alchemy conference? It's not because you're full."

Zhaomin's brain was brightened, she didn't care if she would offend others, let alone a few children bickering, even if they fought, they would not be able to rise to the height of the family.

Having been told repeatedly that she was ugly, Shao Qingyuan finally lost her mind.

"It doesn't matter how good-looking she is, no matter how good-looking she is, she's just a whore who can do her best."

Ying Hui finally got angry, accusing Sang and scolding Huai, it's really hateful.

He sneered and said, "It's better than someone being ugly and posting it upside down and nobody else."

"Pfft, hahaha..."

Suddenly, a series of charming laughter resembling the tinkle of a clear spring resounded. It was clearly Qingyue's laughter, but it seemed to have magical powers, making people's hearts tickle unbearably.

Ying Hui looked back, and saw a woman with a beautiful face and a graceful figure standing not far behind her. When she found her, there was a faint fragrance from the tip of her nose, which was faintly visible, making people want to get closer Taste carefully.

"She is Miss Xianghuai."

Zhaomin's faint sound transmission reached her ears, and Yinghui was startled. At first, she was a little guilty and quarreled with others for no reason, and then she thought about what she was afraid of because she didn't fire the map cannon randomly.

She raised her eyes and glanced at the pale-faced Shao family sisters, and saw that Miss Xianghuai didn't look at the two of them, and only greeted them from afar.

Ying Hui followed Xianghuai's gaze, and saw a young male cultivator standing tall like a bright moon and a breeze.

After receiving Xianghuai's gaze, he was already in front of everyone.

"This is my thirteenth uncle..."

Zhao Min's little clever ghost secretly reminded again.

It's really a Shura field.

The faces of the Shao family sisters became even paler, and they had long since lost their previous arrogance. Looking at Chunyu Qianxing, they were both bewildered and uneasy.

As expected of sisters, not only do they like the same person, but even their facial expressions are similar. Fortunately, Chunyu Qianxing doesn't like their style, or else the two of them would have to serve one husband together?
Otherwise, they will have to turn against each other, which is not a good thing. Thinking about it this way, Chunyu Qianxing is really a good person.

It's a pity that the Shao sisters' eyebrows were thrown to the blind man.

Chunyu Qianxing fell in front of the crowd, and walked to Miss Xianghuai without looking sideways, took her slender hand, gently rubbed it into his arms, and asked softly, "Why didn't you tell me in advance when you came here? I'll go pick you up."

Miss Xianghuai let him hold hands, and said softly, "It's not that you don't know the way. I thought you were going to compete on stage, and it wouldn't be beautiful if you were delayed. It was also interesting to hear a few children arguing."

Only then did Chunyu Qianxing cast his eyes on others.

"Hello Thirteenth Uncle."

Zhao Min received the baptism of the gaze, and hurried forward to say hello.

"Whose family does this little girl belong to? But the little girl from the Ying family that has been rumored in the city recently?"

Miss Xianghuai smiled and nodded to Yinghui, and asked Chunyu Qianxing next to her.

Although Chunyu Qianxing had never met Yinghui, he knew Zhaomin's mission, so he nodded and said "Yes".

"It looks like a smart person. I didn't prepare anything when we met for the first time. This is the incense I made myself. You two little girls can play with it. Don't dislike my crude thing."

This person, Yinghui, likes gifts the most. The things made by the monks who established the foundation with their own hands can't be worse.

What's more, the fragrance on her body, she didn't know when someone was standing behind her, but she had such a keen sense of smell, she just smelled it after seeing someone.

If you think about it, it's not ordinary.

He Zhaomin and Zhaomin were delighted to receive the gift, and Yinghui hurriedly expressed his thanks: "Thank you, Senior Xianghuai, for your generosity."

"You child, others only call me girl, but you are the first one to call me senior, yes, you can't be a senior for nothing, here is a sachet, which I embroidered by myself, let's play with it together .”

The sachet was slender and exquisite, not as big as Yinghui's palm, and it didn't smell anything, but there was a faint flash of spiritual light, which was clearly a magic weapon.

Ying Hui never thought that his mouth was so valuable, if he knew it, he should yell more to make people happy.

After a few words of amusement with Yinghui, Miss Xianghuai had to follow Chunyu Qianxing away.

From the beginning to the end, neither Miss Xianghuai nor Chunyu Qianxing seemed to have seen the two Shao sisters.

Complete indifference is even more embarrassing than a few quarrels with the two.

The Shao family sisters looked at the two people who had gone away, they had long lost their fighting power and lost their souls.

A soldier who surrenders without fighting is much more lethal than his own sword.

But at this time, the competition had come to an end, on the lotus platform, the pill bottle in Ying's hand opened wide, and ten round pills fell into the bottle one by one.


After the elixir was judged and approved, the leisurely bell finally rang again.

The game time has just ended.

Americium Ying successfully advanced, jumped off the lotus platform, held Yinghui's little hand, and asked, "I saw you quarreling with someone just now on the stage, did you win?"

Win Hui: ...

The Shao sisters had long since lost the intention of arguing.

They had no grievances with Americium Ying, and when they saw a group of male cultivators surrounded by the lotus platform and two little girls showing off, they felt a little angry, especially since Americium Ying looks bright and majestic, isn't that what Chunyu Qianxing described Is it your favorite type? Then he made a mockery.

Who knew that Chunyu Qianxing had long been Miss Xianghuai's guest of honor, and Miss Xianghuai was not even a flamboyant one at all.

The two of them were outrageously jealous, they were so ashamed a long time ago, seeing that Ying Americium's alchemy was over, no one paid attention to them, so they slipped away with oil on the soles of their feet.

It was also fortunate that they had slipped away early, otherwise they would have been very angry when they heard Ying Bing's questioning in such a protective way.

Ying Hui replied very proudly: "Win!"

Ying Hui slapped Yinghui on the back, "Good job."

Ying Hui's cultivation level is high, and his hand strength is even stronger, so he slapped Ying Hui's small body directly on the ground with a slap.

Then without asking why, he walked away triumphantly.

Ying Hui hesitated over and over again between whether he should touch porcelain or whether he should pay a sum of medical expenses.

(End of this chapter)

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