Chapter 89
Real Zhiwei looked at the little jar that was stared at by everyone, and regretted the show off just now.

He quickly put the small jar into the storage bag.

It's really no wonder that the powerful people in the Langhuan world are ignorant.

The spiritual energy in the Langhuan world is getting thinner day by day, the demons and evil spirits are constantly killing, and the living space of the righteous monks of the human race is getting smaller and smaller.

There are not enough elixir for alchemy, how many of them can spend such effort to cultivate such pure elixir.

With this condition, how many elixir can be cultivated.

Therefore, even though this ice flame tea is just a game made by the monks who established the foundation, it is a little superficial in the eyes of all of you, but it can't stand the purity of the material, and it still makes everyone's heart itchy.

Daoist Zhiwei is satisfied, his face has been recovered by his disciple, but he always feels a little sorry for his little disciple, then, with a sudden thought, he suddenly thought of a good idea, took out a stack of jade slips, and gave it to Ying whirl.

Yinghui's eyes lit up immediately.

She has no shortage of spirit stones and treasures now, but she lacks these secret records of Taoism.

Zhiwei real person, this is simply giving charcoal in the snow, a pillow for drowsiness.

Others wanted to see that Ying Hui received so many jade slips, not to mention turning their faces, and their faces were also bad. Who knew that the other party was ecstatic, and quickly put these jade slips into the storage bag. The micro-reals keep making rainbow farts.

Both parties were very satisfied, and the others didn't want to see this wonderful pair of master and apprentice again, while the little disciple underneath felt a little regretful and lonely because he couldn't learn from his master.

After all, even the penultimate one has apprenticed as a teacher, but they don't, it is simply unreasonable.

Only Fang Yi and Liu Lian felt that it was only natural when they thought that they were being played around by Ying Hui in the martial arts test.

Watching the interaction between the two, Mochizuki gave a cold snort, and took Chai Lang out of the Feiluan Palace first.

His departure was like turning on the valve, and all the bosses left one after another with their apprentices.

This entry test has officially come to an end.

Disciples who are unable to learn from their masters will be arranged by their own people, and those who have a teacher's inheritance will be arranged by their respective masters.

Ying Hui followed Zhiwei Zhenren to the other side's hill, although he was mentally prepared, he couldn't help but gasp.

Mount Taiwei stretches and undulates, occupying a very wide area, within the sect, anyone with a Golden Core cultivation level or above will be allocated a peak to build a cave.

Real Zhiwei has a handsome appearance, but in his early [-]s, he has already cultivated at the late stage of Jindan.

It is also the four spiritual roots of gold, wood, water and fire, and the spells are exquisite, which is also suitable for her aptitude of the five spiritual roots.

He had never accepted a disciple before, and Ying Hui was the chief disciple as soon as he started, and his status was more noble than ordinary direct disciples.

Ying Hui's status as the bottom one, to be able to worship such a young hero, is a bit high to be honest.

However, in the Feiluan Hall, after seeing Zhiwei's embarrassment, Ying Hui already had a bad premonition.

This premonition finally turned into reality when it arrived at Huawei Mountain, which was painted by Zhenwei Zhiwei.

Other people's houses have carved beams and painted buildings, small bridges and flowing water, criss-crossed fields, disciples like weaving, and constant temperature formations are arranged. Even if the mountains are covered by heavy snow outside, the inside is as warm as spring and thriving.

As for Huawei Mountain, there are fruit trees planted all over the mountain. At this moment, the fruits have been picked and the leaves have fallen clean, leaving only bare trunks.

The most important thing is that there is no constant temperature array on Huawei Mountain!

The heavy snow all over the sky bends the branches of the fruit trees, and the whole mountain is wrapped in silver, which looks so unique.

Perhaps Master Zhiwei is used to the specialness of his mountain, and doesn't feel that this situation is special, so he landed in front of a forest house in the woods with Ying Hui.

The winter sun shines through the bare branches, casting a patch of mottled, unpainted log-colored wooden house in the independent snow, taking advantage of a bit of wildness, it is not so shabby after all.

Opening the door of the wooden house, there was a boy with a round face curled up on a chair, with his head tilted, and a small red mouth open, snoring.

It was not until the sound of the wooden door "creaking" that he woke up.

"Really, you are finally back. This is the disciple you have accepted. With her, can you buy me a elixir?"

The little boy spoke quickly, and Zhiwei's movement of covering his mouth still couldn't keep up with the speed of his mouth opening and closing.

The scene was awkward.

The little boy had already jumped down from the chair, he was slightly shorter than her, and had a small sprout on his head. At first Ying Hui thought it was some fancy decoration, but when the little boy jumped in front of her, she realized, This little sprout grew from the top of his head.

"This is my spiritual pet, painting, more greedy."

Real Zhiwei explained in embarrassment, and then he pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Both of you sit down."

Huahua probably knew that he had made a mistake, so he sat back on the chair very obediently, and stopped talking.

As for Yinghui, he naturally obeyed his teacher's orders.

"Our Huawei Mountain is different from other sects, the population is thin, not only has no direct disciples, but also no inner disciples and outer disciples, so it is a bit deserted.

Therefore, Huawei Mountain does not have any rules for you to abide by, you just remember not to violate the sect's precepts.

You beheaded Xiao Ling'er during the entry test. Originally, there were several people who advocated not accepting you to enter. Uncle Yuanchen and I protected you together. Although you stayed, you still have to be punished. "

After speaking, he told everything that happened in the temple.

Said that he would not be able to participate in the Zongmen Xiaobi for three years, Zhiwei finally had a trace of sadness on his face.

"The results of the small competition are related to the distribution of cultivation resources, and coupled with the bottom one in the entry test, you will get very little resources from the sect in the next four years.

As a teacher, you can probably guess a thing or two. If you are too busy to take care of yourself, you really can't help you.

If the cultivation resources are really not enough, you can go to Shuwutang to see if there are any tasks that can be done.

By the way, you will go with me to pay a visit to your master later, your master is Yuanying Zhenjun, he will definitely give you some meeting gifts, which can also relieve the pain.

We Hua Weishan is just such a house, you will live with me first, and when you have more money, you will find another place to build a new one for you.

Also, even though it is the last one, there are still some things. Let Huahua take you to the storehouse to get them later. "

Zhiwei Daoist explained long-windedly, and Ying Hui listened carefully, nodding from time to time to show that he understood.

As a Jindan real person, Zhiwei is a little embarrassed to be like this, and has been worried that he will be rejected by his apprentice.

Even thought it over, if the apprentice is really dissatisfied because of this, he can't be harsh.

After all, he can be regarded as a trap.

But Yinghui just listened to his explanation carefully from the beginning to the end, without the slightest resentment, which made him feel even more uncomfortable.

What a good little apprentice, if this is placed on other hills, he should be pampered and protected, but when he comes to his place, he still has to accept tasks and earn spirit stones by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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