This fairy has some tea

Chapter 92 Zhiwei is also a poor person

Chapter 92 Zhiwei is also a poor person
It was this promise that reminded Yinghui of Xiaoman, and she didn't know if she had gotten the token or not.

Therefore, after parting from Ji Mingyue, he hurriedly went to Shuwutang again, and was relieved to learn that the other party entered the door half a day later than himself, and had already become an inner sect disciple of the Taiwei Immortal Sect.

The Taiwei Immortal Sect has Xiaobi every year, and there are many opportunities for inner disciples to make their mark. Xiaoman has excellent aptitude. Presumably, as long as he works hard, he will be able to worship a famous teacher early.

A visit to the General Affairs Hall is not a waste of time. Zhiwei's residence is small, but after she moved in, it became even more crowded. I found someone from the General Affairs Hall and sent a mission to Huawei Mountain. Build a new residence for yourself.

Although she has no contribution to make, but she has plenty of spirit stones, there are naturally many people to take on the task.

With nothing to worry about, she returned to Huawei Mountain.

It's been two days since I came here, and I haven't looked carefully at the plants and trees in Huawei Mountain. Now that the chores have been solved, she finally has time to find a location that is surrounded by mountains and rivers and has excellent Fengshui.

She didn't use spells, so she used tools such as spades and picks to dig out the tomb bit by bit. Then, she took out the coffin containing Fu Bo's body from the storage bag and lowered it into the tomb.

Ying Hui thought that she would have a lot to say, but at this moment, she only had a string of teardrops falling on the coffin.

With a low voice, "Forbe, have a good journey."

Then he buried the person.

Ying Hui can't stop, she still has a lot of things to do, it's enough to be weak for a short time, she can't and can't continue to be decadent!
The house in Huaweishan was taken care of by the Shuwutang. She just gave a rough description, and someone had already finalized the construction plan, and the construction started.

Then she went to the warehouse again.

The warehouse is not only a place to distribute cultivation resources, but also the largest trading place within the sect.

There are some in Shanxiafang City, and almost everything is available here.

Except for the raw materials, almost all of them are spiritual objects refined by the monks in the sect themselves.

The price is fair and the quality is high. Even many of the goods in Yamashitabo City are purchased from here.

As a direct disciple, Ying Hui can get a bit of a discount compared to ordinary inner disciples.

Immediately in the warehouse, I picked out many warming utensils. Before leaving, I found that there are soul beads for sale here. The price is extremely cheap. Ten spirit stones can buy one, and the soul power of one soul bead , she can travel through it once.

Yinghui Zhengchou only had one time travel time left, and he was a little passive. This time, he finally solved this serious problem.

Immediately bought ten to prepare.

As for the pillow stones needed to arrange the formation, they are slightly more expensive, requiring 23 spirit stones a piece, and there are especially many impurities.

The deacon disciple of the storehouse told her that if she had high requirements for purity, she could entrust a junior refiner to refine and purify it, and the price was much more cost-effective than buying it directly.

The formation that Yinghui needs to arrange is aimed at monsters with no intelligence, so it doesn't matter if the pillow stones are more complicated.

Picking and picking, and buying some treasures for practicing secret arts in the storehouse, a total of five hundred spirit stones were spent.

It's just a pity that each of these three secret arts still lacks a spiritual object.

One is Yanfenglu, the other is Yinyang Stone of the Five Elements, and the other is Yinhuai Wood.

It is said that the warehouse has not received these three items for more than ten years.

Ying Hui is not sorry, this is normal. If it were so easy, people would be everywhere with these three secret techniques.

When she returned to Huawei Mountain, among the mountains and forests, beside the stream, a chic hut had faintly taken shape.

Considering Zhiwei's real face, Ying Hui's small house is not big, but it has all internal organs, and has the foundation for living and working.

Huahua seems to be very attached to her. Ever since Zhiwei Daoist sent her to her, he has been following her, taking her flying around the mountains, which can be regarded as saving her a lot of trouble.

Now looking at the newly built small courtyard, she even pesters her to ask for a room. Huahua is soft and cute, Ying Hui is hugged and acted like a baby by her, but he surrenders after a while, and re-explains with the fellow who built the house, An extra bedroom was repaired for her, and a small flower hall was thoughtfully made for her. The roof was made of transparent glass, allowing the sunlight to fill the entire flower hall.

It is convenient for him to bask in the sun.

Huahua couldn't put it down because of this small flower hall, and dragged Ying Hui in to decorate the other rooms before they were finished.

Teng woven futons, Xiaoxiang bamboo case, she put one here and some there.

On the bamboo table is a beauty goblet, which is filled with fresh flowers from her hands, and also placed with bluestone tripods, incense boxes and other things.

In just a short while, the whole flower hall changed its appearance, adding a bit of elegance.

Seeing Huahua's excited appearance, Ying Hui was a little confused, "Huahua, why do you carry so many decorations with you?"

Huahua's excited movements suddenly stiffened.

After falling down on the couch, he let out a faint sigh before saying, "I'm not afraid that the real people will sell my treasures."

"No way, how many spirit stones is this worth?"

These things are not magic tools, nor are they precious spiritual materials. At most, they have more spiritual energy than ordinary things, and they are more exquisitely made.

Added together, they can't exceed ten spirit stones.

A dignified Jindan real person would do such a thing of selling spirit pets for ten spirit stones?

She doesn't believe it!
However, slapping her face is like a tornado, and the reality cannot tolerate her disbelief.

"You said my master lost the storage bag when he built the foundation?"

"When he formed the alchemy, it caused a catastrophe and caused space turmoil. Except for him, everything was thrown into the space-time rift?"

Looking at Huahua's heavy nod, Ying Hui asked, "What about you?"

Hua Hua's face darkened, "It's not because I was clever, I found out that he was about to cross the catastrophe, so I ran away quickly."

Said, with a look of fear and regret.

With such bad luck in wealth, did Master Zhiwei never think about keeping the accumulated wealth in the sect?

Hua Weishan is in the sect, so nothing will happen, right?

Ying Hui thought so, and asked the same question.

"Do you think the real man has never thought about it? After finally saving some property, the real man happened to need to go out when something happened, so he left most of the valuables in the sect.

This is great, not only did he not keep his belongings, he was seriously injured, his life was almost lost, and he finally came back alive. In order to heal his injuries, all the things left in the sect were not only cleaned up, but also owed A lot of foreign debt. "

"The master..."

The disciples of his own relatives don't seem to have any enmity between the two of them, so they don't care about anything, do they?
"The real gentleman has put too many spiritual stones on the real person over the years, and he loves the real person very much, but it is a pity that the real gentleman happened not to be in the sect that time, so the real person had to carry it himself.

Afterwards, Zhenjun felt that something was wrong, so he asked Juming Zhenjun to make a fortune for the real person..."

Talking here, Huahua is a bit hard to describe.

(End of this chapter)

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