Chapter 96
Chang Hong's heart tightened even more.

But like Ying Hui, even if he knew in his heart that the front was a tiger's den and a wolf's den, the two of them could not resist and refuse.

I don't know how long they walked, and the group waited until they came to an ice wall. The smooth ice wall reflected the figures of everyone. The red-toed cold frog jumped, and the cold ice wall rippled. The red-toed cold frog disappeared into the ice wall.

Yinghui and Ying Hui looked at each other, but the Han Frogs behind them didn't allow them to think about it any more, and pressed forward step by step.

Facing the threat of thousands of cold frogs, the two looked at each other and had no choice but to succumb to it.

The ice surface is also unobstructed, only when passing through, there is a sense of suffocation and oppression.

However, this feeling quickly disappeared as the two of them completely passed through the ice wall.

Inside the ice wall is a blinding whiteness, and the red-toed cold frog has long since disappeared.

Ying Hui leaned back. When he came in, he entered the ice wall like a water curtain. At this moment, it was hard and cold.

The entire ice room is square and square, with a towering dome. In the empty and white space, there is only a circular pool in the middle. The water in the pool is not ordinary, half ice blue and half red. It is clearly in a pool, but it is clearly separated.

And at the junction of this pool of water, there is a parallel-stalked lotus, with two lotus flowers on it, just like the water in the pool, one is ice blue and the other is red.

However, when Ying Hui and the others took a closer look, they found something was wrong. The pool of water was real water, but the flowers were not real flowers.

"Two little friends."

A melodious female voice suddenly sounded in the ice room, which shocked the two who hadn't figured out the situation.

Chang Hong subconsciously moved to Yinghui's side.


The behavior of the two seemed to please each other, and the sweet female voice could not help but let out a series of coquettish laughter.

Ying Hui looked around vigilantly, and there was nothing unusual, only the red lotus in the lotus in the pool was trembling, as if it had been shaken.

After finding the source of the voice, Yinghui still didn't dare to relax his vigilance. He slightly cupped his hands at Bingdilian and said, "I don't know what the senior called us to come. What is the so-called? The little girl is dull and has little talent and learning. Several seniors with outstanding talents and profound cultivation bases, how about I help seniors find them, they will definitely help seniors."

"Little slick, don't try any more. I don't dare to look for those people you mentioned, otherwise I wouldn't have called the two of you here."

Ever since Ying Hui entered this place, the alarm bells have sounded loudly. Her premonition told her that this female voice definitely has bad intentions!

"Senior, are you worried that you will be caught and refined into a weapon spirit?

You can rest assured, seniors, I am from the Ying family in Jiangbei, and I can swear a heart demon oath, as long as I do my best to protect you, no one will touch your mind, and I will let them do their best to help you do whatever you want, thanks The younger generation will repay the favours. "

"You are decisive. It's a pity. With such a good temper, if you didn't come here, you would indeed be a good seedling for cultivation."

After a pause, the female voice said regretfully: "But my sister has been waiting for too long, I really can't wait anymore, Bingli can't hold on anymore, you see, you have been here for so long, and he didn't even say hello to you I have no strength.

The soul and body are so weak that they can hardly hold on. "

In the faint female voice, with endless melancholy, bursts of blush washed away in the air, and before Yinghui and Yinghui could react, the blush had already filled the entire ice room, and the eyes of the two instantly became confused .

Afterwards, the eyes of the two were even more moved by the sadness, and tears fell down.

"Good boy, come here quickly, help sister, as long as you give your body to sister, sister won't have to dissipate.

You can't bear the heart of your sister dying like this, right? "

As the female voice became softer, the two of Yinghui couldn't help but move closer to the pool.

When the two finally reached the edge of the pool, Bing Dilian in the middle of the pool couldn't hold back anymore.

The red light flourished, making the whole ice room seem like a sea of ​​fiery red.

Then, it shrank quickly, and all of them fell into Ying Hui's eyebrows.

The moment the red light disappeared, Chang Hong also woke up.

I saw that the two of us had come to the edge of the pool at some point, and the red lotus had disappeared, leaving only the ice-blue lotus, which appeared and disappeared at any time, as if it would disappear at any time.

He was startled, and hurried to look at Ying Hui, only to see the little girl's eyes were closed tightly, and glistening sweat rolled down in clusters.

It can be seen that the other party is suffering from inhuman pain.

Chang Hong coughed. Although she didn't understand before, she also knew now that Ying Hui might be taken away.

He looked up at the looming icy blue lotus, the other party brought the two of them in, so it would be useful, so, he is that Bingli's prepared body, right?

If Yinghui is successfully seized, he will be the next one.

Chang Hong quickly analyzed the situation in front of him, his heart sank, and a ray of water light slowly unfolded from his palm, covering Ying Hui's whole body in an instant.

At this time, within Yinghui's sea of ​​consciousness, Yinghui's primordial spirit resides on the stone bead and floats above the sea of ​​consciousness, and is in a stalemate with the beautiful woman in fiery red.

Under the feet of the two, there is a sea of ​​rolling clouds, which seems to be endless, and if you don't pay attention, you can swallow people up.

The woman's appearance is beautiful, but in her eyes, there is a ball of lotus flames jumping non-stop, which looks very strange.

"Little sister, come out quickly. My sister has no malicious intentions. My sister just wants to stay in your sea of ​​consciousness for a few days. Our soul and body are about to disperse. If we don't think about it, we will dissipate in this world. I was in a hurry, so I was a little reckless.

Little sister, you forgive my sister, come out and have a good chat with her, you have a treasure in hand, my sister dare not act rashly. "

The woman coaxed softly, but when she mentioned the rare treasure, her greedy look flashed away.

However, there is still a useful method of confusing outside, but it does not have the slightest effect on the winning of the possessed stone bead.

And just relying on the words without a trace of sincerity, Ying Hui believes that she is a fool, but it is not a solution to persist, her body is mortal, it is nothing if she does not eat for a few days, after a long time, she will starve to death before leaving the secret realm .

But let her leave the stone bead, the lotus girl might swallow her up in minutes.

There are quite a few talismans in the stone bead, but this is my own sea of ​​consciousness, which is the most vulnerable place for monks, who knows what effect it will have if you use those things?She can't afford to gamble.

Therefore, the only thing that can be used is the stone bead. Ying Hui thinks about the energy of the soul and body that the stone bead absorbs every time he crosses, and has some ideas in his mind.

She was attached to the stone bead, and she ran into Liannu who was chattering and trying to coax her.


A scream shook the sea of ​​consciousness.

A big hole suddenly appeared in Liannu's abdomen hit by the stone bead.

(End of this chapter)

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