Chapter 301 Eating and Drinking (35)

"Her family's food and wine are all hauled home in truckloads, and we don't discount them. Of course there are so many."

Mei Mengzhen boldly guessed, "Then, is there a net profit of 200 million?"

"There must be. Our daily turnover is hundreds of thousands. Your 200 million net profit is only earned by the normal expenses of the store, plus your friends bought it separately, except for everything. A total of 330 million net profits."


"That's right. Sure enough, I can make money by opening a store. If I open it for a full year, multiply 99 by 12, and I can earn more than 1000 million a year."

Uh, obviously Mei Mengzhen has included the extra income, but it can also be calculated like this, "Hey, if there are more dishes, we can expand the store and earn more, but the location is too small Ah, I should have listened to you and bought a piece of land to build a building."

Mei Mengzhen twitched the corners of her mouth, "It's not bad, and we didn't have much money at the beginning. If we don't have enough money to buy a building that is too small, maybe we have to change the place and build it again. It's pretty good now, earn more money At that time, one step will be in place, and we will be able to move directly as soon as the rent of the college student policy arrives."

"Three years. The rent signed at the beginning was three years, but three years is actually not a long time. If we really want to build a building by ourselves, do we have to prepare now?"

It is said that the wind is the rain, and their Xiyuan has only been open for more than two months. Even if they buy land and build a building, they still have nearly three years to build. It is enough to build anything.

"Look at the land first. I still prefer to be closer to the urban area. Otherwise, it will be too far away and the traffic will be inconvenient. It's okay if it's more expensive."

Fan Tianyu thought for a while, and agreed temporarily. After all, the location is really not something she can buy if she wants to, and she can only look at it when the time comes. "Okay, I'll start paying attention now."

After the two of them had finished talking, the rest of the audience listened to their conversation with infinite emotions, exactly the same as when she heard He Yiran's words.

She understands these feelings, "Don't be too surprised, business must be forward-looking."

"But your vision is too big. Buy land, build a building and build a restaurant."

"No, the restaurant we are talking about is definitely different from the restaurant you think of. If we want to build it ourselves, it will definitely not be a one-story building on the ground. It must be built upwards. When the time comes, the appearance of the building will be different. We need to put more thought into it, the horizontal development has limitations, but the vertical one doesn’t, we can build more tables with more floors.”

Fan Tianyu nodded, "Should we still make a reservation then? We won't pick up individual customers. If there are too many customers, why don't we hire more operators?"

No, smartphones will be popular by then, and she will find someone to write a program to make an APP, which is specially used to reserve a location, send SMS verification codes from time to time, and just take the verification code to the front desk to scan the code. In short, it will definitely not as troublesome as it is now.

"Three years later, the purchase of technology will be rapid, so maybe it won't be such a hassle. Let's talk about it when the time comes, the foundation has not yet been settled."

As for how technology can be so fast, they can't imagine it now. Anyway, there are still three years, so there is nothing to worry about.


"It's finally a holiday. I wanted to go out and play, but it's windy and rainy outside. In the end, I can only stay in Xiyuan." It's the same as when I was in school. It's still at that time, and it's still in that private room , as if growing up here.

Fan Tianhua also said: "That can't be helped. It's not worthwhile to take injections and medicine when you are so cold and sick outside. It's better to stay at home."

Fan Tianyu pursed his lips, "Wind and rain can't stop you from going on a date. Didn't you return the flowers yesterday and come back so late to play."

This person is very aggressive, this matter finally passed, why did it come up again, can't it be brought up again in a few days?

Fan Tianhua glared at this person, "My tweed, I didn't see my flowers when I woke up this morning, yesterday you were the only one in the living room, what did you do to my flowers?"

"Whoever moved your things, don't blame me."

Fan Tianhua cares about this person lazily, thinking with his toes, he knows that this person must have thrown her away.

But Mei Mengzhen was very curious, "Sister Tianhua, who gave you flowers yesterday."

Hearing this question, although Fan Tianyu didn't care much on the surface, his ears perked up.

"My former classmate invited me out to have dinner and watch a movie."

Fan Tianyu asked alertly: "A man?"

"Female." Fan Tianhua shouted angrily.

Yes, female? ? ?

Fan Tianyu immediately lost his mind, "No, Tianhua, why..., how..., girl, you, don't you..."

Fan Tianhua slapped Fan Tianyu on the back, there was a muffled 'slap' but he knew it was very painful, and the way he hit someone was quite like Mei Yinan hitting someone.

"No, she opened a flower shop by herself, and the two of us sent me a bouquet when we went out."

It's that simple.

But if this is the case, then what Fan Tianyu said yesterday, how could someone like her be liked? These words really made people very angry. No wonder Fan Tianhua still held a knife yesterday.

In this way, everyone looked at Fan Tianyu with a different meaning.

Fan Tianhua smiled and said, "I'm fine, but brother..."

Before Fan Tianhua finished speaking, Fan Tianyu had an intuition that the other party had something bad to say, so he quickly interrupted: "There are still children, don't teach them badly."

Mei Mengchen was eating french fries, and when he heard Fan Tianyu talking about a child, he was the only child in this private room, so he immediately looked up, "What, the child is here."

"It's not about you, keep eating, your sister really wants to make you fat and fat."

Mei Mengchen smiled, "Fat is good, lucky, my sister is thin."

Mei Mengchen slept with her sister in her arms yesterday, and she didn't have any flesh on her body.

Mei Mengzhen said: "My sister eats a lot, but she doesn't gain weight, so there's nothing my sister can do about it."

After finishing speaking, Mei Mengchen handed the french fries dipped in ketchup to Mei Mengzhen's mouth, and Mei Mengzhen ate it in one bite. Not to mention, the french fries made by Xiyuan are also delicious K mark and arches are not lost either.


The days when the group of them settled accounts and ate and drank in Jiangcheng were quite pleasant, and the days of He Yiran far away in BJ... were actually quite good.

Although it is also eating and drinking, but there is some purpose in these eating and drinking.

He Yiran doesn't have many sisters who are close friends, but there are quite a few sister groups in this circle. After all, even if the relationship is average, everyone's parents have business contacts, so there is still some face.

So on the second day after she went back, she invited three or five friends out for dinner.

He Yiran deliberately didn't even put on makeup before going out, a pure natural skin appeared in the eyes of several little sisters, and then it exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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