Chapter 303 Business Path (55)

Father He is also at home today, while tasting the tea brought back by He Yiran, he asked, "What's good?"

"Ah, no, I'm just satisfied with earning 7000 million this morning."

Father He couldn't help coughing out the tea, "What, what did you do to earn so much money?"

He Yiran explained: "As for the face cream that Zhenzhen and I made together, 100 million a bottle, isn't that just a 7000 million profit from them?"

"A bottle of 100 million, that is to say, sold 70 bottles in the morning." A profiteer, a more cunning business than him, so the few girls who were chattering upstairs just now were buying this, "How expensive is face cream? And they Why buy so much for 5 people?

"Where is one bottle enough? One person prepares three or five bottles and hoards them. If you have your own mother, you can buy them. If you have grandma, you can bring them. It's not bad for five people to buy 70 bottles."

Mother He also became interested when she heard this. She just used the anti-wrinkle cream that He Yiran gave her, and the effect was remarkable. She was in a happy mood for the past two days. Hearing what Father He said, she quickly interrupted and said, "Just Yiran gave me face cream, 100 million a bottle is expensive, but the effect is visible to the naked eye. Don’t you also say that my skin has improved? This is a good thing, as long as I use it, I will definitely buy more Bottled, normal."

"It's worth 100 million yuan for this cream, so it's normal." Father He didn't understand these women's views on money.

"You don't understand, a woman's face cannot be measured by money."

Father He felt a little apprehensive, "Why didn't you bring me such an expensive thing?"

"Bring it, the tea you are drinking, Taiping Houkui is also a pack of 100 million. I let you drink the Dahongpao and you don't drink it. I plan to sell the Dahongpao for 800 million a pack."

The tea in Father He's mouth couldn't help coughing out again, behavior like this is very unhygienic in his eyes, but who made him really unable to hold back, "Yi Ran, let me ask you something, How big of a business do you plan to do, if you ask for 100 million and shut down for 800 million, whoever buys it will not be taken advantage of, and also, who exactly set the price."

Take advantage of? ? ?
"Didn't someone take advantage of it just now?" After finishing speaking, I felt that this was wrong, "Tsk, Dad, I almost let you go to the ditch, what a fool, they spent money, and I also made money. How can you say that about someone after paying the money, besides, I set the price, why, is there a problem?"

Father He sneered in his heart, no problem, nothing at all, "But, who set the price for your daring?"

"No, I think it's appropriate, so I decided. The tea cake that grandpa took is not as good as this tea. I don't think it's 1800 million. It's not expensive for me. This means that the market has not opened, otherwise I definitely wouldn't sell it so cheap."

As He Yiran spoke, he felt a little bit of losing money by selling it cheaply.

In my heart, that was a bad feeling.

"That's right, you take two packs of tea leaves with you. When you talk about business, you can make my tea. If people want to ask you, you can also help me promote it."

"You make the best use of everything. I'll show you how much money you plan to give me."

He Yiran was not fooled, "Dad, it hurts our relationship when talking about money between father and daughter, you can help me promote it for free, I will pay for this tea for you to drink."

What a bargain.


"You and your friend are in partnership, what kind of partnership law is it? Since it is a partnership, you should be more formal, and don't mess around and hurt the relationship between friends because of money."

"I know, she is in charge of making, and I am in charge of selling. Excluding the purchase price of 10 per bottle, the remaining 90 is 55 points."

The purchase price of a bottle of 10 yuan and selling it for 100 million yuan is actually quite reasonable. After all, the price has only increased by 10 times. Almost all things outside are sold at 10 times the price, but they don’t The [-]D, so it seems to be okay, but He Yiran's [-]D is really scary.

"You can figure it out. If it doesn't work, you can find someone to do it, or find someone to help manage it."

He Yiran interrupted: "No need, the materials are rare, and there are few things. It is estimated that this is the amount for a month. I can do it myself, so there is no need to open a studio or start a company. These are not so formal for the time being. If in the future Let’s look at these again when we grow bigger, we know what to do, but he is the owner of Xiyuan, and he still doesn’t understand these business skills.”

Speaking of Xiyuan's Father He still has a good impression, the food that Grandpa He sent back and the wine that He Yiran sent back tasted first-class, and he should be a good guy who can get those things, There should be no problem with the two working together.

"Okay, if you can't get it, hire a professional manager. With your income this morning, hiring a professional manager is more than enough."

"I can handle that little business by myself, why spend that money, you don't care about me, I can do it myself, and it's only a few hundred million if I sell it all. Can't do well."

Father He coughed several times again while drinking tea. Looking at this girl, he always felt that this person was careless, so that he didn't want to talk to her for the time being.

On the contrary, Mother He said excitedly, "Do you have any more? Did you keep what I want? I'll come back later, what if it's all sold out?"

"Mom, we have kept what we both need, and I don't need to go out again. After they use it, they will promote it to me and they will come to the door. There are only so many goods, and I don't want to sell them on a large scale."

He Yiran knew exactly how to do this business, in short, just sit at home and wait for the money to be collected.


And in the afternoon, Father He did take the tea brought back by He Yiran to entertain the client. The client was quite satisfied, but he didn't talk much about the contract and went home after talking about the tea. After getting excited, the taste of the tea leaves is really unforgettable, and then I made a special trip to call Father He to buy this tea, and asked Father He to show me the way.

Father He's way naturally pointed to his daughter. Although the tea is expensive, but a pack of tea can last for a long time, so there is no need to buy more. It is not impossible to spend the money to buy two or three packs. He Yiran took the tea and personally delivered the tea to the door to collect the money. All in all, it was a happy cooperation.

Soon, He Yiran's business avenues opened up in a small area, and within a few days, the stocks he took over were sold clean and naturally he made a lot of money.

As far as the face cream and slimming pills are calculated at 100 million, there are a total of 220 copies, which is 2.2 million.

There are 40 bags of each type of tea, and Taiping Houkui has a bag of 100 million, a total of 4000 million.

(End of this chapter)

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