After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 305 Let's Talk About It

Chapter 305 Let’s Talk (25)

Mei Mengzhen thought for a while and asked: "Wait a minute, is the cooperation you are talking about me and your father, or me and you, what kind of cooperation method is this cooperation, and how much is the land worth? If the price is high and the shares exceed mine, will Xiyuan still be mine? If so, there is no need for it, and I definitely don’t want to hand over Xiyuan to others.”

Xiyuan already has a fixed customer group, which means that the location is not enough for them to want to develop. It is not necessary to say that cooperation is actually unnecessary. She is afraid that after the business is too big, some things will not be able to be decided by herself.

"If you agree, you will definitely cooperate with me. I will ask my dad to come over this land, and my shares will definitely not exceed the two of you. In this way, you should first understand the situation yourself. My side Also make a plan, give me the conditions I can give and how we will cooperate."

Mei Mengzhen felt that she could not make the decision, "Let me discuss it with Brother Tianyu first, this is not my business alone."

"Okay, it's okay even if you disagree. Don't hurt our feelings because of this. We can continue to cooperate in other businesses. I'm just offering a suggestion."

"Okay, I know."

After hanging up the phone, Fan Tianyu immediately asked, "What's the matter, what does your little sister want to do?"

"Didn't you hear? Yiran wants to cooperate with us. She happens to have a piece of land in Shiguang that we can use, and the condition is that she wants to take a share."

Xiyuan is like a tempting cake. On the premise that the two bosses have no money, the rich will naturally want to participate in a piece of the pie, so it is normal for He Yiran to have this idea. Besides, what He Yiran mentioned is true. It can solve her current problems, and it will also be very helpful for the future development of Xiyuan.

Fan Tianyu asked: "Then what do you think?"

"I didn't think much about it. Let's both think about it and discuss it."


On the other side, after He Yiran hung up the phone, Father He also asked: "Why did you suddenly say that you want to invest in shares and take our land? You know the value of the land. Is it a good deal? And you Say you have a good relationship with your little sister, what if the business together breaks down and there is a estrangement, and people don’t necessarily agree with you, just open your mouth, I didn’t teach you like this before.”

He Yiran didn't take it seriously, "Zhenzhen is different from the girls you've met before, even though he's young, but he really dislikes the tricks. Now I'm going straight to the point and said it's okay if you don't cooperate, but I If she goes around, maybe she will be angry with me."

"Even if I can't cooperate with her, the business of tea and face cream won't be affected either. After all, she doesn't want to lose such a profitable business."

No matter how good the relationship is, the interests are the interests.


The two discussed for a while in the private room, and Fan Tianyu also gave his own thoughts, "This Xiyuan is only ours now, and we can all make our own decisions. If we add a shareholder, we can do everything by ourselves." Are you in charge? Of course, after He Yiran joined, the connections between her and their family members will only make the development of Xiyuan better.

No one will have trouble with money, but we are just ordinary people, there is no guarantee that He Yiran will not kick us out in the future, and also, it is okay for Xiyuan to grow bigger, but can you supply the food there?Let's not talk about anything else, as far as the food is concerned, there are enough goods for the store to use now, but there are only a few private rooms. If there are more private rooms, will the supply of food be enough?So food is also a big problem. "

As far as the first point is concerned, she thinks there is nothing wrong with it, it's not how much she believes in He Yiran's character, as long as the two of them have no interests, these things don't need to be considered, but if interests are mixed in, it's not that simple.

It's that Xiyuan's dishes are impossible for her to hand over the channel no matter before or in the future. After all, it is impossible to see the light of space, so as long as the dishes are in her hands, then such a thing is impossible to happen.

So it is absolutely impossible to kick the two out of the game.

But when it comes to growing vegetables, Mei Mengzhen thinks she has no problem for the time being.

Now she only needs half an hour a day to finish all the vegetables needed in the store, which is more than a little easier than the life of growing vegetables in high school, and this also includes wine, face cream, and tea.

If the store expands, she can spend more time at most, just like when she was in high school, wouldn't it be enough to work an hour a day?Besides, no matter how the store develops, Xiyuan still does not have a hall, only private rooms, and receives customers twice a day at regular intervals. She can grasp the amount of dishes consumed every day by doing it a few times, and then plant it.

"As long as the purchase channel is in my hands, we will never be kicked out. Xi Yuan is still yours to decide. Besides, even if Yi Ran wants to buy shares, I will not give her too many shares."

Interest is interest, business is business. She said that making money must not be mixed with other emotions, but since ancient times, there has never been a partnership in business, so she is really not willing to do this kind of thing. If you can She definitely didn't want He Yiran to become a shareholder, but she was really tempted by the Shiguang area.

"Then what do you think?" Fan Tianyu didn't get an answer.

"I haven't thought about anything for the time being. Buying shares is the last option. You can take a look first. We are not in a hurry. Xiyuan has a three-year contract before it expires. Even if it expires, I still have a preferential policy for college students. Let's renew the contract directly." It's over, anyway, it's not short of that little money, but you must be cautious if you want to do business for a long time, that is, the land that Yi Ran said will start construction in a few years, you should inquire first, if it is really good, we should not miss it. "

Fan Tianyu nodded, "We don't know anything yet, so it's good to find out clearly, oh yes, the New Year's dinner of the He family is scheduled for the day after tomorrow, He Yiran will definitely come over, and we can chat face to face at that time, how about you?" You can ask Brother Pei, aren’t these two families very familiar? People who are ready can give advice.”

"Oh, also, why did Grandpa Pei come to work here in the first place? Anyway, the money was confiscated, right? If you really want to buy shares, you can't treat Grandpa Pei badly, so when the time comes, the shares will still be counted as a share of Grandpa Pei. Anyway It's not a matter of a day or two, let's talk to Brother Pei first."

"What you said makes sense." Fan Tianyu nodded, so if he wanted to change it, he would change a lot and it would be very troublesome, "I'll go find out now."

"Let's go after dinner. It's time for lunch. If you don't eat, you have to eat."

Fan Tianyu sighed, he finished his breakfast at 11 o'clock and now it's only 11:[-] o'clock, so he is not hungry, "Hey, why don't you sit down if you have something on your mind."

(End of this chapter)

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