This fairy has some tea

Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 4

Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter [-]

There are two people left, one is from a second-class rich family, and it is very difficult to break through the encirclement and become the top ten. As for the last one, he is a casual cultivator.

However, it is said that he studied under a master hermit, so it is not so unusual to be able to enter the top ten.

In the storage bag everyone got was a complete set of alchemy materials.

Everyone's different.

As for what kind of elixir can be refined, it depends on the monk's personal thinking and ability.

The ingredients that Americium Ying got seemed to be the ingredients of Peiyuan Pill. She was overjoyed, and after careful inspection, she found that the main ingredient was missing.

There are also a few auxiliary medicines, either the age is not enough, or materials with similar properties are used instead.

The most important thing is that there is no glazed water that is necessary for the last step of closing the alchemy, and it has become rootless water instead.

Americium Ying frowned, momentarily at a loss for clues.

Fortunately, there is no time limit for this semi-final, and there are not a few people like her who are thinking hard.

Americium Ying pondered for a while, then suddenly remembered what Yinghui said yesterday.

The liquid used in Hedan can best reflect the nature of the elixir.

Healing pills with honey and water are basically healing pills, and pills made with stone milk are all soul-like pills, with few exceptions.

The glazed water used to refine Peiyuan Dan is open to all rivers and rivers. It has a thick texture and has a good buffering and reconciling effect, while the rootless water is rootless and dust-free. The key is a clear word, which is generally used to refine the essence It is impossible to use it to refine Peiyuan Dan.

This kind of summary has not been done by anyone in the Yaoze world, and no one has paid special attention to it. Therefore, it immediately attracted several people to discuss it.

They are all amazed.

Therefore, this is not the material for refining Peiyuan Pill at all, but...

Plastic Qingdan!
It is a plastic clearing pill that removes impurities from the body.

Americium Ying suddenly realized that most of the ingredients of this Suqing Pill are similar to those of Peiyuan Pill, except that the main medicine of Suqing Pill happens to have a few flavors that are auxiliary medicines of Peiyuan Pill, and one of them happens to be Niantou Pill. The one that is not enough, the people of Chunyu's family are too good at playing traps.

Even knowing what the elixir is, it is still difficult.

After Americium Ying checked the materials again and again, he was sure that this was undoubtedly the material for Suqing Dan, so he arranged all the materials in order, took out his own pill furnace, and prepared to open the furnace for alchemy.

At this time, most people are still thinking hard about the topic.

Some people caught a glimpse of Americium Ying starting alchemy, some were anxious, some were disdainful, thinking that she didn't even see the trap of the title.

I don't blame other people for having this idea, it's really that the Ying family is not good at it.

However, Americium Ying ignored all kinds of malicious gazes, without the usual recklessness and rough lines, and proceeded step by step in an orderly manner.

As for the others, one after another, they also started their own refining.

Until Ying's alchemy furnace, the alchemy was floating.

Although the people on the stage were all concentrating on refining alchemy, some of them still had energy left. When they glanced around, they saw that americium Ying had already opened the furnace to collect the alchemy.

It worked!
The shock at that moment caused Hao Xuan to blow up his alchemy furnace.

Americium Ying is unaware of the impact he has on others.

As soon as the alchemy furnace was turned on, five mid-grade Suqing pills were in hand.

Holding the alchemy bottle in her hand, Americium Ying felt a little regretful that she still couldn't produce a whole batch of pills.

The medicinal materials were not old enough, so she could only choose to sacrifice the quantity for the sake of quality.

When she handed the alchemy bottle to Chunyu Yanliu, she could even feel the surprise that this Jindan real person couldn't suppress.

They should be home, and today they can be considered proud.

When everyone finished refining, except for the two bombers, one who produced a pinch of ashes, and one who just reached the step of purifying the liquid medicine and couldn't go on.

There are only six people who have successfully refined the elixir.

Ying Xun is also among them.

As long as Yingjia is not particularly unlucky, they can always occupy a place in the top four.

Chunyu Yanliu floated the pills of six people in his hands at once and showed them to everyone.

Among them, the two of Chunyu's family directly entered the semi-finals because they refined top-grade pills.

And among the remaining top four spots, Ying Xun's ten pills of middle-grade pills undoubtedly occupied one.

The last remaining spot was taken by the Shao family.

The opponent also refined five middle-grade pills, but they also produced half a low-grade pill, and won the game with a slight advantage.

Although it is a bit regrettable, for Ying Jia, there is still more ecstasy.

One of the top six, one of the top four, and even entered the finals, this is something that the previous Ying family could not even imagine.

"Brother Nine, Chunyu's family is holding the Pill Fighting Conference. Chunyu's family is both the judge and the participants. Do you have any objections? Don't you think they are cheating?"

Yinghui has always had this question in his mind, especially among the top four, two of them belong to Chunyu's family, even if their family is a master of alchemy, no one doubts it?

However, no one really doubted it.

Regarding the results of today's competition, even if the Xisha He family did not have a single spot, they did not protest.

At best, it was a little frustrating.

"Because Chunyu's family is really strong!"

Ying Rong was a little envious, but also a little melancholy.

"Chunyu's family has a complete lineage of alchemy, and there are several ancestors who used alchemy to enter the Tao, but their family history is not comparable to ours.

Besides, although Chunyu's family set the questions in the previous competition, there was indeed a possibility of cheating, but in the final finals, the opponents set the questions with each other. Before the final competition started, no one except the contestants knew what the questions were. The possibility of Chunyu's family cheating was completely eliminated, but Chunyu's family still won the championship every time, who would dare to question the authenticity of the championship? "

So it turned out that Yinghui finally understood.

"Then what question does the little uncle plan to ask?"

Ying Hui looked at Ying Xun, but immediately reacted, "I know, I know, the law is not passed on to the ears, and the little uncle doesn't need to satisfy my curiosity, it will be beautiful if you understand the questions."

Ying Xun nodded reservedly, as if she had already made up her mind.

Ying Xun's mind was full of whimsical thoughts, and he didn't know how many times he had a sudden whimsy, thinking of using these topics to embarrass the people of Chunyu's family.

But who knows, he has never even entered the finals.

Now that I suddenly have an opportunity, I feel that those ingenious ideas before were not rigorous enough.

Sleepless nights.

The sky is about to light up before making the final decision, and squeeze out time to run the big cycle, get rid of the exhaustion all over the body, and regain our spirits.

On Nanxi Lake, hundreds of boats compete for the flow.
At the height of Lingyun, the golden wind and green feathers, the lotus blossoms on the stalks, and the dark fragrance floats.

The six people floated to the ground, surrounded Ying Xun and walked to the lotus platform.

Ying Xun patted Ying Hui's little head, moved his footsteps slightly, and he was already on the lotus platform.

Four young heroes gathered together on the lotus platform, their appearances are handsome, they are in full bloom, and they are shining brightly, making everyone envious.

(End of this chapter)

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