This fairy has some tea

Chapter 79 Little Teacher

Chapter 79 Little Teacher
Think about it, after all, it's my own family, so forget it.

Seeing that Zhaomin still couldn't recover, Ying Hui nudged the other party with his elbow, and seeing the other party recovered, he asked, "Didn't you say that your thirteenth uncle likes glamorous types, this Xianghuai?" The girl is obviously not this type, so let my nineteenth aunt lie down with the gun for nothing."

How wronged Zhao Min was, she was just hearing the story, a messenger, how could the grievances and resentments of the elders be so clear.

"However, it's not like being shot in vain. Otherwise, why would you prostitute so many good things for nothing?"

Ying Hui didn't wait for her to explain at all, and said happily.

Zhaomin: Is your aunt-nephew relationship really that fragile?

Taking out the packet of incense she got, Zhaomin thought intoxicatedly, it is indeed a rare and good thing.

Afterwards, the two watched a few more matches, but Ying Yu, who played later, did not go so smoothly.

The elixir refined in each competition is different, but in Ying Yu's competition, the elixir produced was a little out of the ordinary. He had never refined it before. Based on the materials, he roughly deduced the method of alchemy, but failed without exception.

Although it was mainly due to luck, in order to prevent the other three from falling into the sand in the preliminary competition the next day, all the participants did not dare to slack off any longer. They went to the lotus platform to observe the alchemy techniques of the favorites to win the championship.

It was only after the game that Ying Hui had time to look at the stalls next to the arena.

Only then did they notice that the vestments of unique materials were placed on these stalls.

The cassocks are thin and insignificant, and they are all made of twined lotus silk. There is a faint lotus fragrance floating from the inside to the outside. Each piece is either delicate or pure, making people fall in love at first sight and unforgettable when they see each other again.

Make lotus for clothes, collect hibiscus for clothes.

Ying Hui felt itchy for a while, and thought that when he went back, whether it was a gift, or buying and selling, even if he wore it himself, it was also very good, so he immediately bought five sets.

It's a pity, as soon as the money is spent, she regrets it. These five sets of lotus robes cost her a total of two hundred spirit stones.

If it weren't for Jiangbei Ying's family's face, and the Ying family behind him staring at him, Ying Hui would have run away long ago.

As a result, she went back to the city lord's mansion after being bankrupt, and when she gathered in the flower hall, she was still not in a good mood.

It's a pity that no one understood her pain. Ying Xun roughly predicted the pills that might be tested tomorrow, and everyone began to discuss the refining techniques and precautions for each pill.

They were all pills from the foundation-building period. Ying Hui had never touched them before, but she didn't understand them, so she tried her best to write them down.

These are all experiences, even if they are not as good as those in the Langhuan world, but there are also many references.

In particular, there are many different types of elixir on both sides, which can broaden one's horizons.

Ying Xun saw that she remembered seriously, so she took it over and looked at it. Although most of it was just a simple record, occasionally there would be a little bit of personal experience, with a unique angle and very detailed, so she copied it for five minutes , Everyone has a copy, let everyone review it before the game, and those who don't have a game can also follow along.

When the things she recorded were recognized, Yinghui worked even harder. She had a flash of inspiration, and when she competed the next day, she didn't have time to watch her family's competition, so she went to the lotus platform of those popular players with Zhaomin. Gather together, and record everyone's refining techniques and unique little skills one after another.

At the end of the day, it can be regarded as a lot of harvest.

It wasn't until the preliminary round was over that she followed the crowd back to the City Lord's Mansion, and learned that among the three today, Ying Xiao also failed the preliminary round.

Ying Xiao has just established the foundation not long ago, even a year later than Ying Rong who is two years younger than him.

Therefore, the elixir in the foundation building stage has just started to learn how to refine it. This time, I came here mainly to increase my knowledge. Although I lost in the preliminary round, it was expected and not sad.

Starting tomorrow, it will be the highlight of the contest. Three of the nine lotus platforms will be combined into one, and there will be one lotus platform for every three people. The competition will no longer be limited by time, but will begin to compete for quality.

On each lotus platform, only those who refine the highest quality pills can advance.

Ying Hui handed over the notes he took today to Ying Xun.

It also secretly mixed in some skills she learned from the alchemy essence, and I don't know if it can play any role. After all, the alchemy essence is the alchemy skill of the qi refining period, and the small skills she saw are also It's just a shape, and I don't know what the spiritual power changes inside are like.

It's just that her ability is limited, and there is only so much she can do.

Ying Xun recognized her approach very much, passed it on to everyone, discussed many of the records, and praised Ying Hui's extraordinary talent.

Let Yinghui be full of energy.

Unfortunately, in the knockout round on the third day, Ying Jia was eliminated again by one person, Ying Rong who had the best relationship with Yinghui.

But as a new-generation player, he didn't particularly care about the existence of soy sauce.

In previous years, it would be good if one person advanced to the knockout rounds of the Ying family. This year, Ying Xun and Ying Americ all passed the test one after another, which is already very rare.

On the fourth day, it was the semi-finals.

The three large lotus platforms merged again to form a super large lotus platform, standing in the middle of the square.

The format of the game changed again.

In the semi-finals on the fourth day, among the top ten contested yesterday, the top four will be compared.

This time, the comparison is not about Cheng Dan's quality.

It's more about turning waste into treasure.

If we talk about turning waste into treasure, how can the Yaoze Realm be the opponent of the Langhuan Realm?

Knowing today's theme, Teacher Yinghui went online immediately. Taking the elixir during the Qi refining period as an example, he systematically gave a vivid lesson on turning waste into treasure for the two people who are going to compete tomorrow.

Although foundation building pills and Qi refining period pills are very different, there are always many of the same type, such as Peiling pill and Peiyuan pill, the refining methods are similar, and the principle of how to find replacement medicinal materials is basically the same.

Therefore, for the two of them, this class is really like sleepiness meets pillows, and rain meets rain after a long drought.

On the high lotus platform, ten people walked to the middle one after another. There, Chunyu Yanliu, the Jindan Daoist of Chunyu's family, was holding ten floating storage bags in his hands.

Those ten storage bags looked exactly the same, and no one knew what was inside.

In order to show fairness, after everyone had chosen their favorite storage bags, the three members of Chunyu's family stepped forward one by one, and each took a storage bag.

In the top ten this time, three members of the Chunyu family came out on top, two from the Shao family from Dongwu, and only one member from the He family from Xisha. However, two of the Ying family from Jiangbei, which had been at the bottom before, both entered the top ten, changing the previous decline.

(End of this chapter)

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