Chapter 84

Therefore, whether it is the law of opening or the treasures of the secret realm, they have not figured it out.

"By the way, I also heard that a pair of Qi-refining cultivators strayed into the Bingdi Secret Realm last time. Although they came out, the female cultivator lost an arm, and the male cultivator lost a leg."

Ying Hui froze and tried to relax, "How did you break it?"

"It must have been bitten off by something. I heard it was poisonous. It died shortly after going out."

"In other words, there should be monsters with huge poison in this secret realm."

Chang Hong nodded.

"Senior Xianghuai just said that this secret realm is not dangerous?"

Chang Hong nodded.

Yinghui couldn't sit still anymore, so he pulled Changhong out of the black boat.

Suddenly entering the icy world from the warm room, Ying Hui couldn't get used to it for a while, and was filled with cool wind.

If it wasn't for the coincidence that Xianghuai and Xianghuai had landed in the same place and occupied the black boat, they couldn't have imagined what it would be like for the two of them to stay in this icy and snowy place all the time.

Ying Hui hurriedly took out two formation disks and formation flags, dragged his stiff fingers, and drew a line of formation patterns, and arranged a simple superposition formation around the black boat.

It has both concealment and a little defense effect.

It's a pity that her current cultivation base is too low, and the defensive effect of the formation is really vulnerable, which is better than nothing.

However, the role of the warning array is still very useful.

She and Chang Hong walked a little further, and pasted shock charms one by one on the lotus stems.

After being injected with a little spiritual power by Ying Hui, the knocking talisman quickly flashed a faint light, and then quickly dimmed until it disappeared. The entire talisman was also hidden in the ice sculpture.

After pasting one piece, Ying Hui quickly moved to the next ice sculpture and pasted the next one.

After all the stickers were posted, Yinghui's magic formula flew up, and all the shock symbols that had been hidden in the ice sculpture flower path suddenly lit up.

Then, a trace of runes extended from the flower path, connecting with each other to form a huge rune net.

Knock on the talisman, even if it is completed.

The moment the talisman array was formed, the aura disappeared again, as if everything just didn't exist.

Yinghui and Ying Hui returned to the black boat the moment the talisman formation was completed.

It was really too cold, the icy cold penetrated into the bone marrow, like a knife cut, and the thick winter clothes on his body seemed to be useless.

"It's too cold, why do I feel more and more cold?"

Chang Hong looked at the increasingly violent snowstorm outside, rubbed her hands, and stomped her feet non-stop.

"You're right, it's just getting colder. I'm worried that if this continues, Wuchuan may not be able to withstand the cold."

This black boat is not a refined magic weapon, but the material used to make it is quite good, and it can hold several formations.

The materials used to make boat sheds, as well as the gauze curtains, have a function of constant temperature.

This effect can indeed keep the temperature inside the black boat within a certain range, and the temperature is comfortable. However, once the limit is exceeded, the temperature inside the black boat will be difficult to maintain, and it will inevitably continue to drop.

And Ying Hui's keen sense of touch has already made her realize that Wuzhou has already started to get cold.

Chang Hong was hopeless, so Ying Hui checked his inventory, and finally found something useful.

It was the alchemy furnace that Ying Xun gave her.

Because she couldn't release the spirit fire, the pill furnace came with a firework array, no need to input spirit power, just put in spirit stones, and the flames would burn continuously.

Ying Hui dismantled the alchemy furnace, leaving only the base with the fireworks array.

She did a good job on this side, and Chang Hong on the other side had already felt the change in the temperature of Wuchuan.

I just came back from the outside, and my body was completely cold. I only felt that Wuchuan was warm and comfortable, and I couldn't find the difference at all.

But this time he had already calmed down, and the little bit of passing temperature was particularly obvious.

"Ahui, what are you doing dismantling the pill furnace?"

Ying Hui glanced at him, the fireworks array can be used to keep warm, but he doesn't know how much spirit stones it will cost, and he doesn't know if the spirit stones on his body are enough.

After she met Chang Hong, she was definitely influenced by him. She has been losing money and never stopped.

He told me about his plan to use the array to keep warm, and at the end, Ying Hui added, "If you really use this thing, you will have to pay half of the cost of the spirit stone, maybe you can accept it?"

Brothers have to settle accounts clearly, let alone they are not.

"no problem."

Chang Hong agreed very readily.

"Aren't you afraid that you will spend a lot of spirit stones?"

How did the distraught person who was worried about owing a lot of usury before start not to care?

"If there are too many lice, don't bite, and if there are too many debts, don't worry. I already owe you a lot anyway. I don't care about it. Don't worry, as long as I have money, I will definitely pay you back."

Ying Hui thinks about her 45 spirit stones, she already regrets being stingy that day, people are so pitiful, why just give them to him, why do you have to ask for debts?

If you don't ask for debts, don't you just stay in your arms obediently for your storage bags, magical artifacts, and spirit stones that are about to be used up?

Chang Hong didn't know Ying Hui's obsession, and said kindly: "The temperature is not too low now, and I can bear it, but it will be completely dark in two hours, and the temperature will definitely be lower. At this time, we can't bear it anymore and let's set off your fireworks array again."

After all, it was something to burn spirit stones, so Chang Hong couldn't bear it.

The two were silent for a while, and Chang Hong, who had nothing to do, asked Yinghui for a blank jade slip, and wrote down his experience in refining Qingjindan's water training method, all of which should be paid back with some interest.

As for Yinghui, he simply practiced cross-legged.

This practice doesn't matter, she didn't pay attention to it before, but after this practice, she discovered that the ice aura in this place is extremely strong.

The thick one seemed to have turned into a white mist, and it continuously penetrated into her body with the operation of her kung fu.

This is a rich aura that Yinghui has never experienced before. She almost forgot about her situation, and she just wished to use all the aura for her own use.

On her side, she was mesmerized, Chang Hong also closed her eyes and adjusted her breath after finishing her work, but there were two people trekking hard in the lotus sea.

The two are also a man and a woman, wearing light cassocks, although they are thin, they don't seem to feel the cold.

It's just that the hair and eyelashes that leaked out are covered with a thick layer of frost, showing the original power of this icy and snowy day.

However, in the increasingly cold weather, this cassock gradually became insufficient.

Especially where the vestments cannot cover.

The female cultivator shrank her stiff hands into her sleeves, trying to find some warmth.

"Brother Xian, what should we do? We won't freeze to death in here, right?"

It was difficult to speak in the wind and snow, and the two of them didn't dare to hold the protective cover all the time. Walking in the wind and snow with difficulty, they couldn't even open their mouths, so the female cultivator had to transmit the sound.

Shao Wenxian didn't pause, but replied firmly: "No."

 Surprised or not, there is an update today
(End of this chapter)

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