After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

310 Pei Family New Year's Dinner 1

Chapter 310 The New Year's Dinner of the Pei Family 1 (25)

"And don't let people know that our family is rich." Mei Mengchen added earnestly, this is also very important.

Mei Mengzhen nodded perfunctorily, "Yes, go to sleep."

She sighed, she had been taking care of her younger brother for nearly two years, and it was the first time she found that she didn't seem to be very good at taking care of children.

Is it so difficult to bring up a child?


Talking nonsense was barely enough to use her brain, and she fell asleep immediately after coaxing her younger brother here.

The next day, after Mei Mengzhen took the gift and her younger brother to Fan Tianyu's car, the group set off for Xiyuan together.

Same as last time, Mei Mengzhen was still stuck, but there was one thing different, last time she was busy and delayed the time, but this time she stayed up all night yesterday and couldn't get up today That's why we went late.

Driving on the road, Fan Tianyu complained: "I told you to get up early and not listen, what time is it now, I haven't eaten breakfast yet."

"Let's eat together at noon later, anyway, there must be good food at noon, so eat more then."

"They kept me last time, so I don't have the nerve to sit there if they don't keep me this time."

"I will definitely keep it."

"But I'm hungry now."

Mei Mengchen smiled when he heard the hunger, bit the bread in his mouth, and said sweetly to Fan Tianyu, "The bread is delicious, sister, it's delicious, try a piece."

'Gudong' Fan Tianyu swallowed unwillingly, "Chenchen, you are too bad, you still tempted me even though you knew I was hungry."

Mei Mengchen handed the remaining bread to Fan Tianyu, pretending to be aggrieved and said to Fan Tianyu, "I'll eat it for you, you don't want to eat it yourself."

"Do I not eat? I have no hands to eat. We must drive civilized and safe. How can we distract ourselves from eating while driving? If something goes wrong, tell me whose responsibility it is."



The siblings said ruthlessly, and Fan Tianyu shed tears of blood, "Sisters without conscience, I will send you to see your in-laws when you are hungry, but your brother is fine, knowing that I am hungry, you still want to eat me."

Brothers and sisters are not fun, hum.

"Then why don't you eat more later, there is nothing bad about Xiyuan's lunch."

"Of course I know. If people don't keep me, I don't want to eat as much as I want to eat staff meals. But if people keep me, I don't have the nerve to eat more. Let's be polite and considerate." Face, in front of outsiders, it's a bit awkward."

"Okay, okay, okay, I will leave you a few pieces of bread to cushion your stomach, so that you can eat later, Chenchen, don't seduce you anymore! I have tempted you, brother Tianyu, and quickly leave two pieces of bread for him."

"it is good."

After Mei Mengchen finished speaking, he handed the bread to Mei Mengzhen in the front row, and he himself was a child, and the child was fed a small mouth, and he was almost full after eating two slices. Mengzhen had already applied the sweet jam, if she hadn't applied these, one slice would be enough for him.

Fan Tianyu was very grateful, "Good brother."


After the car of the three of them arrived at Xiyuan, they really waited in the car for Fan Tianyu to finish his breakfast before entering the store with his things.

Fan Tianyu had big bags and small bags, and Mei Mengzhen took her younger brother by the hand. As soon as she came to the hall, she saw Pei Ziyu waiting in the hall.

"Zhenzhen." Pei Ziyu said: "I guess it's almost time for you to come. You came here as soon as I came out."

"Brother Pei."

Pei Ziyu glanced at Mei Mengchen, "Chen Chen."

Mei Mengchen also called softly, "Brother Pei."

"Hey, let's go, let's go in."

"Well, what time did your parents arrive, have you rested?"

"I got off the plane at 12 o'clock last night, and I was sent directly to Nianxiangyuan. I stayed in the hotel in front of me. I came over to have breakfast as soon as the door opened in the morning. I was just waiting for this lunch."

To be honest, his parents are too busy with work, otherwise they would have to live here to eat, just like the He family, this morning, Xi Yuan couldn't help but want to have a meal first when the door opened, 10 I eat brunch directly at one o'clock, although the brunch time is a bit late, but it does not delay lunch for a while.

Pei Ziyu saw the bags in Fan Tianyu's hand, and quickly reached out to take them, "Tianyu, it's heavy, come here, I'll take it."

"Okay, how much can just a few bags weigh?" Fan Tianyu put his hand aside, the bag was not taken by Pei Ziyu, and he still carried it in his hand.

Pei Ziyu smiled and didn't force it.

Mei Mengzhen has long wanted to chat with Pei Ziyu about Xiyuan, before she arrived in the private room, Mei Mengzhen asked in a low voice in the corridor: "Brother Pei, are you busy today? What happened last time?" I want to talk to you in detail."

"Why, did He Yiran give you the plan?"

"Not for the time being. She will definitely come tomorrow for her family's New Year's dinner tomorrow. I have a bottom line in my heart, but I still want to hear your opinion, as well as Grandpa Pei's opinion. Have you told Grandpa Pei about this? , Grandpa Pei confiscated the money when he came here before, if the two of us do it, forget it, but since we want to share the shares, Grandpa Pei's share must not be less."

"I told Grandpa, we'll talk about this later." Grandpa has already explained to him what to do, and he has been thinking about this issue for the past two days, but the most important thing is to look at He Yiran's side It depends on how she arranges it, but if the feed is too big, Mei Mengzhen will definitely not agree, so there is nothing to talk about, so everything is still early.

It would not be appropriate for a few people to talk about this after they walked into the private room, and they shut their mouths in a timely manner.

Pei Ziyu opened the private room, and everyone in the private room who heard the sound focused on the door at the same time.

Pei Ziyu immediately said after entering the private room: "Grandpa, Dad, Mom, Zhenzhen is here."

Mei Mengzhen glanced at them, and there were smiles on the faces of the elders. They were obviously very happy with her arrival, and she hurriedly called out, "Hello, Grandpa Pei, Hello Uncle Pei, Hello Aunt Pei."

After Mei Mengzhen finished speaking, she introduced her younger brother, "This is my younger brother, Mei Mengchen, Chenchen, call me."

Mei Mengchen glanced at her, and then said to the elders, "Hello Grandpa Pei, Hello Uncle Pei, Hello Aunt Pei, I'm Chen Chen."

Mei Mengchen's well-behaved appearance immediately captured Aunt Pei's heart, "Oh, this is your brother, he is too cute. How old is this kid? He should be in elementary school."

"No, Chenchen is 5 years old and still in kindergarten."

Aunt Pei was taken aback, "5 years old, the child is quite tall, are you the tallest one in your kindergarten?"

Mei Mengchen shook his head, "No, there is another classmate who is taller than me."

"Children nowadays are well nourished. How could the 5-year-old children of our generation be so tall?"

Grandpa Pei said: "The times are different, come on, sit down quickly, Tianyu, sit down too, don't leave."

Fan Tianyu was about to put down his things and leave, but when Grandpa Pei yelled at him, he naturally stayed. He couldn't help but feel that the sliced ​​buns he ate just now were very correct. Definitely not good looking.

(End of this chapter)

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