After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 166 Investigation Background

Chapter 166 Investigation Background (15)

"Hey, of course."

He Yiran answered the phone here and hurriedly said: "Grandpa, I packed the food in the shop for you and brought it to you and uncle later, you haven't eaten yet."

Grandpa He heard this series of words just after waking up, he was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly said: "Not yet, are you here now?"

"Yes, I'll finish eating right away, and the food is packed, and I'll be over in a while." Grandpa He deliberately found a hotel that is closer to here. You don't have to take a car to cross the road to get there, but it also costs 10 minutes or so.

"Okay, then grandpa won't have dinner, wait for you to come over."

Grandpa He hung up the phone with a smile, and then said to Uncle He: "You don't need to go out to eat, but I packed the food from the store and delivered it to us later."

Uncle He said strangely: "Didn't you just say that you can't pack at noon?"

"Of course, it's not that her classmate is a minority shareholder, it should be a back door for her."

It is indeed a minority shareholder, but the back door is really closed, and it is not the food in the store, it is just a staff meal, and the requirements are really not that high.

After they finished eating here, Yan Keke took the corn and sweet potatoes back to school by car, and He Yiran also took the vegetables to the hotel to find her grandfather and uncle.

When He Yiran came to the hotel to give the employee meal to Grandpa He and Uncle He, the two of them were stunned, because the packing box was so simple that they suspected that He Yiran just bought it outside.

"Grandpa and uncle hurry up to eat. What we eat at night is the staff meal in the store, which is no worse than the one at noon."

"Employee meal." The two of them were stunned at the same time, and finally understood why this meal could be packed and the packaging box was so simple, it was an employee meal.

Seeing that the two of them didn't move, He Yiran knew what they were thinking, so he quickly persuaded him: "Believe me, it's really delicious, no worse than the one at noon."

Believe it, you must believe it, but the two always feel that what the granddaughter said is somewhat exaggerated.

Seeing that the two of them didn't move, He Yiran was not polite, and opened the lid of the two's lunch boxes with his own hands. There must be a scent, after all, it only took more than 10 minutes.

"Hurry up, it'll be cold in a while."

The packing box is naturally not as good-looking as the trays in the store. A large bowl for the back kitchen is packed together and made into two servings. The other two separate bowls of rice look good. Very average.

But after eating, well, Xiangzhen is never late.

The taste is just like what He Yiran said, it is indeed not worse than the one at noon, and it is very good for dinner.

Dinner is the key.

Grandpa He said: "It would definitely taste better if eaten in the store. Do the employees in this store eat like this every meal?" It's not how good the food is, but the taste is good. Of course, the food is not bad.

He Yiran nodded, "That's what Zhenzhen said. They had the staff meal last night. They knew it was delicious, so they recommended it for us to eat at night. She also steamed corn and sweet potatoes for us separately. I haven't eaten yet. Well, come here and digest it, just taste it."

He Yiran picked up a piece of corn and started to bite. The golden corn was plump and round and tasted sweet and delicious. He Yiran assured that she had never eaten such delicious corn, "Grandpa, uncle, you must try this, it's great." Eat it."

She has said a lot of delicious food today, and she is tired of saying this word, but any words other than delicious are not enough to directly express her love for these foods.

As expected, Grandpa Pei was not overly surprised, but instead said: "In addition to the chef's own craftsmanship, this restaurant also seems to be very particular about the selection of ingredients. No wonder you can invite Mr. Pei."

The wine in the store and the food in the store can indeed arouse Mr. Pei's desire to return to the world.

"I'm afraid this store will be a disaster in the future." Grandpa He sighed.

It was not without reason that he sighed so much. After all, if he could invite Grandpa Pei and the others, half of the success would be achieved, and if he could invite so many people to come out of the mountain, the other half would be directly successful.

Although he doesn't know every one of these people, but he is not ignorant of the famous people. The network of these people is far more than that simple on the surface. Once they are spread, they just take the business of these people. , they don't have to worry about this store at all.

Grandpa He said to He Yiran: "You are a good friend."

If you can invite Mr. Pei to come out and get these delicious dishes, then she herself will not be easy. Being friends is not harmful to their family. Besides, He Yiran has the same major as her in the same dormitory, which is an inherent advantage.

"Hey, you are so optimistic about my classmate. In fact, I think she is pretty good. Even if you don't tell me, I will get along well with her."

He Yiran is indifferent to people, and he seldom makes friends with others, let alone good friends, Grandpa He is also quite curious to let her say such words, "You two have only been together for more than a month, and your evaluation is not low. "

"Well, people are kind and smart. They always have weird ideas in their minds but their goals are firm, especially they are not easily swayed by others. They have their own bottom line and persistence. They are complicated and simple. I am quite like."

This evaluation is very simple, and it may be very high from He Yiran's mouth. Grandpa He also said at this time: "Actually, I asked someone to check the background of these two people. Would you like to take a look?"

He Yiran frowned, "Grandpa, what are you doing? Why are you checking on my classmates?"

"I don't know if I don't check it. It's really shocking to check it. Don't you want to take a look?" Uncle He was eating, listening to the conversation between the two men and handing over the found information to He Yiran, "Hey."

He Yiran couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart and took this document over. After a look, I'll go.

First of all, Mei Mengzhen's life experience is very transparent and clear, but because the time is too short, what the He family found out is only Mei Mengzhen's life experience and the business partnership with Fan Tianyu in the past two years.

First, my parents passed away and no one was looking after me, and then I was forced by relatives at home to ask for money.

Then the two of them went from selling vegetables in the penniless vegetable market to the current net worth of millions or even tens of millions. It took only one year for the two to make a magnificent counterattack.

And this store opened quickly in just two months, and bought a house and a car during the period.

The most important thing is that Mei Mengzhen's other card has a huge amount. Uncle He speculates that it is the money for food, but the amount is too large and it is all on Mei Mengzhen's card, so the two of them unconsciously It is suspected that Mei Mengzhen is the mastermind behind this Xiyuan.

I have to tell the He family the truth.

But no matter who is the boss, Xi Yuan's career has nothing to do with them.

But if people are so capable, there is nothing wrong with making friends.

After reading this document, He Yiran fell into silence, then packed the document and handed it back to Uncle He, feeling deeply in his heart, "So Zhenzhen's life experience is so miserable? No wonder she is so strong normally, How can you not be strong after going through so many things?"

 Happy New Year, I wish you all a Happy New Year!
(End of this chapter)

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