Chapter 302 The One Who Sent Money (45)

"Yiran, where did you get your face done? Your skin is so good."

"This spot is not easy to do. I heard that spots will leave marks and I dare not do it. Did you put on makeup?"

"You don't wear makeup, you can't tell that you have no makeup, but you don't have any acne on your face, and your skin is so good."

"That's right, Yiran, tell us quickly, which hospital did you do it in, tell us quickly."

The fish took the bait so quickly, He Yiran was very happy in his heart, but he definitely couldn't just say it so directly, so he pretended to be deep and said: "I didn't get it in the hospital, but I just wiped my face with cream."

This sounds like a fake, after all, no one knows who.

But He Yiran is different, she has always been a very honest person, how could she tell such lies.

"No, Yiran, when did you learn that trick, tell me quickly."

"That is, don't use our words to perfuse us, we don't take this kind of thing."

A few little sisters came and went, and under the expectant eyes of the crowd, He Yiran took out the face cream she had prepared in advance, "Wow, it's really just a face cream, but the effect is very good. The freckles disappeared after using two bottles, and there is no sign of recurrence after several months."

People who have grown freckles know that even if they are removed, as long as they don't pay attention, they will still germinate solidly. When they grow again for the second time, the color will be much darker than the first time, so freckle removal is a must!long battle.

But He Yiran's words must have been exaggerated. After all, it didn't take long for her to get rid of her hair. How could it grow back so quickly, but the effect on her face is remarkable.

"Wouldn't it be tingling? I ordered a freckle cream before and it tingled my face. The next day I was allergic and went to the hospital."

He Yiran waved his hand, "No, no, I used it myself, you know my face, it's not a good thing, how can I put it on my face, and it's not cheap, a box of 30ml costs 100 million, if it's so expensive If it doesn't work, I will definitely demolish her studio."

The studio was also Mei Mengzhen's small three-nothing workshop, which was reluctantly called a studio by He Yiran, and the price was raised by her to 80 million from the original 100. Anyway, he thought this price was worth it.

And the effect is definitely there, but the price, 30 million for 100ml is really a bit expensive, rich people are not fools, everyone hesitated when they heard the price.

"Yiran, which studio did this come from? Although 100 million is not much, it is not a small amount of money. If it doesn't work, we will feel bad."

Although it's a small amount of money, it can't just be thrown away. It's still 100 million.

"You don't have to worry about it after I've used it. Otherwise, I'll use it for you first, and you'll pay if it works. If it doesn't work, forget it."

Everyone was taken aback when they heard this, "Are you using it for us? Could this be from your family...?"

"No, I just saw that the effect is good, so I bought a lot. She has anti-freckle, anti-acne, anti-wrinkle, whitening, anti-scar, oh, and slimming pills. My classmate took this and lost ten pounds. It’s a few catties, but she’s fat, 200 catties, so she’s much thinner.”

Everyone was speechless. He Yiran still felt that this item was sold by He Yiran, "Then let's try it first. If it works, we will publicize it for you for free."

These words are equivalent to acquiescing that He Yiran is the boss.

He Yiran still insisted on denying it, "I'm really not the boss for the time being. If I can sell this batch of goods, they will cooperate with me. Anyway, you will use it first."

When she went out, she carried a big bag with several bottles of various types. Today, there are only a few people, and they don't give much to each person.

After delivering these creams, today will pass without incident.

Back home, as 'friends', I definitely want to test the effect of this cream.

Although they didn't trust it and thought it was too expensive, at least with He Yiran as a guarantee, everyone bravely tried it in order to become beautiful.

As a result, after one night, because the effect was too obvious, He Yiran's phone calls, QQ, and text messages in the early morning were almost flooded by these people. He Yiran was sleeping in a daze, and looked at his phone, ignored it and continued to sleep.

However, these people didn't intend to let her go just like that, and they found her home immediately when they couldn't contact anyone.

Although she understands these people's psychology of beauty, but the disturbing dream in the morning is very speechless.

"Can it work? I can't sleep in when I go to school, and I can't sleep when I come back."

"Okay, but we sent money, don't you want it too? Do you still want to sleep now?"

Then go to bed later.

After He Yiran got up from the bed and changed his clothes, he began to chat about the cream.

There are a lot of varieties, but in fact, there are not many bottles for one person. "They didn't plan to sell them on a large scale, so I wanted to take them all. I really didn't make you money, and what she gave me was not cheap. , I bought a bottle for 95 yuan, and sold it to you for 100 yuan, let me earn this little money."

Therefore, you can't believe a word of the merchant.

But everyone is not stupid, He Yiran would not really believe everything he said, after a few people negotiated and bargained, He Yiran would not give up, and finally sold 100 bottles at a price of 69 million, and immediately emptied 1/3 of the cream .

Even rich people can't have so much liquidity on hand, so this face cream still needs credit cards, it's hard for He Yiran to be thoughtful, and it's done in advance, otherwise people won't be able to buy it even if they want to.

But when she saw the slimming pills, one of the slightly fat girls was quite interested in them, "You said about the slimming pills yesterday, how many pills did you take to lose more than ten catties?"


Everyone couldn't believe it, "One can have this effect?"

"Because my classmate is bulky, she has so much fat and thinness, but you don't. Even if you eat, you can't lose so much weight. And don't go out after eating. Her fat and sweat will flow out directly. After eating, cooperate with exercise. The effect is the best."

This scene sounds a bit disgusting, but somehow I really want to know what's going on.

The chubby girl gritted her teeth and made up her mind, "Why don't you sell me one, I'll try the effect, it won't be bad for your health, and how can you exercise after eating this?"

He Yiran thought about it, Mei Mengzhen originally proposed swimming, and swimming should have the best effect, "Swimming, but you can't go out to swim, it's too dirty."

"I'll try it when I get home, and I'll exercise after eating. I'll see how many pounds I can lose in one night."


He Yiran sent people away, sat down in the living room on the first floor, flicked his mobile phone, and recorded text messages. This morning, 69 bottles of face cream and a slimming pill totaled 7000 million yuan. He nodded contentedly, "Well, not bad. .”

(End of this chapter)

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