This fairy has some tea

Chapter 94 Distress

Chapter 94 Distress
"Sister Nuan Nuan, you are so funny. Danger requires a chance. I don't want this chance for nothing."

Tian Nuannuan saw that Ying Hui didn't believe her and laughed at her, and she became a little anxious, "What I said is true.

The reason why it is called an opportunity is because, in the Bingdi Secret Realm, all treasures and crises coexist.

You hide here, there is no chance to encounter treasures, so there is no chance to encounter danger. "

Ying Hui was dubious and said, "Really?"

"Of course it's true," he said, somewhat disappointed, "Bingdi Secret Realm, in the eyes of our local families, is a place where misfortune and good fortune depend on each other.

This secret realm is not a secret, but to enter this place, a man and a woman need to be in love, and every opportunity needs to be fought with one's life. Every time a secret realm is opened, only three or four out of ten can come out alive.

Most of the opportunities obtained are in pairs, bound by men and women.

Only Jindan and below can enter this secret realm.

For monks, they are still young people, and their minds have not yet settled down. How many lovers are there who truly love each other and live and die together?Who would risk their lives for such an opportunity?
Therefore, although there are many treasures in this secret realm, they have not been divided by the family.

Instead, all monks who knew the news were allowed to come in and out freely. "

So it turned out that Ying Hui thought it was due to the competition of the family and the ownership of the secret realm was not yet determined, so they picked it up for them. It turned out that no one wanted it at all.

"Then where is the so-called opportunity?"

Chang Hong listened to the excitement, he was purely joining in the fun, he was so unlucky, he never thought he could find a bargain.

Ying Hui looked at Chang Hong, thinking of Chang Hong's bad luck, and thought of his new master.My master is just poor in wealth luck, as long as he has no money, other aspects are normal, this guy is unlucky in all aspects.

Maybe, you can't be too harsh on him.

Think of it as accumulating merit and virtue for your master.

"Above the sky and under the water, if you walk around, you will meet them."

As soon as these words came out, Yinghui's divergent thinking was withdrawn, and he firmly established his firm belief that he would never run around.

"I think, since Brother Shao's family has come in, he won't be willing to just go out like this."

After hearing so much news, Ying Hui couldn't help but remind Tian Nuannuan when he saw Tian Nuannuan's sad look.

With her keen perception, Shao Wenxian's warmth is really superficial.

It is very likely that it came from the secret realm.

Tian Nuannuan is full of love, and I am afraid that he will pay by mistake.

"I know, but, no matter what, I want to be with him."

Tian Nuannuan bit her lip, her eyes were staggered from Ying Hui's.

Ying Hui was a little astonished, thinking of Tian Nuannuan's eager denial when the two sides first met, presumably, apart from shyness, it was more uncertain about this relationship.

At this moment, Shao Wenxian finally opened the gauze curtain and walked in.

He picked up the hot tea and took a sip.

"I just slightly adjusted the formation you arranged earlier. Several formations are fused together to support each other, and we can be safer."

Paused, looked at Tian Nuannuan, who was a little uncomfortable, and gently rubbed her head, "What are you talking about, why is it a little weird?"

"Talking about how you and Sister Nuannuan met, Sister Nuannuan is a little shy."

Ying Hui joked.

Shao Wenxian gently pulled Tian Nuannuan's hand, "Nuannuan is easy to shy, sister Hui, don't make trouble with her."

Yinghui made fun of "hehe", and the little awning boat was warm and happy for a while.

Everyone is like a small gathering of friends, rather than in a secret place full of dangers.

Shao Wenxian seemed to be hiding in the awning boat like Yinghui and the others. When the fire in the fireworks formation was about to die down, he would take the initiative to add spirit stones, and check from time to time whether the formation was safe.

Careful and generous.

Occasionally chat about the customs of their east house, and give some pointers on their practice.

In just a dozen days, everyone has become good friends who talk about everything.

Even Ying Hui wondered if he guessed wrong, Tian Nuannuan sighed faintly when Shao Wenxian went out to inspect again, "I really want this polar night to last forever."

Looking at Yinghui and Yinghui who had question marks, she gave a wry smile: "Extreme day and extreme night are not only the changes in temperature, but the most important thing is that the treasures that appear in the two weathers are different. In the extreme night, the treasures that appear are all Treasures that are extremely cold or yin, but in the extreme day, it is just the opposite, there are some extremely hot or extremely yang things."

Ying Hui immediately understood that it wasn't that she had guessed wrong, the reason why Shao Wenxian lived so peacefully was because his goal was at the extreme daylight.

She thoughtfully handed Tian Nuannuan a cup of hot tea, and comforted: "Maybe we are thinking too much, brother Shao is just like us, maybe he just wants to spend this month safely."

There was a trace of hope on Tian Yuanyuan's face, but it soon faded, and she said in a low voice, "I hope."

"By the way, Miss Nuannuan, does this cold frog only appear in the extreme night, but what about during the extreme day?"

"At the end of the day, these cold frogs disappear, and the red sun frogs appear. Except for the different attributes, the general appearance is similar.

Of course, there will be more monsters underwater, as long as you don't go into the water.

On the surface of the water, you will only encounter a few scarlet sun frogs to harass you at most. "

It seems that there is really nowhere to go.

There is one day left, and the polar night is coming to an end. Because of the melancholy in her heart, Tian Yuanyuan dragged Yinghui to talk more.

To sum up, if you don't run around, there will be no danger.

At this moment, their little black-covered boat suddenly shook.

The vibration was very weak, but everyone, as monks, could feel it.

As if to test their premonition, Shao Wenxian rushed in from the outside, pulled Tian Nuannuan, and said to Yinghui and the two: "There is a fight outside, and the cold frogs are all rioting. This formation can't resist the cold frogs who have lost their minds." Group, you will be rushed up soon, I will take Nuan Nuan to go first, be careful yourself!"

As he said that, he had already embraced Tian Nuannuan and galloped away, just like when they came abruptly, they walked more simply.

Ying Hui didn't even have time to complain.

The fact that the other party walked away in such a hurry can only explain one problem, the danger is imminent.

She and Chang Hong jumped off the boat quickly, Ying Hui only had time to put the boat away, and the warning sound of the formation had already been heard continuously.

Relying on the formation method to delay for a while, let the two escape quickly.

The screams of "croaks" came one after another in all directions.

Yinghui and Ying Hui followed the direction in which Shao Wenxian and Shao Wenxian fled away.

And amidst the constant "croaking" sounds, faint explosions sounded from afar, and they seemed to be approaching constantly.

Ying Hui looked back in his busy schedule.

In the vast wind and snow, the hazy obscurity seems to be pulled away by a beam of clear light.

(End of this chapter)

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