This fairy has some tea

Chapter 82 How did you come in?

Chapter 82 How did you come in?

"I am his creditor!"

Miss Xianghuai was a little surprised when she heard this, "Aren't you...?"

It seemed that they suddenly realized that the two of them were still children, and their guess was indeed a little outrageous, so Miss Xianghuai hesitated.

"No, if you are not a couple, how did you get here?"

How did you get in, just like that?
As if seeing Yinghui's doubts, Miss Xianghuai explained in detail: "This is the Bingdi Secret Realm, and the entrance is near the Bingdi Lotus Pond, but the opening time of the Bingdi Secret Realm is not fixed.

Therefore, when the secret realm is about to open, people who know it will often come to try their luck.


Miss Xianghuai paused for a moment, then continued: "However, when this parallel secret realm is opened, it will only bring in couples who are within the range of the entrance and who are in the same place.

If you are alone, you cannot enter. "

Ying Hui and Chang Hong couldn't accept being arranged as a couple by the secret realm.

At Chang Hong's age, she does have a vague liking for the opposite sex, but she definitely won't be a little bean like Ying Hui.

As for Yinghui, although she is not young in her heart, she is a face controler!Even if it's a misunderstanding, she still hopes that the other party is a handsome and beautiful boy, not an ordinary little hapless boy.

Both of them seemed to see the disgust in each other's eyes, and silently looked away from each other.

Thinking of the specialness of this secret realm, and not daring to say anything casually, who knows if the secret realm knows that it has chosen the wrong person, what kind of moth will be born?

Xianghuai smiled unkindly when she saw that the two children were having a lawsuit over their foreheads.

The laughter was clear, yet charming, and Chang Hong's little face turned red.

Ying Hui: Alright, now we can act as a heartbroken couple.

"Although the two of you don't know why there is such a misunderstanding, but in the parallel secret realm, don't separate at will."

Ying Hui listened to the advice, nodded repeatedly, climbed up, and asked: "Senior Xianghuai, what's going on with this secret place, and how to get out?"

Ying Hui didn't ask what was in this secret realm. Chunyu Qianxing kissed Xianghuai and me under the watchful eyes of the elders of the family. , but never gave even a warning look.

Explain what, explain that Chunyu Qianxing, including Xianghuai, are all rushing to this secret realm.

Looking at the two of them now, she will start to doubt whether they really love each other.

She is a little guy on the second floor of Qi Refining, who broke in without knowing anything, and wanted to grab the opportunity with him, and asked him how to grab the opportunity, so as not to be kicked off the boat directly, she admired the two of them for their cultivation. .

Hearing Ying Hui winkingly asking how to get out, Miss Xianghuai smiled more sincerely, and said softly: "Just be careful, don't rush around, after a month, when the time is up, it will be as if you just came in, and you will come in naturally." I can go out."

Yinghui dark elbow, one month, find a place to have a nest, and it's okay to wait slowly, if you don't go out by yourself, you won't be abandoned by Ying's family, someone will wait for you and take you back to Jiangbei.

Although it took some time, it's not a big problem.

As for Chang Hong, his face was pale at the moment, and he asked tremblingly: "Ex, senior, you said, this secret realm will take a month?"

Xiang Huai didn't know what he was so afraid of doing, and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, this secret realm is within the sphere of influence of Chunyu's family, and Qian Xing himself is in the secret realm, no one will attack you at will, although you The cultivation base is not high, but as long as you don't intrude, this secret realm is still safe."

"Senior Xianghuai, he's not afraid of danger in the secret realm, he's just worried that he's been in the secret realm for too long."

"Why is this, but what else is urgent?"

Ying Hui looked at Chang Hong with pity. She had told him not to deal with real estate. Now it's over. Not only will the real estate not be redeemed, but the usury loan will probably never be repaid in this lifetime.

Seeing that Chang Hong was so desperate that he couldn't even speak, Ying Hui said sympathetically for him: "Before he came into the secret realm, he had just mortgaged the property and borrowed a usury loan with [-]% interest a day, a revolving usury loan."

Miss Xianghuai also fell into a rare silence.

When others enter the secret realm, it is considered a chance, more or less, there is always something to gain.

But for Chang Hong, who just took out a loan shark, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Even Chunyu Qianxing couldn't help but look sideways.

I have never seen such a miserable person.

Ying Hui also became worried about his own fate, Chang Hong's unlucky fate, wouldn't it be contagious?
It's not unfounded for her, otherwise, how could she have entered some kind of secret realm?

Both Xianghuai and Huai are foundation-builders, and they planned to enter the secret realm for a long time, so obviously they won't be with them all the time.

But he didn't completely ignore it, Chunyu Qianxing made a big deal, gave Yinghui one of his sound transmission talismans, and gave three second-level protection talismans, and even left the small boat for the two of them, which can be said to be very considerate up.

It's not the first time Yinghui has a second-order talisman. There are ten of them in the blind storage box before, and he feels calm.

However, the ten second-level talismans are almost all auxiliary talismans that are not very useful, and there is not a single offensive or defensive talisman.

I saw that the aura on it was restrained, and only when the divine consciousness swept over it would the aura of the runes be aroused on the surface of the talisman.

Baby Yinghui put the three talismans into the stone bead. With these three talismans and Pei Lan by his side, he was at ease.

On the sparkling lake, there were still a few pairs of foundation-building monks, but after such a delay, they had long since disappeared.

So, after the two of them also flew away, there was really only their little black boat left in the world, accompanied by red mandarin ducks and egrets, flying everywhere together, as if they were in a painting.

Chang Hong has gradually eased from the heavy blow, and is still enjoying the beautiful scenery of this parallel secret place in the future, and the situation changes in an instant.

The warm spring breeze is already snowing in the blink of an eye.

The surface of the lake, which is floating with dense water vapor, quickly gathers into ice from far to near.

But in a blink of an eye, the spring scenery of the lake has turned into a cold river and snow.

If it wasn't for Yinghui's quick action to put away the black boat in time, it would have been frozen in the ice.

The temperature plummeted, and the two little Qi Refining Cultivators were immediately unbearably frozen.

Fortunately, Ying Hui has accumulated a lot of money recently, and Ying Rong specially took her to buy a large number of clothes before, so naturally there is no shortage of clothes.

Thick moccasin boots and a fur cloak made of fox fur covered his body with a thick layer, and he barely resisted the sudden severe cold.

Chang Hong was even more miserable. He was the one who had his storage bag taken away. Successive accidents made him poorer and poorer, and he was unable to buy storage bags at all.

(End of this chapter)

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