Chapter 95
In the middle of the opened curtain of heaven and earth, acacia locust tree stood in the air, with petals floating in its hands, and finally wrapped the black hole-like thing in front of her into a flower ball.

And the curtain fell again at the moment when the flower ball was formed.

At the same time, Ying Hui's heart shuddered, and the fear of imminent death suddenly swept through his body, making his hairs shudder.

Without hesitation, he threw out a Golden Bell Talisman, and at the same time, pulled Chang Hong who was close in front of him.

The Golden Bell Talisman turned into a stream of light in the air, shrunk to a point, and then exploded suddenly, turning into a shining golden bell, covering the two of them.

Because the two of them are still young and not of high stature, even though the golden bell covers them, it is barely enough.

The admiralty had just formed, and in the next moment, when Xianghuai appeared, there was a sudden violent explosion.

"Kacha Kacha" sound can be heard endlessly.

The ice layer under his feet was shaken to pieces.

Countless cold frogs emerged from the cracks.

Under Ying Hui's feet, a valley of ice suddenly cracked.

The two fell instantly.

Chang Hong was so frightened that she held Ying Hui's hand tightly, not daring to let go.

He was afraid that once he let go, Jin Zhongfu would leave him alone.

The two people who fell rapidly collided with the protruding ice cones from time to time.

If it wasn't for the Tier [-] Admiralty Talisman, the two of them would have clashed and become candied haws.


As the two finally fell to the ground, a series of echoes echoed in the ice valley.

The two did not dare to relax in the slightest.

Because in this ice valley, snow-white cold frogs, big and small, stared at the two people who descended from the sky with their big round eyes.

After a rough sweep, there are hundreds of them.

The bone-piercing chill made both of their teeth chatter.

Ying Hui's mind became confused, and he quickly took out the newly bought temperature-controlled cassock and the fairy skirt that his master gave him, and put it on.

Then I put a talisman to avoid the cold on myself, and then I calmed down.

Looking at Chang Hong who was looking at him eagerly, Ying Hui had to stick two talismans to avoid the cold.

During this period, a group of cold frogs stared at the two of them with wide eyes. Only the closest one stuck out its long tongue, trying to attack the two of them.

But it slipped on the golden mask and couldn't touch anything.

Then, the other cold frogs remained silent.

It's just that both of them know that these cold frogs are waiting, and they will rush forward if their talismans are completely exhausted.

Therefore, after their bodies gradually returned to temperature, they quickly searched for a way to escape in the rift valley.

This search made their scalps tingle even more. They hadn't noticed it before, but now when they looked around, they found that there were still an unknown number of cold frogs frozen in the ice layer, densely packed with white spots, far and near. The ones are close, as if they can break through the ice in the next second.

Ying Hui didn't look at it any more. If the Admiralty Talisman was not attacked, it would be no problem to persist for an hour. She had to act quickly to find an escape exit.

Otherwise, staying here is waiting to die.

There are many cracks in this ice valley, and there are many ice caves, winding and twisting like a maze.

They don't know if they have enough time.

And the moment the two raised their feet and started to move, the group of cold frogs also moved.

Like white jade dumplings, they rushed towards the two from all directions.

Ying Hui and the two were startled, grabbed a gap, and started to run away before they had time to think.

Otherwise, if you are surrounded by these cold frogs, although you will not be injured, you can be trapped until your spiritual power is exhausted, and you will be slaughtered.

The two sides are chasing after each other in this rift valley under the ice.

But gradually, Yinghui finally realized that something was wrong.

There were so many cold frogs in this group, a few of them would suddenly appear in front of them as they ran, forcing them to change direction.

But it will always leave a gap for the two of them.

For the two of them to escape.

It seems that there is a purpose to drive the two of them to a certain place.

Didn't it mean that the cold frog was mentally retarded?

Ying Hui's heart skipped a beat, and he thought of an even more frightening possibility.

Perhaps, these cold frogs have not become smarter, but have been driven by something!
Who is it that has such a strong strength that can drive the monsters in the secret realm?
What is the purpose of the other party doing this?
Ying Hui was very anxious, but even if she found out the purpose of the cold frog, she had no choice.

The cold frog pressed on every step of the way, covering the sky and covering the sky, leaving the two of them with no way to escape.

Pei Lan in the spirit beast bag fell into hibernation long after the polar night began, and all she could rely on were those few second-level talismans.

At times like this, her mind became clearer.

Although the other party sent a group of cold frogs to drive them away, they did not kill them directly, which means that the other party must have a conspiracy.

There should be no danger for the two of them in a short time.

After thinking about this, Ying Hui felt relieved and his steps became more gentle.

"What are you doing stop and run quickly, I don't want my life!"

Chang Hong was so anxious that she wanted to drag Yinghui to flee for her life, but it was too late. In the narrow ice passage behind her, the white cold frog Gululu rolled its eyes and approached the two of them.

The distance between the two sides was less than ten feet at this time, and Chang Hong could even see a little blush on the tips of the four toes of the leading cold frog.

It's not pure white!

Chang Hong didn't know why it was such a critical juncture, he was still in the mood to study the cold frog's feet, he just felt that at this moment, being stared at by countless big eyes, there was only one thought in his mind, my life is over!

However, after waiting for a long time, he didn't wait for Hanwa's next move. Instead, Yinghui glanced at him faintly, then slowly raised his steps and walked forward.

While strolling in the courtyard, he quickly recovered the spiritual power that was consumed by running all the way just now.

Behind her, followed by Chang Hong, who looked bewildered and at a loss, and the cold frogs who were as quiet as chickens, followed closely behind.

On the deep ice valley, the cracked ice cracks have been filled and stitched by falling snowflakes at some point, as if the cracks never existed.

Under the ice crevice, Ying Hui faced the forked road in front of him, looked back at the leading cold frog, and asked silently.

The cold frog let out a "croak" cry, then, with a kick of its hind legs, it rose up from the ground, and when it landed again, it was already in front of the two of them, and jumped towards the right fork.

At this moment, Chang Hong didn't understand anything.

However, it is the understanding that makes me more afraid.

Being able to drive the Frost Frog in the Secret Realm together and take the two of them there is obviously not to say hello and ask them if they have eaten.

What does he have, no, what do they have that is worth plotting for others.

Most of the people here have a higher level of cultivation than them.

The only advantage of the two of them is probably that they are young.

(End of this chapter)

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