This fairy has some tea

Chapter 81 Can't

Chapter 81 Can't
The four lotus seeds in Chunyu Yanliu's hands were shining brightly, floating up and down, and even had a faint sweet fragrance, indistinct.

Ying Xun injected a little bit of spiritual power into a lotus seed, and saw the lotus seed explode with a blue light, converging into a three-character in midair.

And Chunyu Qianxing got a four.

That's right, it was the girl Xianghuai who was the guest of honor.

The two bowed to Chunyu Yanliu, and then flew off the stage.

The two people who got lotus seeds No. [-] and No. [-] on the stage have already sent the questions they prepared to each other.

I saw Chunyu Qianxing standing under the stage, glanced at the lotus pond in the distance, flew up, and slowly landed on an inconspicuous boat on the Bingdi lotus pond by the bank of Nanxi pond.

The gauze curtain of the small boat was slightly raised, and the exquisitely beautiful girl inside it glanced at the stage from time to time, and then continued to grind carefully with the mortar.

A strand of hair mischievously slipped from behind her ear, half-hiding her face, making the scratcher more itchy.

Who is it if it's not Miss Xianghuai.

Chunyu Qianxing sat next to the girl, holding a catkin in his hand, but his gaze was fixed on the lotus platform.

Ying Hui was about to look away, when he saw a sneaky ordinary boy touch his gaze, and avoided it in a panic.

"Huo, good guy, it's a good fate with 45 spirit stones."

Ying Hui thought to himself, but I finally caught you.

She has been busy competing with Ying's family for the past few days, and almost forgot about the 45 spirit stones. She really almost fell into this kid's scheme and became a big fat sheep.

After Chang Hong was discovered, his head shrank suddenly, and he wanted to run immediately. Ying Hui's eyes sharpened, and he made a house shape, and the boy didn't dare to move his legs.

After saying hello to the members of the Ying family, he came to the boy, spread his hands, and said, "Where's my spirit stone?"

Chang Hong opened her mouth several times and closed it again. Finally, she lowered her head as if discouraged, kicked the ground with her toes, and replied in a muffled voice, "I have no money."

Good guy, good guys really don't get rewarded.

Ying Hui frowned, seeing his cowardice, feeling a little aggrieved for him, instead of directly pressing for debts, he seemed concerned and asked, "Qingjindan didn't make any money?"

Chang Hong shook her head: "No, I made it. It was more than I expected. Later, I refined the top-grade pill, and I earned sixty spirit stones in one day. The spirit stones that I owed you have already been collected."

Ying Hui was seductive slowly, and asked softly: "Then, what happened?"

Chang Hong kicked her toes harder, and she replied after a long time: "The day before yesterday, my grandmother's condition suddenly worsened, I went to ask for a doctor, but I ran out of money, and even mortgaged the house and borrowed another sum. "

"So that's the case, but what happened afterwards? What did the doctor say." Ying Hui thought to himself that it was not good, that his spirit stone had really become a waste.

"The medical doctor circulated a circle of spiritual energy for my grandmother. Haosheng treated her and prescribed the medicine again. Her condition has stabilized. I continued to make alchemy. I originally thought that the money for the mortgage of the house could wait for a while. , work hard to always be able to collect enough to return your spirit stones before you leave."

"Yeah, but what happened again?"

This time, Chang Hong remained silent for even longer, until, before Ying Hui saw Chang Hong's toes, a drop of clear liquid fell to the ground with a "pop".


"The medical practitioner is a liar at all. He doesn't know how to cure diseases at all. He only used the secret method to stimulate all the vitality in the grandmother's body, and then he returned to the light and made the condition better. When I came together the next day, I found that the grandmother had no vitality."

Chang Hong's voice was as muffled as a frozen pond, and she was so depressed that she couldn't breathe.

"What about the doctor?"

"It's gone..."

There was another silence between the two, before Chang Hong said: "I'm sorry, in order to bury my grandmother, I borrowed some usury again, and I returned all the spirit stones I earned yesterday, because I have to arrange the funeral for my grandmother. There is not much time in the past two days, and there is no time for alchemy, so I really can't get your spirit stone for a while, and the real estate is gone."

Ying Hui no longer expects to get her spirit stone back, and now she regrets coming here to collect debts, because she thinks that the boy came here to find her, and she has a premonition that she is going to be a fat sheep again.

Sure enough, Chang Hong suddenly raised her head and asked full of hope: "Can you..."


"I haven't said yet..."

Chang Hong felt a little wronged.

"You don't need to say anything, you can't do anything."

Ying Hui is not a philanthropist. There are too many unlucky people in this world, and she can't get rid of the world.

What's more, Chang Hong was really unlucky. She was worried that if she got in touch with him too much, she would be unlucky, so she cut the mess quickly and refused all requests.

As for the Lingshi, Fei Yang Yinghui said that she would rather be taken advantage of once.

She turned around and was about to leave without dragging her feet. Chang Hong was anxious, and reached out to grab Ying Hui's hand.

However, at this moment, the heaven and the earth changed, and Ying Hui felt as if time was frozen. She raised her feet slowly, and all the figures on the square suddenly faded away, and the lotus pond slowly opened up. , Yan meets Bi Xiao.

The shoulder-to-shoulder monks disappeared one after another, and Yinghui was about to fall when his feet were empty. The solid land turned into a vast ocean at some point.

At this moment, the frozen time suddenly became normal, and Ying Hui immediately melted into a piece of driftwood, and with a little help from his feet, he jumped onto the small boat not far away.

Chang Hongben was opposite her, and when she saw this, she almost reflexively followed her steps and jumped onto the boat.

This small boat is exactly what Xianghuai and Chunyu Qianxing are riding on.

But at this moment, the two of them did not fade away like the others, they had already left the cabin, stood on the bow of the ship, and looked around.

If it wasn't for the previous meeting, Ying Hui wouldn't dare to board the ship rashly. After all, at this moment, the situation is weird. Shoot to death.

"Senior Xianghuai, Uncle Thirteen."

Ying Hui greeted obediently and cleverly.

Among the aristocratic families, intermarriages and marriages are all related, so there is nothing wrong with calling them this way. Of course, Yinghui at this moment is more for the sake of getting close.

If she expected it to be correct, they should have entered some kind of secret realm. As the landlord, Chunyu Qianxing must have some understanding of this, and since she came in by accident, hugging her thigh was the best choice.

Chunyu Qianxing nodded, "Yes", which was a response, and Xianghuai beside him was a little more enthusiastic: "The little girl came in too? We are destined, this is your little friend?"

As he spoke, he pouted at Chang Hong, who was following him, with an ambiguous tone.

Yinghui is sweating like a waterfall, her dirty eyes look dirty, she is only six years old with her current body, how can she be ambiguous?
(End of this chapter)

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