This fairy has some tea

Chapter 91 Getting Started

Chapter 91 Getting Started
In the end, she went to the Sutra Library to select exercises. What she is practicing now is the Dongxuan Jing, a low-level exercise that is treasured by her family. Among the entry rewards, as an inner disciple, the best exercises she can choose are the best ones. It's just a low-level earth-level one, so there's no need to change it, so I simply gave up the choice of exercises and exchanged for two supernatural spells.

Since there was still one chance to choose magic powers, she had three chances.

In the Sutra Pavilion, many young disciples who are new to the book are picking and choosing here, looking for the secret method that suits them best.

The Sutra Pavilion is really too big, even though almost all the little disciples spend sleepless nights and food in search of it, it is still empty.

Because Ying Hui has five spiritual roots, he has a wider range of choices than other young disciples, so it takes more time.

I don't know when, the sunlight scattered in the Sutra Pavilion has been replaced by bright palace lanterns, but Ying Hui still has no clue.

I like all the mystical powers and mysteries, but I feel that every one of them has deficiencies.

She forced herself to calm down, sat under the jade frame, cross-legged into meditation.

There are thousands of Taoisms, but they are like flowers in a mirror and the moon in water. If you forget the root because of the law, you must give up the root and chase the end.

What is needed and suitable is the best.

What is most useful to me?
Ying Hui kept asking herself in her heart, after a long, long time, she opened her eyes, and her eyes were clear.

On the sapphire wooden frame, the formations were opened one by one, and the three jades disappeared suddenly. Yinghui left the vast magical area without hesitation, went down the stairs, and came to the hall on the first floor.

The jade slips she selected had already been rubbed and printed, and they were quietly placed on the small antique shelf behind the deacon of the Sutra Library.

She handed in her freshly baked identity badge, and with a flash of light on the ancient shelf, the three jade slips fell into the hands of the deacon.

Together with the identity token, it was returned to her.

Ying Hui thanked her softly, clutching her own jade slip, feeling agitated.

This is the first time she has obtained a powerful secret method, or three.

Of her three secret methods, two are supernatural powers, and one is forbidden spells. As her cultivation level continues to improve, her power will also increase. They are not ordinary spells that cannot be grown and can only be barely used during the Qi refining period.

Of course, it is also very difficult to cultivate and requires a lot of treasures.

This is also the reason why Taiwei Xianzong has so many powerful secret techniques, but few people practice them.

I really can't afford it.

Ying Hui suppressed his excitement, and followed Huahua to another trip to the teaching academy, and received a teaching schedule from the teacher of the teaching academy.

The training institute has a special teacher to teach, and regularly invites the great masters of the sect to give lectures. From the bottom to the self-cultivation, to the Nascent Soul, it is inseparable from the training institute, even if there is a teacher's inheritance, it is the same.

After all, within the sect, only after the Golden Core can accept disciples, but the Golden Core Nascent Soul can be closed for several years, or travel abroad, so you can't just let the disciples grope for cultivation by themselves, what is the difference between that and casual cultivation? .

Of course, although the courses of the training college are good, it is not easy to go.

In the first five years of entry, you can come and go freely, and listen to whatever you want. Once the five years pass, if you want to listen to the courses of the vocational college, you have to pay contribution points.

Every lesson is invaluable.

Young disciples are often dazzled by the colorful world when they first started, and want to do more tasks to save some contribution points to buy some powerful spells, or exchange some cultivation resources.

But I didn’t know that I was putting the cart before the horse. When the five-year period expired, I found that I was not good at what I had learned. Every time I had doubts, I had to spend a lot of money to attend lectures, and I regretted it.

It's not that Ying Hui is more calm than others, it's just that she can go to Yaoze Realm to practice at any time, so she cherishes the resources of the Academy even more.

The school schedule is engraved on a wooden talisman. Every time there is a change in the curriculum, or there is a powerful preaching, the wooden talisman will be slightly changed, and the handwriting will also change.

Of course, this can only be achieved within the sect, and if you go a little farther away, you won't notice it. Moreover, this wooden talisman is also very rare. Only true disciples can receive one, and inner disciples can only teach karma frequently. Check out the bulletin board.

All the matters related to getting started were finally completed, and it was already two days later, Ying Hui let out a sigh of relief and went to visit Ji Mingyue non-stop.

Ji Mingyue lived with Zhenjun Yuanchen on Xingxiu Mountain. On Xingxiu Mountain, Zhenjun Yuanchen set up a formation that could attract the power of the stars. When he came here at night, no matter whether the outside world was wind, frost, rain or snow, he could see it on Xingsu Mountain. To the starry sky, it seems to be at your fingertips.

It's a pity that Yinghui is new here, and doesn't know the name of Xingxiu Mountain. When he visited in broad daylight, he only felt that the mountain was aura and the scenery was more beautiful.

Ji Mingyue's residence is next to a waterfall on the mountainside, not at the same place as Zhenjun Yuanchen's. The house is freehand and elegant. The most striking thing is the sword sharpening stone that is as tall as a person in the middle of the yard, with sword marks on it There are many stars.

Looking carefully, it seems that there is still a period of sword energy remaining.

Standing under the sword sharpening stone, Ji Mingyue smiled brightly at Ying Hui who pushed the door open, as if the sky was full of stars falling into the world.

"Junior Sister Ah Hui."

"Senior Sister Mingyue."

Ying Hui squatted down, looked at Ji Mingyue's rosy face, and smiled happily.

There are many chores in Yinghui's mind that have not been settled yet. Although he intends to chat with Ji Mingyue at night, Ji Mingyue is also practicing day and night. Neither of them is sticky. , will leave.

Ji Mingyue's hand holding the Anshen Pill was shaking, and most of her injuries had recovered, except for the injury of Yuanshen, which progressed slowly.

Zhenjun Yuanchen searched many ways before, and only found a bottle of Anshen Pill, which allowed her to barely use her spiritual consciousness, and then she could only rest slowly.

Not in a hurry.

But the quality of Yinghui's Anshen Pill was even higher than that found by Zhenjun Yuanchen.

With this bottle, if she practiced hard day and night, she would be cured within a year.

Ji Mingyue couldn't help being excited.

But she also knows that this thing is not easy to come by, and even more aware of its preciousness.

The reason why Anshen Pill is so hard to find in the Langhuan world is that one of the main medicines is almost extinct and has not been produced for many years.

How could she not know what Ying Huibai's master was like, but she was too busy to take care of herself and couldn't help her at all.

Now, she still wants to take the other party's treasure for her own use, she can't do it.

"Senior Sister Mingyue, I got this thing by coincidence. I have a good soul. It would be a waste to put it on me. Just treat it as a loan from me. After you succeed in cultivation, you want to return me something, so feasible?"

Ji Mingyue thought about it, but couldn't think of any other good way. For Anshen Pill, it would be a lie to say that she is not tempted. After hesitating for a long time, she directly swore the heart demon oath, and when she succeeds in her cultivation in the future, she will give Yinghui one back. promise.

(End of this chapter)

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