After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 309 The Wisdom of Knowledge Precipitation

Chapter 309 The Wisdom of Knowledge Precipitation (15)

"When I was on the phone with Brother Pei, I mentioned it. Logically speaking, it must be given. After all, we booked 200 million to recruit a chef, but Grandpa Pei came here without asking for money at all, and Xi There are so many customers in the park with him in charge, we can't get into trouble because of a little share, we can do whatever we want."

Fan Tianyu agreed with Mei Mengzhen's idea, "That means we are sure to cooperate with He Yiran."

Mei Mengzhen was stunned, "No, I'll read her proposal first, maybe I still disagree with the unreasonable terms she offered, I will definitely stick to my own ideas about such things, so I haven't made up my mind yet. .”

No matter what the idea is, Fan Tianyu can't figure it out, "Look at it, I can't understand your mind. You are obviously younger than me, but every time I encounter something, I always listen to your opinion. It’s time to reorganize the shares, but I can’t let me 7 you 3, we should do what we should, obviously your contribution to Xiyuan is no less than mine.”

"But I'm not in the store, you are usually in charge."

"But even if I was in the store, I didn't do anything, just eat and drink."

This is really the truth, every part of Xiyuan has been arranged in advance, each performs its duties and seeks its own position, there is no need for Fan Tianyu to do anything at all, the most is that when he needs wine, he enters a password to get the wine , and then showed his face in the front lobby to greet each customer, and the rest really didn't do anything.

But it is also very important to make contacts. People like them who have no background lack contacts.

"Anyway, if you show your face more, you just need to maintain your relationship network well."

Now that his career is on the right track, Fan Tianyu did not do anything important, but it was really thanks to him to sell vegetables in the early stage. It was still very difficult to move the goods back then, and he persisted for a year. The time allowed her and her younger brother to breathe a sigh of relief. After all, they were able to take care of their studies without worrying about having money. This was all thanks to Fan Tianyu.

Since Fan Tianyu was the boss when Xiyuan opened, he will still be the boss in the future. No matter how Xiyuan develops, Fan Tianyu needs to watch it.

But Fan Tianyu was not worried about this, "Whether we can discuss this matter or not, you must take care of this matter and never let others know."

It doesn't matter if he knows it or not, anyway, he and Mei Mengzhen are his own people, but after letting others know, the control is really out of his hands.

"Of course I know that." Is there any chance of her surviving after letting others know?That is a space, who would have thought that she would have such a space, for the sake of her life safety, she would not tell anyone, she did not tell Fan Tianyu before, and no one will know in the future.

"You must have a clear idea of ​​this matter."

"I have the numbers."


The few people stayed here in Xiyuan for another whole day. They didn't exercise during the day, and it was a bit difficult at night. Mei Mengzhen lay on the bed tossing and turning, "Oh, I can't sleep."

The same is true for Mei Mengchen, children are the most energetic, but because it is too cold outside, Mei Mengchen himself doesn't like to run around, he doesn't move during the day, and he can't sleep at night either, "Chenchen can't sleep either, Sister chat."

"You want to chat with me, okay."

"Sister, who are we going to see tomorrow?"

In Xiyuan today, even though he was playing games, he could vaguely hear the chat between Mei Mengzhen and Fan Tianyu.

Mei Mengzhen said: "Tomorrow, let's go see Brother Pei's family members. Didn't you say hello to Grandpa Pei in Xiyuan? That's Brother Pei's real grandfather. We will meet his parents tomorrow. My parents work out of town and only meet once or twice a year, so we will have dinner with them tomorrow."

"Then, will they like Chenchen? Is it because Chenchen doesn't like my sister?" Mei Mengchen's question first made her startled, and then explained: "Why does Chenchen think so? Why don't you like Brother Pei?"

Mei Mengchen thought for a while and replied, "No."

"That Chenchen doesn't know how to do it, so naturally Uncle Pei and Auntie Pei don't know how." Mei Mengzhen stroked her younger brother's little head. The younger brother is sensitive, and because he was nursed by Lingquan water when he was young, he has a bad memory. The brains are also very fast, and children from families like theirs are prone to precociousness, not to mention, it is even more obvious with my younger brother, but my younger brother will worry a lot about anyone who has anything to do with her, and they are all people who like it or not. Love his questions.

"Chenchen, you are still young, so you don't need to think about so many problems, and you will never be a burden and trouble with my sister, but my sister is capable of solving these things."

Mei Mengchen nodded, and said lightly: "Well, Chenchen heard it, my sister has made a lot of money, and she can solve everything if she has money."

That's right, money can indeed solve a large part of things, but not all of them, but the problem now is when did she give Mei Mengchen a way to solve everything with money? Impressed, this child is still young, and the three views have not yet been developed, but don't be misled by her.

"Chenchen, this money is a good thing. It can solve many problems, but there are also problems that money can't solve..."

"For example." Mei Mengchen asked after thinking about it.

For example, why did he still compare herself to her?

Mei Mengzhen replied patiently: "For example, time, can money buy time?"

Mei Mengchen thought for a while, then shook his head, "It seems impossible, but money can solve troubles, just like sister-in-law and uncle."

"Although money can solve troubles, it is not a good way to solve troubles with money. Since you use my sister-in-law and uncle as an example, then I will also use my sister-in-law and uncle as an example.
Sister-in-law and uncle are indeed very troublesome, and every trouble is also asking for money, but these troubles will not disappear after the money is given once. People's desires are endless. When they know that you have money, when they After they have tasted the sweetness of asking for money once, they will definitely ask for it again in the future. You should be able to see this at the aunt's house.
In the eyes of the uncle and aunt, the aunt is the richest person in the family, and the aunt did give money, and then, the uncle and aunt endlessly ask for money, but wherever there is money, she will be thought of,

So money is one way to solve troubles, but not everything can be solved with money. At this time, you need to use your brain and knowledge, and knowledge takes time to accumulate and precipitate, so this is what we children need. The matter of going to school will become your wisdom after slowly accumulating in school, and this wisdom can help you solve the troubles in front of you. "

Mei Mengchen thought about it again in his small head, and said: "So my aunt and sister pretend to be poor, this is the wisdom accumulated by knowledge."

Mei Mengzhen choked, she felt that she was offended by her brother's words.

And she was talking nonsense with her brother at night, "Go to bed first, anyway, I just don't hate you, and you want to go to school hard."

(End of this chapter)

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