After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 277: Pick from Thousands of Miles 1

Chapter 277 One in a million (33)

Last night when the few people were chatting, they didn't hear Pei Ziyu mention it. This kid can really keep his mouth shut.

But this advance appointment was indeed made in advance, but the advance time was not long.

It's not that he doesn't tell his family, it's just that time is too tight to say it.

But neither Mei Mengzhen nor Pei Ziyu could explain the reason clearly, so the explanation was left to Fan Tianyu.

The eyes of the two people were sent to Fan Tianyu naturally. Fan Tianyu was already guilty, but at this moment, his whole body was aroused by the two people's eyes.

However, there is nothing to be afraid of. Fan Tianyu and Mei Yinan have been fighting wits and courage for so many years, and they are the most adaptable. After all, the truth must not be told. They must not tell others that their parents are making things difficult for his son, so Fan Tianyu Nonsense: "I made an appointment before, I didn't expect the timing to be so coincidental, but fortunately, I was in time. It only takes more than an hour from here to the new city, and it's not too far away."

There is nothing wrong with this explanation. Jiangcheng is very big, and it takes more than 40 minutes from Xiyuan to Meimengzhen School, so it only takes more than an hour from Xiyuan to Xincheng. At the airport, Pei's mother asked worriedly: "Your dad and I can just go by ourselves. You go to the new city after dinner, it's not good to save it too late."

This is really unnecessary, Fan Tianyu hurriedly explained: "It's in time, I'll take you to the airport first, it's not around holidays, there's no traffic jam on the road, I'll definitely be there before dinner."

Although the weather is not good today, and the road is slippery when it snows a little, but because of this, it is even more outrageous to let Father Pei and Mother Pei go by themselves, and the time is really enough, the two of them can still spare time to go shopping and buy food. Things, when I got home, I was stuck at the point of eating anyway, so I had plenty of time.

As soon as Fan Tianyu explained, Pei's father and Pei's mother understood, but this time is really stuck, and there is no one who is rich at all.

Fortunately, they have almost eaten, and they must arrive at the airport before 2 o'clock, so there must be no problem.

But this time is really stuck, really... Mother Pei asked worriedly: "Then have you got your things ready? You child is the same, and you didn't tell us in advance, so we can prepare something, now Time is so rushed."

Where can I buy it?

"Mom, I'm ready, you don't have to worry." Pei Ziyu said with relief, "I'll go to the airport later to see if I need to make up anything." In short, there is no problem.

Pei Ziyu didn't need the two of them to worry about it since he was a child, so he really didn't doubt the authenticity of Pei Ziyu's words. He just thought that Pei Ziyu had really prepared a gift, and the elders could eat with peace of mind.


Xiyuan's food has the magic power to make everyone shut up and eat seriously. For Pei's parents and Pei's mother, who ate such delicious food for the first time yesterday, they have no time to talk.

The people in the room were already hungry after smelling the smell, so they couldn't care less about chewing and eating slowly, they ate the whole meal with relish.

It wasn't until all the plates on the table were cleared that I felt very satisfied.

The tea just now is for pre-meal, but it is not impossible to drink a cup after the meal.

Fan Tianyu cleverly made another pot of tea and everyone drank a cup of after-dinner tea, delighted and intoxicated.


After drinking tea, it was really getting late. The snowy road was slippery. It was better to start early than late, after all, the plane was waiting for no one.

Several people got dressed, put on scarves, and got into the car after taking the gifts prepared by Mei Mengzhen.

Grandpa Pei is getting old, so Father Pei and Mother Pei naturally won't let him see him off. After saying hello, they set off.

Along the way, Mei Mengzhen and Pei's mother had a very pleasant chat. If they want to have a topic for both of them, it's enough to lead the topic to something that both of them know.

Mother Pei is not good at inquiring about the little girl's preferences, and even if she inquires about her preferences, she may not necessarily like them, so when the time comes, there will be no topic to talk about, so she will naturally bring the topic to her son.

Talk about what happened to Pei Ziyu when he was a child, and then listen to Mei Mengzhen talk about Pei Ziyu now, the time has passed in a flash.

At the ticket gate, before leaving, Mother Pei stuffed Mei Mengzhen with a thick red envelope, and Mei Mengzhen hurriedly shirked it.

Mother Pei explained: "Don't push it, this is for you. According to our rules, the son should give a red envelope when he brings his girlfriend to the door."

Father Pei also said: "Girl, take it quickly, you can't push the money, or we will think you are not satisfied with my son."

This is really not the case, and Mei Mengzhen also knows this rule. The reason she pushes it is because the red envelope is too thick. People usually give a few hundred or one or two thousand, which is almost enough, but according to the thickness of the red envelope, I'm afraid there is a small ten thousand.

When Pei Ziyu heard Father Pei's words, Mei Mengzhen didn't refuse at all, and directly accepted the red envelope for her.

Mei Mengzhen could only thank her, and after seeing off her father and mother, the two began to stroll around the airport.


It stands to reason that it is not easy to open the red envelope and read it on the spot, but Pei Ziyu kept urging her all the way, so Mei Mengzhen had no choice but to open the red envelope on the spot.

While opening the red envelope, she said: "You are more excited than I am. What are you curious about the red envelope wrapped by your family?"

She didn't believe that Pei Ziyu didn't know how much money was in it.

"Look quickly."

Mei Mengzhen opened the red envelope, just as she had imagined, the thick bundle should be exactly [-] yuan, and a brand new one yuan was inserted into one side.

"Choose one out of ten thousand." Pei Ziyu immediately explained, "My parents really like you."

Mei Mengzhen naturally understands the meaning of the money. Even though she has never been married in two lifetimes, she also has younger sisters. However, Pei Ziyu's explanation was so fast that she felt, "Is this your idea?"

Forget it, this money was discussed with his family last night. Because the bank was closed at night, he went to the bank to get the new money in line early this morning. They went even earlier.

It is said that it is one in a million, but Pei Ziyu actually thinks it is a bit small. His Zhenzhen should be able to get one in a million, one in a million, or even one in a billion.

However, he, a young boy who just graduated, doesn't have that much money.

Moreover, this posture is also a bit exaggerated. Grandpa Pei lives in an old alley in the old city, and the things between neighbors are very clear. Too much, that daughter-in-law of the Zhang family only gave 500 when they met for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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