Chapter 87

Thinking of the cultivation of the two, Shao Wenxian shook his head again, so what if he came in.

The atmosphere gradually became dull, and the jumping flames made everyone's faces red.

"What does Fellow Daoist Shao know about this secret realm?
Ah Hui and I came in suddenly, our eyes were darkened, and we looked to fellow Daoist Shao for some advice. "

Ying Hui made up his mind to pretend to be a simple little white flower, Chang Hong could only carry the banner and play Tai Chi with Shao Wenxian.

"I don't know much about this place. Nuan Nuan is the daughter of the Patriarch Tian of Chuxi City. I have heard of it. Let Nuan Nuan tell you about it."

After finishing speaking, he gave Tian Nuannuan an encouraging look.

Tian Nuannuan's face was blushing again.

"I, I heard from my father that after the opening of the Bingdi Secret Realm, there will be polar day and polar night alternating every half a month.

Not long after we came in, we encountered the alternation of polar day and polar night, and now we have officially entered the polar night. "

"That is to say, this day will be dark for half a month?"

Chang Hong's voice was raised a little bit, and her heart couldn't help but feel distressed for the spirit stones that would be spent.

Tian Nuannuan didn't know why he was so excited, so he just nodded.

"Is that getting colder?"

Tian Nuannuan shook his head, "No, when the day and night alternate, the temperature keeps dropping. When the sky is completely dark, the cooling is over. If there is no accident, the temperature will remain at this temperature until the extreme day arrives, and it will warm up again. "

Chang Hong felt much more at ease, and finally didn't have to worry about freezing to death.

"Then it seems that this Bundy Secret Realm is really not dangerous. Let's just wait here until the extreme day comes."

Tian Nuannuan looked at Chang Hong with pity, and said: "But, apart from the cold in the extreme night, there are also cold frogs, which are really not worth mentioning to the monks who built the foundation. There will be no danger of life, but it is still very dangerous for monks in the early stage of Qi training, most of the cold frogs have cultivation bases above the middle stage of the first level, and they often move in small groups."

Chang Hong: ...

"Is the cold frog scary?"

Seeing that Chang Hong was hit too hard and didn't speak for a while, Ying Hui could only ask "naively".

"That's not true. The cold frogs are all white, like ice sculptures. They look very beautiful, but you should have discovered that the wind and snow have the effect of blocking spiritual consciousness. The cold frogs come from the same source as them, just like the wind and snow. One, extremely difficult to find.

In the wind and snow, the line of sight is obstructed, and when they often find the other party, they are already close to them.

If the cultivation base is high, it’s okay to be able to resist their attacks, but if the cultivation base is low, then..."

Ying Hui touched the spirit animal bag on his body, thinking that Xianghuai and Huai knew that they carried Peilan with them, so they could defend themselves without any worries, or they simply ignored this thing that did not cause them much trouble?
But, who can tell her why Pei Lan hibernated, bad.

"What means of attack do they have?"

Chang Hong finally came to her senses, and asked urgently.

"They rely on their tongues to attack. They hook and roll their long tongues, and there are poisonous thorns on their tongues. After being scratched, they will be planted with cold poison. During the extreme night, they will feel twice as cold, and there is a danger of freezing to death.

Everything else is fine. "

Chang Hong was even more worried and didn't know what to do for a while.

"Does Brother Shao think the concealment formation we have arranged is useful?"

Ying Hui asked with a trace of worry and dependence.

Shao Wenxian smiled and comforted: "It's still useful, but this concealment formation is still not enough, the cold frog may break in by mistake, if you add another lost trace formation, even if there is a cold frog that breaks in by mistake, it will not be too late. If you can be lured out by the formation, you can be sure that nothing will go wrong."

As soon as he finished speaking, all three of them looked at her with adoring eyes. Tian Nuannuan was full of admiration, while Ying Hui had more hope, and Chang Hong was much more straightforward. , pure admiration.

He lowered his head and met Tian Nuannuan's eyes, Tian Nuannuan's face turned red again uncontrollably.

Ying Hui looked at the two who were chatting and flirting, coughed lightly, looked at Shao Wenxian more eagerly, and waited for his follow-up.

Maybe it was because her eyes were too eager, Shao Wenxian suddenly understood Ying Hui's true meaning.

He added with a little regret: "It's a pity that I don't have the materials to arrange the Lost Array on my body."

Ying Hui's round eyes blinked, and there was a moment of disappointment, Fan quickly suppressed this emotion, revealing a sweet smile.

"It's okay, Brother Shao, we won't blame you."

Shao Wenxian, who was inexplicably comforted, felt weird, but looking at Ying Hui's big innocent eyes, thinking of the possibility, he felt really a little guilty.

In fact, Ying Hui also thought about superimposing the lost trace array, but unfortunately, there was a missing pillow stone in the materials, so he gave up.

Seeing that he couldn't get it from Shao Wenxian, Ying Hui changed his mind, and then traveled again and returned to the Langhuan Realm.

The flying boat continued to fly, and in the distance, finally saw the figure of Taiwei Xianzong.

Passing through the tens of feet high white jade gate, the high place has even been hidden in the clouds. On the giant plaque, there are four golden characters of Taiwei Xianzong. Projection, so that every monk passing through the gate can clearly see every word on the door plaque.

The entire gate has an invisible air shield, which separates the inside from the outside. Before entering, one can see the air current flowing like ripples, with a faint green reflection on it.

In this entry test, only 84 people passed the assessment, less than [-]% of the total number of people.

Forgiveness like this is also a rare good result. As the chief examiner, Master Hongming is also in a good mood.

Although there was an accident and a little girl from an aristocratic family died, it was harmless.

The flying boat landed on the huge square in front of the Feiluan Hall, and under the command of Daoist Hongming, everyone disembarked in an orderly manner, lined up in teams according to their grades, and entered the Feiluan Hall.

At this time, the water mirror in the middle of the main hall has long been removed, and many powerful people who are about to accept apprentices sit on it, watching the little monks trying to straighten their backs and walking in, they can't help but think of themselves back then.

Full of hope, yet uneasy.

Outside the gate of the main hall, there has been a response, and every time a child steps into the gate, they will sing the person's name, age and qualifications.

Let every little monk who enters the hall have a chance to make an appearance.

This is the most glorious moment for the little monks in a short period of time.

Among the fellow disciples, under the gaze and waiting of the powerful cultivation base, they stepped into the center of the hall step by step. After bowing, they retreated to the two sides of the hall, leaving the stage for the next monk who came in.

Ying Hui waited at the end, and she was the last one. Although she didn't regret it, she was a little embarrassed.

After the number of monks in front decreased one by one, it was finally her turn.She was a little nervous at first, but the moment she stepped into the gate, she finally realized that her life was different.

(End of this chapter)

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