This fairy has some tea

Chapter 86 Tian Nuannuan

Chapter 86 Tian Nuannuan

Shao Wenxian and the two came on snow. Through the light tulle, what they saw was the warm scene of eating sweet potatoes, and they were even more surprised that they were two such young children.

Immediately, it was a little strange, looking at Tian Nuannuan who was following the same pace beside him, he suddenly felt that something was wrong with this secret realm, maybe they had misunderstood something from the beginning to the end.

The two did not hide their tracks, but unfortunately, the wind and snow were so strong that even the sound of their footsteps seemed to be blown away by the sound of the wind and snow.

With his super hearing, Ying Hui heard the footsteps of the two people one step earlier, and after two breaths, he finally saw the figures of the two people.

However, obviously not everyone has such good hearing and vision as Yinghui.

Chang Hong had Ying Hui's reminder, and it was two breaths late before seeing the blurred outline of the other party.

The two of them gnawed sweet potatoes without stopping, pretending to be unaware, but they were pinching the talisman in their hands, and the one holding the magic weapon in their hands.

"Two friends, the night is getting darker and the chill is getting stronger. The tent we are living in can't resist it. Can you take a shelter for a while?"

Seeing that they didn't make a surprise attack, Ying Hui was relieved a little. After quickly analyzing the pros and cons in his mind, Ying Hui enthusiastically opened the gauze curtain and invited the two of them in.

The wind and snow came rushing in, Chang Hong shivered, and tightened her clothes.

The two filed in, the wind and snow were blocked again, and the original warmth was gradually restored.

The number of people doubled, making the small black boat crowded immediately.

Ying Hui gave up his seat to the two, and sat next to Chang Hong.

A small fireworks array was placed on the low table in the middle, and the flames were constantly jumping, warming the small space.

The two "couples" sat opposite each other, and Chang Hong took the initiative to invite: "Do you want to eat roasted sweet potatoes?"

Tian Nuannuan felt that this thing was vulgar, but it was not too blunt to refuse it under the fence, so Chang Hong misunderstood that the other party was embarrassed, and directly gave the other party a big one.

Tian Nuannuan wanted to cry but had no tears, she held the roasted sweet potato and looked helplessly at Shao Wenxian who was next to her.

Shao Wenxian turned his head and patted Tian Nuannuan's head lightly, took the roasted sweet potato over, stretched out his slender fingers, and peeled off the skin of the roasted sweet potato.

Yubai's fingertips slid across the orange sweet potato, and then he lifted it to his mouth, and the pink tongue gently rolled on the sweet potato, and the sweet potato lost a corner.

"This sweet potato is roasted just right, thank you little fellow daoist."

The warm voice, like a gentle wind and drizzle, penetrates directly into the heart, tickling the heart.

Tian Nuannuan felt that the tip of her tongue was not licking sweet potatoes, but her hands, her face was red, she shrank her head, and dared not speak.

"I am Shao Jia Shao Wenxian, this is me..."

"Good friend! We are very good friends, my name is Tian Nuannuan."

Tian Nuannuan interrupted hastily, because she was afraid that what Shao Wenxian said was not what she wanted to hear, and also afraid that Shao Wenxian would really say it bluntly, which would make people embarrassed, so she hurriedly spoke first and took over the words.

Shao Wenxian took her hand, squeezed it lightly, and said again: "This is my beloved, Nuan Nuan."

Tian Nuannuan is not only blushing now, but the redness can drip blood.

Even the real young Chang Hong couldn't bear this big pot of dog food.

"My name is Chang Hong, and this is Ying Hui."

Chang Hong's introduction was very concise, which made Shao Wenxian pause for a moment, raised his eyebrows and glanced at the two of them sitting on each side, and asked, "Are you..."


Chang Hong replied firmly.

Taking a sneak peek at Yinghui, Yinghui smiled sweetly at him, a pure and kind little girl, pure and immature, which made Chang Hong, who said these two words, feel very guilty and even regretted.

Shao Wenxian was so overwhelmed by the word "couple" that he almost choked on the roasted sweet potato in his mouth.

Even Tian Nuannuan stopped pretending to be quail, and looked at the two young children curiously.

"You are the little girl from the Ying family, right? Your Ying family brought a qi cultivator here for the first time. Everyone is very curious about you, but it's a pity that we haven't had a chance to get together."

Shao Wenxian shifted his gaze to Yinghui, a six or seven-year-old girl, ignorant and innocent, would be somewhat shy in front of the opposite sex, especially the handsome one.


Yinghui lowered her head and replied in embarrassment, but she kept complaining in her heart. She hadn't had a chance yet. She was wandering around with Zhaomin every day in the long grass. Wouldn't it be easy to take her to play?
Zhaomin was originally not good at socializing. In Chunyu's house, because of her family, she didn't have many friends. She was just a baby who had just started to practice, and no one was really interested in her.

If she shows alchemy talent, it's another story, but Ying Xun forbids her to show it for her safety.

Therefore, even if you occasionally encounter the private alchemy discussions of Qi training monks, you will avoid it far away, and you will not even have a chance to expose it.

So, from the beginning to the end, there are two people mixed together.

However, the disturbances between the two were not small, so although there was no contact, in fact, Ying Hui's name was registered among the children of the aristocratic family.

So Shao Wenxian could see through his identity at a glance.

She knew in her heart that this was just someone else's polite words, and she would not really care much about her, a junior from the Ying family. In addition, she had a conflict with the two sisters of the Shao family not long ago, and the two sisters were not sure how to get along with her. What is the relationship with Shao Wenxian? It is unknown whether the other party will cause some trouble for him because of this trivial matter.

In this secret realm, no one is backing him up, so it's better to keep a low profile.

Seeing that Yinghui seemed very shy, Shao Wenxian frowned and turned to Chang Hong.

"Forgive my ignorance, I don't know which family Daoyou Chang belongs to?"

"My grandmother belongs to Chunyu's family."

"It turned out to be a handsome man from Chunyu's family. How did you get into this secret realm?"

Shao Wen gave him an envious compliment, and then asked the question he was most concerned about.

For this secret realm, he came to Chuxi City more than a month earlier, and Tian Nuannuan got tired of being together all day, how could two little dolls come in?
This secret realm doesn't mean that any random couple, who happen to be within the entrance range, can enter.

Even if they are couples, they are in the right position, but they still may not be able to come in.

Instead, there must be a particularly intimate act to prove the status of the two as lovers.

He summed up this rule through various opportunities and obtained a lot of information about the secret realm of Bingdi.

For example, when he came in, he was holding Tian Nuannuan in his arms.

"We just happened to be standing by the lake talking, and came in out of nowhere."

Chang Hong saw that Yinghui was focusing on roasting sweet potatoes, so she could only tell the truth.

Shao Wenxian's breath was stagnant. He had planned for a long time and almost missed the secret realm, but it was so easy for others to enter. Is the luck of these two people so good?
(End of this chapter)

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