This fairy has some tea

Chapter 88 Apprenticeship

Chapter 88 Apprenticeship
She is no longer a casual cultivator with a ruined future, she is an inner disciple of a famous sect, a direct bloodline of a top family, her aptitude is outstanding, her chance is very deep, and she also has the opportunity to seek to ascend to immortality .

Even if he is the last one, as long as he relies on the background of Taiwei Xianzong, even if no one accepts him as a disciple, he can still achieve great success.

The turbulent tension slowly calmed down.

As the saying goes, if you don't want to be strong, she stands at the end of everyone, looking more and more calm and indifferent.

Above the main hall, firstly, a true monarch and real person called out the disciples who had long been fancy, praised them, and accepted them as disciples.

However, personal preferences are different, even if the grades are the first, it may not necessarily be the right temperament.

Therefore, it seems that everyone has hope, and every time a powerful person speaks, the little monks below can't help but look eagerly.

The number one ranked this time is the descendant of the Taiwei Immortal Sect, named Hua Yannian, the grandson of Daoist Wushang. Unfortunately, Daoist Wushang has already fallen. Jin, so, even though he came from the Taiwei Immortal Sect, he didn't have a default master like the others.

Zhenjun Yuanchen came here with the intention of accepting Yinghui as his apprentice, but after a lot of tossing, he failed. He originally wanted to go back directly after watching Yinghui become a teacher.

But looking at Hua Yannian, who is No.1, standing in the first place, always neither humble nor overbearing, but no one cares about him, his thoughts move slightly.

Called people out.

At this moment, several people have already passed him, walked up to the main hall, and successfully apprenticed.

He lowered his eyes, not wanting to look at Chai Lang's mocking gaze standing behind Mochizuki.

That look seemed to say, so what if you take No.1.

Hua Yannian smiled wryly in his heart, even he himself never expected that anyone would be willing to accept him as a disciple, when he suddenly heard someone calling him from above, he was shocked, raised his head in disbelief, and saw Zhenjun Yuanchen facing him. He beckoned and looked kindly.

Chai Lang, who was not far away, had a look of shock and jealousy, but he restrained himself so quickly that no one noticed.

Hua Yannian shook his trembling hands, tried to calm himself down, took a step forward, firmly nodded his head, blinked his wet eyes, and stood behind Zhenjun Yuanchen.

Ying Hui looked at Zhenjun Yuanchen who was sitting at the head, and was slightly surprised. However, seeing Zhenjun Yuanchen's calm and calm appearance at the moment, Ji Mingyue should be fine.

She also thought about whether Zhenjun Yuanchen came to take her in because of her relationship with Ji Mingyue, but after waiting for so long, Zhenjun Yuanying never spoke again, and only a few Daoist Jindan returned one after another. Continue to call people out.

And Yuanchen Zhenjun even after accepting Hua Yannian, he never spoke again, only nodded slightly when his eyes met her, as if to comfort her, Ying Hui's heart was half cold.

Knowing that it is hopeless for me to become a teacher of Zhenjun Yuanchen.

It's somewhat regrettable, but it's also expected. Being able to enter the sect is already a rare luck for her, so what else can she expect.

The speed at which the powerful people recruited people was getting slower and slower. Some of them were already selected, and after asking a few questions, either the powerful people thought it was inappropriate, or the young disciple had already had a favorite master candidate and was not able to learn from him.

This apprenticeship was originally a double choice, and the great powers would not be angry because they were rejected, but there was a young disciple who was rejected by the master he wanted to worship, and wanted to go back to find the great power he had originally liked.

After causing some trouble, he finally failed to fulfill his wish, and could only become an ordinary disciple with a sad face.

The number of apprentices is not too many, they have about eighty new disciples, and in the end, only a dozen of them succeeded in apprenticeship.

Yinghui was a little envious. Seeing that the masters almost stopped talking, and the apprenticeship was about to end, Yinghui had already started planning a few things that he was anxious to do, and he had to prepare more related materials before returning to Yaohui. Zejie.

The cultivation base of the Yaoze Realm is too different from that of the Langhuan Realm, which is not good for her practice. Recently, it is best for her to focus on the Yaoze Realm and improve her body cultivation level there.

She was serious about planning, but suddenly she heard someone calling her, and she was so frightened that she thought she had been caught distracted.

It was only then that she realized that someone wanted to take her as a disciple.

Even if he didn't know which senior it was, Ying Hui was still pleasantly surprised.

There is a huge difference between having a master and not having a master. She is too eager to have a knowledgeable master who can guide her on the road of practice.

Point out her cultivation methods and correct her cultivation direction.

In times of danger, you can stand up for yourself.

Real Zhiwei looked at the little girl who was a little excited, and was also very excited when he thought of his changing fortune.

The master and the apprentice hit it off immediately, as affectionate as a father and daughter who have been separated for many years.

Yinghui blinked his eyes, and after Zhiwei's encouragement, according to the apprenticeship process of other fellow students, at this time, Zhiwei's real person should give a treasure as a meeting gift.

However, Ying Hui blinked again, realizing that her freshly baked master praised her again with slight embarrassment.

There's no after that.

Ying Hui glanced at the expressions of the other seniors, or turned his head and couldn't bear to look directly at them, or laughed, waiting to see the jokes of the two, and suddenly realized.

Seeing the cynic Mochizuki who sat not far away, and the slightly embarrassed Zhiwei real person, Ying Hui turned his head, touched the storage bag, reached out and took out a small purple gold jar, and held it to Zhiwei real person with both hands. He said in front of him: "Ying Hui is stubborn, fortunately, the master appreciated him and accepted him as a disciple. The disciple forgets his life and has nothing to repay.

It is often heard that disciples in the secular world have to offer Shuxiu to their masters. The disciples have no possessions, but a pot of good tea by chance. "

As soon as Yinghui's words came out of his mouth, all the hatred points of all the disciples who had just apprenticed as teachers were filled.

Look, I can take things from the master, but other people's disciples will give things to the master in turn.

This customary apprenticeship ceremony suddenly became a hot potato for all the young disciples who had just apprenticed.

Ying Hui naturally knew that his actions would cause dissatisfaction among others.

However, it's just the same sect, is it their thoughts that matter, or the face of their master?
Master lost face by accepting her as his apprentice, will he take his anger out on her?
It was not easy for her to have a master, Ying Hui didn't hesitate at all.

Master Zhiwei has just one idea at this moment, Mr. Ju Ming does not deceive me!
After sweeping around the classmates who were watching the excitement, he took the small jar handed over by Ying Hui, slightly staggered, and a trace of strong water and fire aura burst out.

Along with the spiritual energy, there is also the strong tea fragrance.

Slightly bitter, with a mellow floral fragrance, just dry tea is already irresistible.

(End of this chapter)

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