After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 304 Shareholding Cooperation

Chapter 304 Shareholding Cooperation (15)

Dahongpao He Yiran ordered 800 million packs, a total of 40 packs, a total of 3.2 million.

Adding up all the money is 5.8 million.


He Yiran stared blankly at the balance in the bank card, only then did she realize how big her business was, and she was a little dazed and lost, because just this trip, in just 9 days, earned 5.8 million.

The unit is calculated in billions. Although she is a rich person, it is the first time that she has so much cash in her balance.

This is different from Father He's joking feeling, that kind of feeling is very strange, and the corners of the mouth can't help but curl up.

A few days ago, I was so busy that I didn't have time to call Mei Mengzhen to report the situation.

Today is just the end of the day, and after the accounts are settled, it is natural to talk to Mei Mengzhen and ask her to prepare some more goods along the way.

He Yiran made a phone call to Mei Mengzhen, and at this time, Mei Mengzhen was still in the private room in Xiyuan and Fan Tianyu was planning how to use the little money earned this year on the right path next year.

First of all, the two of them have never been in contact with real estate, so they don't know how much it costs to buy a piece of land.

Secondly, they don't do this business, and they buy land for commercial use, so how to buy this land.

These are the most basic problems, and Mei Mengzhen can't help with these problems, so Fan Tianyu can only go out by himself, and when they encounter problems, they can discuss and solve them now.

Finally, there is the question of money, and money is a big problem. The two of them have no clue, and they have no idea how much money is needed to buy a piece of land. The three melons and two dates (tens of millions) in their hands must be not enough.

She had hidden income when she was selling vegetables before, but she only made so much money in total, even if the money was included, it might not be enough.

When the two were worrying about money, He Yiran's phone call resolved her and Fan Tianyu's urgent needs like timely rain.

Mei Mengzhen heard the phone ring and answered the phone, "Hello, Yiran."

"Zhenzhen, I've sold out all the things you gave me."

Mei Mengzhen was startled, but quickly realized, "You're really fast, it's been sold out in just a few days."

"Yeah, I've sold them all, why don't you ask me how much I sold them for, aren't you interested in this?"

"I can tell from your voice that you are very excited. You don't need to guess to know that you have made a lot of money. Tell me, how much."

"You would never have imagined, a total of 5.8 million."

Mei Mengzhen thought she heard it wrong, and asked in disbelief, "What did you say? How much?"

"5.8 million, 5.8 million, it only took you 5.8 days to earn 9 million with such a little stuff." He Yiran said excitedly.

So, "How high are you raising the price of those things? How can you sell so much for just two piles of stuff?"

He Yiran counted in detail, "The price of the face cream has been raised. I mentioned 80 million for the 100 we set before, and I also priced 100 million for the slimming pills. I thought they would bargain for a while. Who knew I would When I was about to let go, people paid directly, and I will definitely not be less after that, and they are all sold for 100 million.
Then the tea Taiping Houkui tea is 100 million yuan per pack, and Dahongpao was originally ordered at 1000 million yuan per pack, but later I thought the price was too high, so I changed it to 800 million yuan per pack. Don’t you have them all?You can figure it out by yourself, oh, I haven't given you the purchase price yet, this will be deducted when we share the money. "

Deduct the purchase price?The money should not be calculated in this way, "Since we are in business together, it can only be regarded as your business after the purchase price is deducted, so how do I divide the money? I tell you the purchase price to tell you the low price, you Just sell it at a higher price.”

But it didn't make you lift so high.

"That won't work, you can't bear the purchase price alone, so you won't lose money?"

"But you still do sales. If you don't sell, I can't make so much money. The two of us are half of each other."

The purchase price is just as soon as she opened her mouth, and it really costs less than 10 yuan a bottle, which means that it takes a little longer to grow the medicinal materials, and the only place to spend money is the processing fee and the money for planting medicinal seeds, but these It's all just a small amount of money, how could she really charge 10 yuan for a bottle.

But He Yiran disagreed, "I feel like I took advantage of you when you say that."

"No, no, no, there is no such thing, and the money came too timely, it solved my problem."

He Yiran was taken aback, and quickly asked: "What's the matter, what's the problem, do you need money?"

"Brother Tianyu and I are discussing about buying a piece of land. After all, Xiyuan is too small. We want to buy a piece of land by ourselves, build Xiyuan, and put fruits and restaurants in one building. In the building, we can also receive more customers, and we can also divide into various types of private rooms, which is not as scattered as it is now."

"You're right to think so. You two haven't opened Xiyuan for long. How much money do you have on hand? And even if I give you the money, it's not enough. 2-3 million yuan for a piece of land depends on the location. You can buy it in some places, but building a building is not a small expense, and your little money is not enough."

"No, Yiran, the location I want to buy is good enough. It doesn't need to be very big. It's different from your family's real estate that needs a large area. It doesn't need such a big place. A floor of about [-] to [-] square meters is enough. Enough is enough, of course the outside must be greened, and the parking lot must be built below, just a single building is not like a community, so it shouldn’t cost that much money.”

He Yiran really thinks it's wrong, that's right, Xiyuan is really just a single building, there is no need for a large area like hers, but 2-3 million is not enough, "It's not enough, Jane Jane, you will know if you go out and inquire about it, but I have a way, my dad bought a piece of land in Jiangcheng before, and if you need it, I can set aside a piece of land for you to use."

"Uh, where exactly is it, and Yiran, can you just give me a piece of land like this? Are there any conditions?"

"Well, that piece of land is in the center of Shiguang, and it is divided into three parts by the cross road. The largest piece is planned to be built as a shopping mall, the slightly larger piece is planned to be built with two office buildings, and the smallest piece is also planned to be built. For office buildings, if you want, this land can be granted to you. I also have selfish intentions, Zhenzhen, I want to buy shares. If you agree, we can talk about it later. If I buy shares, these will not be a problem. "

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, He Yiran continued: "Zhenzhen, let me tell you the truth, you can't buy a good place with that little money. If you really want to do it, we can cooperate."

(End of this chapter)

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