Chapter 306 The Two Are Unworthy (35)

"Calm down, we are going to do big business in the future, you can't be as frizzy as before, what about Sister Tianhua, didn't she say she wants to have lunch with us?"

"Come on, it should be in the kitchen, I'll pick it up."

"I'll go with you." After Mei Mengzhen finished speaking, she said to her younger brother: "Is Chen Chen staying here by himself, or... Forget it, Chen Chen should stay here, too many people have come here for the New Year's dinner recently I'll burn you when I serve the dishes later."

Mei Mengchen obediently agreed while playing the game, "Okay, sister."

The game in his hand was bought for him by Mei Mengzhen after he came here. It is some games like Super Mario played by some children of this era. Mei Mengchen played it for the first time, and it was exciting, but he also knew Playing for a long time is not good for your eyes, and you are very restrained in playing games every day. In short, you are well-behaved, sensible and obedient, and you don’t need to worry about it at all.

Mei Mengzhen walked out of the private room with Fan Tianyu at ease, and closed the door behind her.

Mei Mengchen in the private room glanced at the closed door, took a big sip of drink and continued to play the game in his hand.

And Mei Mengzhen and Fan Tianyu continued to discuss the details of this matter in low voices.

The two of them had just walked to the front desk of the hall when a man and a woman standing at the door called Fan Tianyu's name together.

"Fan Tianyu?"

"Fan Tianyu?"

The man and woman at the door looked at each other with some doubts in their hearts, how could they see Fan Tianyu in Xiyuan, and immediately felt that they had recognized the wrong person.

But when Fan Tianyu turned his head, their hearts skipped a beat, they didn't recognize the wrong person.

The two felt even more strange. After all, this is not a place for ordinary families to come here. Huang Juncai begged Huang's father for a long time before agreeing to come here. It is not easy for him to come here, let alone Fan Tianyu.

Naturally, Fan Tianyu did not expect to meet these two people in Xiyuan. These two people were none other than Zhang Jing and Huang Juncai, his brother and ex-girlfriend who gave him the green hat.

This scene was a bit embarrassing, Huang Juncai felt superior to others, and said with a proud face: "Fan Tianyu, why are you here, this is not the place you should come."

Fan Tianyu didn't want to talk to this person at all, but Huang Juncai didn't have the self-consciousness, "Are you here to eat? Do you know where this is? You come here to eat, can you afford it? Don't run out of money to pay the bill. Hurry up and leave now, don't be ashamed for a while, I won't give you money for you."

Fan Tianyu didn't come back to his senses for a while when he heard this, and when he got over it, he didn't feel that the words insulted him, but felt that Huang Juncai's behavior was really ridiculous, "No, I'm in the way of eating. What's the matter with you, let's talk about this Xiyuan..."

When Fan Tianyu was about to explain that he was the boss here, he was interrupted by Huang Juncai. Huang Juncai looked at Mei Mengzhen up and down, which made Mei Mengzhen very upset, and moved behind Fan Tianyu. a few steps.

But Huang Juncai couldn't see anyone, but wanted to know who the beauty in front of him was, so he asked, "Fan Tianyu, who is this?"

Who needs Fan Tianyu's introduction? Zhang Jing can tell. She immediately replied: "Didn't I tell you last time? This beauty is Fan Tianyu's younger sister."

Huang Juncai frowned even deeper, "I have met Fan Tianyu's younger sister, but you are not at all, you are her girlfriend, right?"

After finishing speaking, she gave a 'tsk' look, as if she felt that Mei Mengzhen's eyes were not very good.

But this behavior made her feel that this person is very ridiculous. She thought that Zhang Jing was not good at thinking before, but looking at it now, it seems that the two people are not very good at thinking. No wonder they can get together. Fan Tianyu can get along with this It might be his luck that the two broke off contact, otherwise there would be entanglements in the future.

Mei Mengzhen didn't answer Huang Juncai's question, but rolled her eyes on the spot, as if she didn't want to talk to these two people.

When did Huang Juncai suffer from this kind of anger? Just when he was about to explode, Fan Tianhua walked in from the other side pushing a dining car. As soon as he entered, he saw Fan Tianyu, and immediately yelled in displeasure: "Fan Tianyu, didn't you come to pick him up?" Me? People, I’m almost dragged to the private room, so you don’t have to worry about the food getting cold.”

Xiyuan’s meals are never served by hand, they are all pushed by dining carts. Firstly, they are afraid of falling down on the road, and secondly, they are afraid of burning people if they fall, so all the meals are pushed by carts, and they can also be eaten on the road. Prevent any flying insects from flying in.

Huang Juncai glanced at the voice and immediately recognized who this person was, pointing to Fan Tianhua and said: "This is Fan Tianyu's younger sister, she is the one I met before, you are Fan Tianyu's girlfriend, right? "

Fan Tianhua was quick-witted, seeing the two old acquaintances in front of him, and hearing her words, he could connect a lot of things, so he immediately sprayed: "You only have sisters in your family? Don't you have cousins? Then Your family's population is quite small, who is this person has nothing to do with you, you ask so clearly what is your plan."

Huang Juncai didn't expect that Fan Tianhua would convict him if he opened his mouth, so he quickly explained: "What can I have in mind, someone is using his sister to deceive others, saying that she is his girlfriend."

This is really not the case, Fan Tianyu never thought about it from the beginning to the end, and he also made it very clear that Mei Mengzhen was his sister.

"Where did you hear these rumors? From the very beginning, I was Fan Tianyu's younger sister. You all imagined too much. Don't bring the things in your mind to others. Also, what are you doing here? , just here to quarrel?" Mei Mengzhen is not easy to provoke, so it is natural to say that she is unhappy.

"We're here for dinner, but you guys." Huang Juncai glanced at the cart and said with a sneer, "So you're here to work, I thought you were here to spend, that's right, how can you spend here with the conditions of your family? Come on, let me guess what you're doing here, oh, waiter."

After Huang Juncai finished speaking, he said with a regretful face: "Tianyu, I didn't mean you. You graduated from college anyway. Even if it's hard to find a job outside, you wouldn't be a waiter. If you really can't, I'll give it to you." Introduce a job, the front desk, oh, maybe my dad's office still lacks a pourer, why don't you go to work with my dad, it's better than being a waiter here."

After Huang Juncai finished speaking, Zhang Jing also hurriedly echoed, "That's right, Tianyu, we have graduated from college after all, and we just graduated, so we can't do these things. Please ask Juncai, he will definitely help you."

Fan Tianhua was speechless as the two sang together and listened, "What are these two bastards doing?"

"Talking about cross talk." Fan Tianyu said lightly.

Mei Mengzhen quickly denied, "No, you are insulting cross talk, these two people are not worthy."

Huang Juncai did not expect that he would hear such an answer from the three people in front of him, and he couldn't help being angry, "You..."

(End of this chapter)

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