This fairy has some tea

Chapter 85 Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 85 Roasted Sweet Potatoes

The female cultivator was still a little uneasy, and stepped up a few steps, getting closer to Shao Wenxian.

"Brother Xian, where are we going?"

"When I was on the water before, I saw a lotus sea in front of me, we can station there.

This side is too empty and has a clear view, so it is not suitable to stay here all the time. We need to hurry up and try to arrive and settle down before dark. There may be some danger in the secret realm after dark. "

The girl nodded again and again, but she still couldn't figure it out.

"Brother Xian, why don't we fly there?"

Both of them have late stages of Qi training and are able to fly with imperial weapons. If they flew over, they would have arrived long ago, and there was no need to run on the ground against the strong wind while sticking to the magic amulet.

Shao Wen looked up at the sky enviously, the snowflakes like goose feathers blurred the sky.

Snowflakes fell one after another, but his consciousness seemed to be blocked by the snowflakes, unable to observe further places.

He didn't dare to fly up there, there might be a more terrifying existence.

It's just that those were just his guesses, and he wasn't sure, so he just said, "It'll be there soon, just keep going." The girl nodded ignorantly, and didn't ask any more questions.

When the two entered Lianhai, they were discovered by Yinghui.

Stop practicing, wake up Chang Hong beside him, Ying Hui took out a shadow talisman, poured spiritual power into it, and the shadow talisman turned into a water mirror in the air, and the figures of the two people appeared in the water mirror.

Almost at the same time as Ying Hui saw the two people, in the water mirror, the young man who was moving forward suddenly raised his head, his gaze seemed to penetrate the water mirror, and looked at the two sitting in front of the water mirror.

The next moment, the water mirror shattered with a "wow", leaving water stains all over the floor.

Ying Hui was startled, he didn't expect this person to be so vigilant, of course, it was more because of the big difference in cultivation between the two sides that he was easily seen through.

Ying Hui looked at the water stains on the ground with some distress. She only had one pair of these shadow talismans. She thought they would be useful, but she didn't expect to be so useless and exposed herself.

Ying Hui waved his hand, and the water stains all over the ground disappeared. He wrapped himself in the padded jacket and looked at the howling wind outside the boat, but he still didn't have the courage to go out.

"Ah Hui, what should I do?"

"Nothing to do. Anyway, it's not a monster or something. There will be no danger. Let them go. Let's just look at the situation outside. It's not an offense, and nothing will happen."

Just as Yinghui guessed, although Shao Wenxian knocked down Yinghui's water mirror, he didn't intend to do anything to them.

Such a naive method, at first glance, is a monk who has been involved unintentionally, and is not enough to threaten.

Glancing in the direction where Yinghui and the others were, one after another fire dragons roared out in the wind and snow, bit by bit clearing away the nearby stalks of lotus.

Then, take out a tent from the storage bag.

After the tent landed, it unfolded automatically, firmly grasped on the ice layer, and did not move in the strong wind, it was very firm.

"go in."

The girl finally got permission, she was overjoyed, and got into the tent first.

In the tent, there is even a small square table, on which there is a small incense burner, burning a little incense.

This tent is an integral body, it is actually a magic weapon!
Still a high-grade magic weapon.

Isolated from the wind and snow, the inside is as warm as spring, and the frost and snow accumulated on the two of them quickly melted into water.

Shao Wenxian stretched out his hand to gently brush the top of the girl's head, and the wet hair became dry.

"Huh, it's too warm, brother Xian, your tent is really powerful."

Seeing her innocent and lovely smiling face, Shao Wenxian couldn't help laughing.

"You worked hard just now, Nuan Nuan, take a rest."

"Brother Xian, what about you?"

"I'll stay with you, and I won't go anywhere."

Shao Wenxian's eyes were full of tenderness, and Tian Nuannuan shyly lowered his head, and gave a soft "um", lying on the side of the tent, closing his eyes and resting his mind, and soon fell into a deep sleep. Obviously, She has great trust in Shao Wenxian.

Shao Wenxian looked at the girl's stretched eyebrows, playful mouth, and reddish cheeks, and her tender eyes gradually became dull.

The girl woke up from the cold.

Opening his misty eyes, he found that there was no one in the tent.

The girl's chaotic drowsiness immediately dissipated, and she stood up cleverly.

After running out of the tent, it was already dark, and the chill that penetrated into the bone marrow instantly cut every inch of her skin.

At that moment, she was almost conditioned to hide in the tent.

However, thinking of the missing Shao Wenxian, he resisted the pace of retreating.

The vast snow and black gray sky blurred her vision, her consciousness was also blocked, and she suddenly became flustered.


As soon as she yelled, she saw a blurry silhouette suddenly appearing in the misty heavy snow, and then she heard a familiar voice ringing in her ears: "Don't yell, I'm back."

Tian Nuannuan immediately covered her mouth in a panic, trotted two steps, and grabbed Shao Wenxian's clothes.

Shao Wenxian held her hand and led her back to the tent.

"Brother Xian, where have you been? I just woke up and didn't see you."

The girl acted coquettishly with a hint of grievance, so Shao Wenxian couldn't help holding the girl in his arms, coaxing in a low voice, "Sorry, I heard something just now, so I went out to have a look."

Hearing this, Tian Nuannuan struggled out of Shao Wenxian's embrace, and asked worriedly, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, just a false alarm."

Shao Wenxian continued to comfort her softly.

Tian Nuannuan felt at ease again.

"Brother Xian, it's so cold here, what's going on?
Isn't your tent a magic weapon? "

"It's getting dark outside, the temperature has dropped a lot, and the tents can't resist it."

"Ah, what to do then?"

Shao Wenxian is different from the unprepared Tian Nuannuan, he is fully prepared, and there are still many methods that he has not used, but when he looked up at Yinghui and their direction, he had a new idea.

"I'll take you to lodge."

The other party's cultivation base is obviously lower than theirs, but they can persist in this extreme temperature for so long, which can only show one thing, they have better means of keeping out the cold.

Who would not be happy about whoring for nothing.

At this moment, Ying Hui had just inserted five new spirit stones into the fireworks array, and seeing the blazing flames, Ying Hui sighed.

But it's only been three hours, and five spirit stones have been used up. It costs 20 yuan spirit stones a day, and if the snowstorm lasts for a month, it will cost 600 yuan.

This is still under the condition that the temperature will not continue to drop, otherwise it will only be consumed faster.

Her heartache was so painful that she couldn't breathe, and Chang Hong held two pieces of sweet potatoes roasted in her hands.

There is even sizzling sugar secreted from the inside, and then roasted by the fire, the whole ship is full of sweetness.

This is not the smell of roasted sweet potatoes, it is clearly the smell of roasted spirit stones.

Chang Hong handed the baked sweet potatoes to Yinghui, and Yinghui ate a big mouthful with tears in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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