After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

312 Pei Family New Year's Dinner 3

Chapter 312 The New Year's Dinner of the Pei Family 3 (45)

Mother Pei said: "I thought that no woman would be able to refuse a bag, so I bought you a bag on my own initiative. Most of their styles are like that, but the classic style has not been seen for decades. When it was out of date, I asked the salesperson and she said that this color is popular this year, I thought you little girls like trendy things, so I bought it for you directly, I don’t know if you like it or not.”

There was some uncertainty in Pei's mother's tone, Pei Ziyu didn't think much, and asked Mei Mengzhen to dismantle it on the spot.

Naturally, Mei Mengzhen obediently dismantled her.

The style of the bag is just like the classic style of the H brand as Mother Pei said, the color is bright red, it is really bright, but it is also really good-looking.

"Thank you, Auntie Pei. I like it very much. The color is very beautiful."

Hearing Mei Mengzhen's answer, Mother Pei breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as you like it, as long as you like it."


After the gifts were delivered, it was natural to change the topic. The two parties put away their things and Mother Pei asked, "Who is taking care of Chen Chen now?"

Fan Tianyu said: "My mother is taking care of her. My mother happens to be retiring this year, and she helps pick them up every day."

Mother Pei nodded, "Then Chenchen should go to elementary school next year, and he plans to study in Xincheng or Jiangcheng."

"Study here, after all, education in big cities is better." Mei Mengzhen replied.

"Then what about your formalities, you have to go through all of these in advance, don't let anything go wrong by then."

"It's all done. It's really ahead of schedule, especially the hukou. Our community is a key school. If you don't have the hukou, you can't study here. Even if you want to borrow the tuition, you have to find a relationship. I have already inquired about it since I lived here. Clear."

"You are careful. It's like this. If you have a registered permanent residence here, you can solve these problems, but when you arrive in Jiangcheng, your family doesn't have any adults. Who will take care of you when the time comes."

This is a problem. After all, there are no adults in the Mei family. Even if the children are in elementary school, they still have to be picked up. Mother Pei thought for a while and said, "Why don't you let Dad pick you up for a while?"

Mother Pei really wanted to solve the problem for Mei Mengzhen, and Grandpa Pei also nodded, "You can let me here, and I will pick you up and drop you off. I didn't go to Xiyuan according to working hours. "

Sun Quan, the apprentice brought by Grandpa Pei, has been able to take over the work of Master Xu Tiancheng, the second chef, and Master Xu's current job is to cook some signature dishes and research and promote new dishes with Grandpa Pei. It is definitely impossible to study new dishes early in the morning Come over to study, or come to study after work, so take some time in the middle to study and then try the dishes.

Speaking of this, Master Xu can't use money to keep people as he did when he first came in. Although Xiyuan's dishes are very good, anyone who comes here can cook well, but the craftsmanship of a good chef is not good for him. It's the icing on the cake, Master Xu has this skill, and they have this relationship, why don't they keep people well.

So if you want to keep Master Xu, do you also need shares? Of course, this share is definitely different from their kind of shares, but having shares is definitely much more than each income that is ready to be credited.

All these piles are all things, in short, there are many things.

Thinking about the matter in front of her, suddenly she didn't want to make Xiyuan bigger, so it's not impossible to just mess around like this, it's not bad to earn tens of thousands of yuan a year and relax until death, but thinking of those few Hundreds of millions slipped through her fingers, and she cried out in pain, so this matter really needs to be discussed carefully.

But now is not the time to think about it. Hearing what Grandpa Pei said, Mei Mengzhen quickly refused, "No, we'll talk about it later. If it doesn't work, please hire a nanny. Chen Chen doesn't go to school for a few days. It's not necessary to take him off for several years, and Grandpa Pei's residence is inconvenient."

Fan Tianyu hurriedly said: "Chen Chen is going to elementary school, my mother will come with me, and my father will retire in just one year. In fact, it will be almost the same after Chen Chen goes to elementary school. My parents should come here, Chen Chen There is no need to worry about Chen's pick-up and drop-off."

As for hiring a nanny, Fan Tianyu felt that if his mother came over, the nanny would definitely not be able to be hired, and his mother would definitely take care of it.

The Pei family nodded. If they have their own arrangements, they will not be too much trouble, and Grandpa Pei is really inconvenient. The two families have two directions. Whether it is to let Grandpa Pei move here from Jiangdu Road, or let Grandpa It is unrealistic for Mei Mengchen to move to Jiangdu Road.

Seeing that the time is almost up, this dish will naturally be served.

After the dishes were ready, Grandpa Pei began to introduce two very special dishes on the table, called Baimi. As the name suggests, these dishes are all made of rice.

One is called rice tofu, and the other is called rice roast pork.

Rice tofu is made from pre-soaked green rice and ground into a slurry, then cooked and added with edible alkali, and then it is cooled and then divided into small pieces and then fired.

The rice for rice roast pork is made of red yeast rice, which melts in the mouth and has a little sweet taste, while red yeast rice can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and can also supplement a lot of vitamins, which is a part of diet therapy. Growing vegetables is good for the body in short. Not only is it safe to eat, but it is also safe to eat.

Mei Mengzhen took a sip and couldn't refuse it, so she asked, "Grandpa Pei, when are you going to serve this in the store? It's so delicious."

"After the next year, everyone eats set meals during the Chinese New Year, and there are not too many a la carte."

Mei Mengzhen nodded one after another, "Okay, okay."

Mei Mengchen naturally also felt the deliciousness of the new dishes, and repeatedly praised: "It's delicious, the dishes are delicious."

As soon as the words fell, everyone laughed, and Pei's mother was also in a hurry to pick up vegetables for Mei Mengchen.

Mei Mengchen thanked him obediently while eating, even though he was too busy to do so, he did everything well to be polite, and the rice in the bowl was also eaten cleanly without making any noise. Anyone who saw it would treat him even more favorite.

After eating and drinking enough, Mei Mengchen wiped his mouth with a piece of paper, "I'm full."

This New Year's meal is not only full, but also very good, but it also means that Pei's father and mother are leaving.

After putting down their bowls and chopsticks and drinking a cup of freshly brewed tea, they packed up their things and left.

This time the plane is at 03:30 in the afternoon, and it is already one o'clock now. The road this time is not much easier than the last time, and the time can only be earlier or later, and we can only hurry away after eating.

This time, she and Pei Ziyu were the ones who sent Pei's father and mother to the airport, but when they got into the car, Pei's mother directly abducted Mei Mengchen into the car.

Mei Mengchen sat in the middle of Pei's father and Pei's mother in the back seat, and was still held in Pei's mother's arms, "Hey, this child is really cute, it should be easy for your aunt to take this child."

Mother Pei must have asked Mei Mengzhen this question, but before Mei Mengzhen could answer, Mei Mengchen himself said: "Yes, Chenchen is very easy to take care of."

(End of this chapter)

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