Chapter 276 Go at night (23)

She knew that the Pei family and the He family knew each other, and that the things that He Yiran could use were all good things, so what He Yiran had said was definitely not bad, and Mei Mengzhen was playing a little tricky.

As for the brand of skin care products, the packaging of anything processed by Xiyuan has no brand name. You can only see the simple packaging and the type of skin care products inside, so I want to see its value from the packaging, sorry , I can’t see it, but the quality is definitely guaranteed.

Mother Pei didn't expect Mei Mengzhen to be so caring. She didn't know that the time was too urgent this time. It would be nice if the girl didn't get angry or lose her temper. She didn't pay much attention to any gifts at all, but Miss Ren has done the etiquette in a daze, she is both sincere and fond, she is really thoughtful.

The key is that they look good. Mother Pei felt happy, so she hurriedly greeted them, "Zhenzhen, leave them alone, drink some hot tea quickly, don't catch a cold soon after the cold wind blows."

Mei Mengzhen nodded, politely took a big sip from the water glass, and immediately frowned.

Bitterness, Dahongpao is really bitter.

Of course, tea is bitter, but as a non-tea drinker, she is really not used to such bitter tea.

Mother Pei's eyes were always on Mei Mengzhen, and now she could see that Mei Mengzhen didn't like tea, that's right, which little girl likes to drink such bitter tea, there are melon seeds and fruit snacks in the private room, Mother Pei Quickly pushed these things in front of Mei Mengzhen, "Zhenzhen, eat some fruit, you little girls should not be used to this kind of tea, it tastes so bitter, only these elders love it."

Sensing Mother Pei's kindness, Mei Mengzhen took a piece of apple with a fork and stuffed it into her mouth, the bitter taste in her mouth immediately eased.

Grandpa Pei and Father Pei were watching the tea leaves, and now they realized that it was a teenage girl who drank this. Father Pei hurriedly said: "If Zhenzhen is not used to drinking, drink some drinks, but now the drinks are too It's cold."

Grandpa Pei said: "I asked someone to cook Ginger Coke, and someone will bring it in later."

As soon as the words fell, Fan Tianyu walked in again with a kettle in his hand. This time, the spicy smell of ginger wafting from the mouth of the kettle should be the Ginger Coke that Grandpa Pei mentioned.

Fan Tianyu didn't finish his work, he ran out again after delivering the coke.

Pei Ziyu poured the tea in her cup into his own cup. Even if Mei Mengzhen didn't drink such a good tea, it couldn't be wasted. After the tea was poured, he poured Mei Mengzhen a cup of Ginger Coke. Be careful He warned: "I feel a little hot, I guess it's just out of the pot, let's drink it after a while, don't burn it."

Seeing her son's caring look, Pei's mother was very surprised. It turned out that her son still had such a side, which she had never seen before.

After all, Pei Ziyu used to be indifferent to everyone, as if he didn't care about anything. This kind of character has been maintained for more than 20 years, and everyone thinks that this child is just like this.

But looking at it now, it's not that Pei Ziyu doesn't know how to be considerate to others, he just depends on who he is right.

Now not only Grandpa Pei, but also Pei's father and mother understand that this son (grandson) already belongs to someone else's family.

However, the three of them were neither sad nor angry. On the contrary, they felt that Pei Ziyu had a lot of smoke and fire, and he was no longer the one who didn't care about anything like before.

Mother Pei was even more satisfied with Mei Mengzhen, and decided to get along well with this future daughter-in-law.

If Mei Mengzhen knew that Pei Ziyu could make the Pei family think so much by pouring her a glass of water, she would definitely pour this glass of water herself, and never give it to others.

Of course, she didn't know it at the moment.


But when it comes to gifts, the three members of the Pei family are very satisfied with Mei Mengzhen's gifts, and as a gift giver, Mei Mengzhen is naturally happy to see that others like her gifts very much.

She and Pei Ziyu looked at each other and laughed happily.


The timing of their arrival was already stuck, and Fan Tianyu, who had delivered water twice, came in for the third time to serve food.

Today's big dishes are naturally prepared by Grandpa Pei in advance, and the other dishes are also carefully prepared by the second chef in the store, so there is nothing wrong with the dishes.

Besides, there is nothing bad about Xiyuan's dishes, just serve them according to the serving size of several people.

Fan Tianyu sat down properly this time, but he was a big-hearted person, he was a bit cautious when he first sat down, and chatted with everyone after a while.

On the contrary, it made the atmosphere in the private room much more relaxed and harmonious.

They did understand the basic situation of Mei Mengzhen, they had already inquired about it from Grandpa Pei, but they didn't know the details, so they brought the topic here while chatting.

Mother Pei asked, "Zhenzhen, where are you from?"

"I'm from Xincheng, just next door to Jiangcheng."

"Are you settled in Jiangcheng now? I heard from my father that you have already bought a house here. Are you not going back to Xincheng?" This father refers to Grandpa Pei.

Mei Mengzhen nodded, and she replied without hesitation: "Yes, I probably don't go back there very often."

The house in Xincheng was demolished, and her and her younger brother's registered permanent residence had already moved here, so they had already settled down in Jiangcheng. If the eldest aunt also moved to Jiangcheng, then she would not need to go back to Xincheng. Of course, the eldest aunt has not yet After moving here, her younger brother is also in the new town, so she must go back there.

"What about this year, how do you plan to celebrate the new year?" Pei's mother may think that this question is too detailed, so she quickly explained: "Oh, it's like this. Yu will take you back and visit your aunt's family by the way."

Mother Pei's explanation is very euphemistic, but the core purpose is also very simple, which means to find a time for Pei Ziyu to go to the door of the aunt's house, and the matter between the two of them can be regarded as an official notice to the parents of both parties.

But, it is not necessary.

Because the door-to-door has already been arranged, there is no need to wait until the Chinese New Year.

Pei Ziyu explained: "Mom, Zhenzhen has her own car."

Mother Pei really didn't expect Mei Mengzhen to buy a car directly at the age of 18, but her purpose is not this, "It's okay to have a car, isn't it tiring to drive such a long distance? Why don't you give it away."

Pei Ziyu really didn't intend to tell his family about this matter today, but the words were rushed, and Pei Ziyu had to tell the truth, "Mom, don't wait for the New Year, we will go to Aunt Zhenzhen's house at night."

After saying this, both Mei Mengzhen and Fan Tianyu felt a little guilty.

As soon as Pei Ziyu finished speaking, the private room became strangely quiet.

Grandpa Pei asked a puzzled question, "At night? Do you mean to see Aunt Zhenzhen at night? Did you make an appointment before? I never heard you mention it."

(End of this chapter)

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