Chapter 314 Share Distribution (150)

Our cooperation is cooperation, but the ugly words are the first, don't just talk about nothing now, in the future Xiyuan will grow bigger and bigger, and everyone's appetite will grow bigger and bigger, and then force her to hand over the purchase channels for vegetables.

If there is... She won't say it, let alone this channel can't say it yet, so a consensus must be reached on this.

If this consensus cannot be achieved, there will be no further discussions.

To Pei Ziyu's surprise, Fan Tianyu still doesn't know where the vegetables are purchased. He knew that Xiyuan's vegetables were contacted by Mei Mengzhen, but he didn't ask specifically, since it wasn't his business after all. It's not good to have too much, but Fan Tianyu actually doesn't know anything and still works with Mei Mengzhen, and I don't know if he is bold or stupid.

At this time, Fan Tianyu agreed, "Yes, Zhenzhen alone knows the safest thing, and our store has never sold whatever customers order."

Once there are no more dishes in the store, the related menu boards will be put away, and when the next batch of dishes arrives, the menu boards will be hung up again if there are these dishes, which is why Mei Mengzhen uses the boards at the door The menu is already there, just for their convenience.

Customers who come to eat seem to be able to order independently, but it is also within a limited range.

Pei Ziyu said: "Is there any other request?"


A message came to Mei Mengzhen's cell phone, which was sent to her by He Yiran: Check out QQ, I sent you a cooperation document, you can read it first today, if you have any questions, I'll come over tomorrow and we'll discuss it, and when it's done, go directly Let's find your lawyer to sign the contract. During the Chinese New Year, we will find a designer to produce the design drawings, and we can start construction directly next year.

Mei Mengzhen was not in a hurry to reply to her message, but first showed the message to Pei Ziyu and Fan Tianyu, and then forwarded the cooperation document to the two of them, and everyone took their mobile phones to check it.

The content of the document is still very simple. It contains the details of their cooperation and the future development direction. Everything is considered.

After Pei Ziyu summed it up, he said to the two of them: "The land and the building belong to He Yiran. She only needs 20% of the shares and can be used directly by you. Fan Tianyu's position and responsibilities are not changed, and he is still in charge of the Xiyuan Restaurant. Damn, but if Xiyuan has other projects, she wants to be responsible for one of them."

Mei Mengzhen knew what He Yiran was talking about, "The project He Yiran mentioned should be the face cream I gave her, that's right, we're just starting to do it casually, and if we can supply it for a long time, we will definitely If it is made on a large scale, she has already been in touch with this area, so there is nothing wrong with wanting to do this in the future. If it is this, I can agree, but I still have to write it clearly.”

But if this is the case, the sales of face cream must belong to the entire Xiyuan, not to her and He Yiran personally.

Presumably He Yiran himself had considered this point, otherwise he would not have made such a request.

"20% of the shares, He Yiran really stepped on my bottom line."

Every request is her bottom line, but she can't agree to anything more than a little.

"The He family was originally in business. Even though He Yiran was young, she only knew a lot due to the influence of her family environment. On the surface, she was at a disadvantage by the condition she raised, but she still made a document stating that She knows your bottom line, so that's good, and it will save you trouble in the future."

It's actually a good thing to have thoughts that you shouldn't have.

"Then how do we distribute the shares? Mine, Brother Tianyu's, He Yiran's 20%, and Grandpa Pei's. I want to give Master Xu a share so that he can keep people here. When his successor is to be trained, we can't let people leave because of money, let's do things first and be safer."

"Master Xu's solution is easy. Just take 1% of the dividend shares directly. It doesn't take up the company's shares, but you can get 1% of the dividends every year besides the salary. Of course, this dividend is only for this part of Xiyuan Catering. Really want Moved there, the private room in Xiyuan is bigger, and the dividends in the future will not be less." Pei Ziyu hesitated to speak, not knowing what to say, "My grandpa's..."

This Mei Mengzhen does know, Grandpa Pei mentioned it to her, "Grandpa Pei said to give you his share, and you are doing business, how do you think this share should be divided."

When Grandpa Pei said to give him the shares at the beginning, he didn't agree. After all, he was useless, even if it was his own grandfather's shares, he couldn't take them for nothing, but after his grandfather analyzed a few words with him, he agreed. down.

Grandpa meant that Mei Mengzhen and Fan Tianyu were too naive, no matter how smart they were in front of He Yiran, they were still too naive, and it was justifiable for him to hold the company's shares to help these two keep an eye on the Xiyuan. Although the explanation was simple, it made him unable to refuse.

"First of all, if you want the absolute right to speak, then you own 51% of the shares. In this way, even if there is any problem with the shares, it will not be able to shake your part. The remaining He Yiran will account for 20%, leaving 29% Well, even if it's all given to Tianyu, it's not worth it for him."

Fan Tianyu said: "You can figure it out, anyway, I will be in charge of Xiyuan's catering."

He is already familiar with this area, there is no need to change other jobs, catering always needs a person in charge.

"No, the shares can't be divided like this. The remaining 29% will be given to Brother Tianyu. Then what about Grandpa Pei, your share? It's not enough. I want the right to speak in the hope that Xiyuan can develop. Be the master, rather than take the most shares, make the most money, and do the least things.”

Mei Mengzhen thought for a while and said: "As I said before, when we signed the contract, we made it clear that the shares in the contract can only be inherited and cannot be sold or transferred. In layman's terms, the equity can only be owned by the person who signed the contract. , unless she is gone, the shares will always belong to this person, and even if the shares need to be sold and transferred, they can only be sold to the company's existing shareholders, this contract should be possible."

"Yes." Pei Ziyu nodded.

"Then if this is the case, I don't need to take up so many shares. He Yiran has already decided on 20%, and the remaining 80% will be divided among the three of us."

Pei Ziyu said: "I just need 10% here. Grandpa came to work here to drink wine from Xiyuan, and he wanted this 10% share to change his name to justifiably drink. Oh, now add tea. , so 10% is enough, more is not necessary.”

"Okay, now there are 70% left, and Brother Tianyu and I will be half alone."

Fan Tianyu had no objection, "You are 36%, I am 34%."

After all, Mei Mengzhen is in charge of Xiyuan's food, so she has mastered the lifeblood of Xiyuan, so there is no problem with getting 1% more, and there is no need for the siblings to struggle with the 1% stake.

"Okay, I'm still the one with the most shares, and the right to speak is still in my hands." Mei Mengzhen turned to Pei Ziyu and said, "Then trouble Brother Pei to make a contract for me. It's okay if we talk about it tomorrow." If so, just sign it."

"Okay, I'll go back and make it for you. I just have a rest tomorrow and I'll pick you up in the morning."

"Okay, Brother Pei, you finally have a vacation."

Pei Ziyu chuckled, "Yes, finally there is a fake."

"However, you can't go out to play if you have a holiday. Tomorrow is probably another day in Xiyuan."

(End of this chapter)

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