Chapter 165 Packing Staff Meals (55)

"Can you not be excited?" I thought I didn't make any money from today's dishes, but who knows that before I sent people away, I made a lot of money from drinks. Send more drinks and dishes, and make up everything else, and I will keep an eye on the drinks here."

Fortunately, there were not many people drinking drinks today, otherwise the few boxes he bought at the canteen might not be enough.

"Hehe, I know that."

As early as delivering the goods to Fan Tianyu, Mei Mengzhen started to work in the space again. Although there were still some stocks in the past, there will always be a time when the delivery runs out. She must ensure that there is a lot of stock in the space, otherwise When she is too busy to grow vegetables someday, these stocks can be topped up.

Grandpa Pei sent away the old friends who came over for the banquet, while Mei Mengzhen's classmates He Yiran and Yan Keke did not leave. Why, wait for the evening meal.

"Zhenzhen, what shall we have for dinner?" Yan Keke asked excitedly, and incidentally burped a lot.

He Yiran sneered, "Although I'm also curious about this question, don't hiccup as if you can still eat."

Yan Keke said: "I'll eat it at night, I really can't eat it now, but I just want to ask."

Yan Keke felt a little aggrieved. Although she was fat, she really didn't eat as much as He Yiran, not even Grandpa He. Of course, there was a part of it because she was an outsider who was too embarrassed to eat too much, but It's the same in school, He Yiran eats a lot more than her but is still so skinny, and Mei Mengzhen is the same, eats a lot and still loses weight, just say you are angry.

"Okay, okay, you ask, you ask."

But as for what to eat at night, Mei Mengzhen really didn't think about it, but it's impossible for Grandpa Pei to do it. Grandpa Pei has been busy for several days, and now all his friends are here, so he can't get together Get together, so Grandpa Pei doesn't have time, but the second chef and Da Gong are here, and the dishes they cook are not bad. As for what you want to eat, we will talk about it at night.

Finally, the place was free, and Mei Mengzhen took her classmates to stroll around the park.

The beautiful name is digestion.

Naturally, Mei Mengchen wanted to follow her, he finally got to get along with his sister, he didn't want to miss a minute, so he stayed close to Mei Mengzhen all the time.

Yan Keke saw that Mei Mengchen was so cute, "Your brother is too cute, he likes you so much, he always sticks with you, so what about you going to school, stay with your parents?"

"No, my brother lives at my aunt's house, and he will move here to attend elementary school next year when he goes to elementary school."

He Yiran asked: "Then your brother is in the second grade now? Your brother is really tall, isn't it inherited from your family?"

This is really not true, Mei's father and Mei's mother are not tall, she can grow so tall is entirely due to a genetic mutation, and her younger brother is purely nursed by her spiritual spring water, "It doesn't count, but children nowadays generally Both are high."

There was really nothing to turn around in the park, and the four of them walked around twice before returning to the store.

But the situation in the store at this time is different from the situation just now. The store was deserted for a while after the people left, but now the calls are one after another, all of which are reservations for private rooms, and basically for tonight of.

Mei Mengzhen was a little confused about the situation, "Brother Tianyu, why are there so many calls?"

"I guess it's those people just now. There are always some people in their family who didn't make a reservation. Now I go home and find those people who didn't make a reservation and call to make a reservation. The rooms in the evening are full, and the rooms in the afternoon are not available. My parents Uncle and the others are in the private room we stayed before, are you alone or together."

Mei Mengzhen took a look at the two of them, and said, "Let's be alone." A group of strangers sat together awkwardly.

"The innermost room, just stay there, and see what you want to eat later in the evening, as long as it doesn't require reservations." Even if you want to eat dishes that require reservations, you can't eat them today.

"Okay, we can eat whatever we want, including staff meals." Mei Mengzhen and the two explained: "The staff meals are delicious, and you can try them too. I'll order some other dishes separately. You don't have lunch at noon. The dishes I have eaten."

The two of them didn't have any objections, they could eat different flavors instead, but before Mei Mengzhen finished speaking, Fan Tianyu said speechlessly: "Zhenzhen, don't be so mean when you invite your classmates to dinner, what kind of staff meal are you having?"

"Didn't I order another dish? This staff meal is really delicious."

He Yiran and Yan Keke really wanted to try the staff meal that Mei Mengzhen mentioned, and they also said at this time: "Yes, we have eaten everything we should eat at noon, and we can eat whatever we want at night."

Everyone said that, Fan Tianyu really couldn't say anything more, the few people entered the private room just chatting and waiting for dinner.

And in the evening, when the staff meal was brought to their private room, the two of them widened their eyes instantly, "Your staff eat so well, it's even better than the food in our cafeteria. I want to work here."

"What are you doing here, washing the dishes? Eat it quickly, it tastes better."

The staff meal standard is the same every day, 4 meat and 3 vegetables with a soup, because the food is delicious, the daily amount is full and will never let any employee work hungry, but also because of eating too much Because there are no leftovers for each meal, so the meals for each meal are freshly cooked.

In addition, Fan Tianyu added some freshly fried dishes to their private room, and ordered corn and sweet potatoes with Mei Mengzhen before leaving.

No one would refuse the delicacy of the staff meal, and soon the four people in the private room ate like tigers.

To be honest, the meal at noon is delicious but it’s too luxurious. It can be tasted or feasted, but when it comes to dinner, it’s the meal at night. He Yiran sighed while eating, "This meal is really not worse than the one at noon. .” Although the grade is different, it is delicious.

"Zhenzhen, can I buy two copies?" He Yiran asked.

"What are you doing?" Mei Mengzhen asked.

"I want to send it to my grandfather and uncle."

"What to buy, it's just a staff meal, just pack it up for you, you eat yours, I'll explain it."

After saying that Mei Mengzhen was about to get up and leave, He Yiran hurriedly called out, "Don't, what if it's not enough, I'll just buy these few dishes separately."

"If it's not enough, let the chef fry it again. You can still starve the employees in the store." Mei Mengzhen turned around and left after speaking. Of course, since the meals are packed, it's okay to pack some corn and sweet potatoes for the two of them by the way.

After Mei Mengzhen came back, the packaged things were delivered in a short while. He Yiran hurriedly called her grandfather and uncle. It was only 5 o'clock when they had almost eaten, so Grandpa He must have nothing to eat. .

Grandpa He did not eat. He was so full from the lunch that he went back to the hotel and took a rest. He had just woken up when he received a call from He Yiran.

 Thanks to Carmine for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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