Chapter 313 Talking in Private Room (55)

Mei Mengchen always hears others praise him for being smart, sensible and obedient, and after listening to him a lot, he naturally feels that he is easy to take care of.

In fact, there are also times of being naughty and playful, and times of being coquettish and tossing others, but these are only for Mei Mengzhen. At a young age, Mei Mengchen also has the self-consciousness of depending on others, when to do what, when not to He knew what to do.

When I was at my aunt's house, I should be well-behaved, and when I was with Mei Mengzhen these few days, I would take time to torment her.

But Mei Mengzhen won't refute, his younger brother is just so cute, even if he torments others, he is also cute, "Yes, Chenchen is very sensible."

Being praised by her sister, Mei Mengchen was proud and satisfied.

After a few people chatted in the car, Mei Mengchen dozed off. Children are like this, they fall asleep after eating.

She stayed up all night yesterday, and didn't sleep in in the morning. After lunch, she couldn't stop her drowsiness. After nodding her head a few times, she fell asleep on Pei's mother's lap.

Mother Pei laughed and said, "I was talking just now, but now I fell asleep."

"Auntie, why don't you give Chenchen to me, I'll hold you." They hadn't boarded the car for a long time, and there was still a lot of time before the airport, and it would be unreasonable for them to be on Mother Pei's body all the way.

Mother Pei refused without even thinking about it, "No, I'll just hold it. Looking at this child reminds me of when Ziyu was young. I'm tall too, and I'm sure I won't be short in the future."

"Then I don't have to worry about Chen Chen's height in the future. My parents are not tall. I'm still worried that Chen Chen will grow too fast, and he won't grow in the future."

"But I think both of you are tall. The general height is inherited from your mother. Your mother is not tall."

"Not tall, my dad is 170, my mother is 163, neither of them is tall."

But just like that, she grew up to 172. Her height doesn't have any moisture. After all, when she grew tall, she didn't have spiritual spring water to nourish her, but her younger brother was nourished by the food in space and spiritual spring water, so she grew taller naturally. Not surprisingly.

"That's not high, but the children today are different from those in the past. Generally, they are much taller."

"Yes, so Chen Chen is expected to grow to 180."

Mother Pei smiled, "Your goal is too small. If you ask me, you can definitely grow to over 185."

The chatting and laughing of a few people didn't affect the children's rest. When they arrived at the airport, Mei Mengchen was still fast asleep.

After taking the luggage, Pei's father and mother would not let it go, "We know how to get there, and we haven't brought anything, so we don't need you to send it, so as not to wake up Chen Chen."

"This child is sleeping soundly, so I can't wake him up." Mei Mengzhen insisted on sending her off, but Pei Ziyu directly hugged Mei Mengchen in his arms, "Let's go."


Before parting, Mother Pei took out a very thick red envelope from her bag and stuffed it into the arms of Mei Mengchen, who was half asleep, "I didn't buy a gift for Chen Chen this time, so I must accept it, otherwise Chen Chen Chen should blame me."

"No, Chenchen won't blame you, he can't accept this red envelope."

"Don't refuse, this is for Chen Chen, Chen Chen should keep it by himself." Mother Pei not only stuffed it into his arms, but also took his hand to let him hold the red envelope by himself.

Mei Mengchen was staring at the red envelope in his arms, glanced at Pei's mother and then at Mei Mengzhen, not knowing what was going on.

"This kid is really sleepy."

"Chen Chen, say thank you to Auntie."

Mei Mengchen said in a milky voice, "Thank you, Auntie."

"Hey, all right, we're boarding."

Pei Ziyu said: "Dad, Mom, come over when you have time."

Mother Pei glanced at Pei Ziyu, "You child, can't you go and see us when you have time? Take Zhenzhen with you."

"Okay auntie."

"Goodbye, Auntie, Chen Chen said goodbye to Auntie."

Mei Mengchen rubbed his eyes and waved his hands, "Goodbye, Auntie."

"Okay, you guys go back quickly, it's cold outside, let's go in."

Pei Ziyu nodded, "Well, Dad, Mom, goodbye."

Mei Mengzhen breathed a sigh of relief after seeing off Pei's father and mother, and got into the car, "I'm still a little nervous to see your parents."

"This is the second time we've seen each other. It will get better in the future. Besides, my parents won't be free to come over after the new year. I guess the next time we see each other will be during the Chinese New Year next year."

It's not that she hates Pei's father and Pei's mother, it's just that they are not very familiar with each other, so the frequency of seeing each other is really amazing.

When the car started, Mei Mengchen woke up completely from his doze, "Sister, where are my uncles and aunts?"

The two laughed unconsciously when they heard this, and Mei Mengzhen replied: "Didn't uncle and aunt go back? We sent them to the plane together. Chen Chen also said goodbye to uncle and aunt, don't remember Yet?"

Mei Mengchen's eyes were a little dazed, he really didn't have any memory at all, "Um, I seem to remember." And he didn't seem to remember.

But everyone is gone, so who would hold on to this point and always say, "Chenchen woke up."

"Well, I woke up, sister, where are we going?"

"Xi Yuan, let's go home after dinner, brother Pei."

"I'll accompany you to dinner, and we'll talk about it later."



After the three of them returned to Xiyuan, they went straight back to the private room.

After Fan Tianyu made tea, he slowly followed into the private room.

"It's really cold outside. When you came in, you brought a burst of cold air. It's almost the Chinese New Year. Could it be that the Chinese New Year is still such a ghostly weather?"

"No, we are in the south, and it will be sunny in two days after it snows."

But to say that it is snowing is to say that there are small snowflakes floating, and when the small snowflakes fall to the ground, nothing can be seen.

But that's not the point, the point is what they're going to talk about next.

Fan Tianyu poured a cup of tea for each of them, and then poured Mei Mengchen a cup of freshly squeezed juice. Mei Mengchen took the drink and went to the small sofa in the private room, and started playing with the game console.

Seeing how their younger brother settled themselves down so well, they got straight to the point.

"What do you think?" Pei Ziyu asked.

Mei Mengzhen expressed her opinion, "It's very simple. You can buy shares, but I will definitely not give a lot. My own idea is that I can agree with it if it is less than 20%. I want an absolute controlling stake in Xiyuan, and we will hold Shareholders are not allowed to transfer and sell after the shares on the website are dispersed."

This condition is still very strict. After all, the value of the land provided by He Yiran is really high. Even if she builds Jianxi Garden herself, there is no problem. Their family can definitely do it, but she can't get the vegetables in Mei Mengzhen's hands. , there is no soul of Xiyuan.

"The reason why Xiyuan can do so well is that Grandpa Pei's craftsmanship is indispensable, but the food is also a very important point. The channel for purchasing the food is a secret. Not only Brother Tianyu doesn't know it, but I won't tell the other shareholders."

 Thank you for the rewards of Rouge and Yudian, thank you!
  There will be a good recommendation tomorrow, and it will be updated from 0:05, so look forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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