Chapter 322 Discussion Matters (950)

Although the food was good, Fan Tianhua still felt sorry for his white jacket, "It's the first time I've worn white, and I kept it for the New Year, and this is the first time I've worn it. It's dirty, and I don't know if I can wash it out."

"If you can't wash it out, let Brother Tianyu buy you another one." Mei Mengzhen said.

"That's not how money is spent. A good piece of clothing is wasted."

"It won't be wasted. Let my aunt wash it for you. It will definitely wash it clean." Middle-aged women always have their wisdom, such as stains and oil stains, which can definitely be washed out after their hands.

It's true to say so, Fan Tianhua also felt relieved, "All right, then I won't feel bad for now."


The people far away in the hospital were not so relaxed. Mei Mengfei entered the emergency room of the hospital again after being discharged from the hospital for a few days.

Even the couple who are already used to this kind of pattern can't help but feel agitated.

Mei Mengcheng has been accompanying Mei Yongfu and his wife outside the emergency room.

He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until his family came over.

After all, he is only in his 20s. Except for being cheated last time, he has not experienced anything. After sending people here, he also became a little scared, and more helpless. He worried for a while If something happened, he didn't know how to solve it. When he saw his father and a group of people coming over, he felt relieved instantly.

Mei Yinan handed him the dinner, "You go and eat the dinner first, it won't be a matter of time."

Mei Mengcheng took a look at the emergency room, and agreed because he was hungry, "Okay."

Mei Mengcheng took the dinner and walked to the other side to solve it quickly. The group who came a step later were still waiting outside for news from the emergency room.

"Feifei has been hospitalized for so long, can't this hospital see any problems?" Mei Yinan asked Jiang Xiumei about the situation.

But Jiang Xiumei's mind is not on this, not worrying about Mei Mengfei, but another kind of absent-mindedness.

Mei Yinan was too lazy to ask if the person didn't come back, but waited until the person came out.

After Mei Mengcheng finished his meal, he waited for a while and the lights in the emergency room finally went out.

Naturally, Mei Mengfei was rescued again this time, but the doctor was not very optimistic, "It's still the same sentence, it's best to go to a big hospital, after all, small cities have limited medical equipment."

They really didn't find any problems here.

Big city, big city, Jiang Xiumei's face froze instantly at the mention of big city.

Because it costs money, as for the money, Jiang Xiumei has already lost it secretly, but Mei Yongfu doesn't know it, and now she is going to the big city to see, where did she get the money.

At this time, Mei Yongfu was still focused on his son and didn't notice Jiang Xiumei's expression. After pushing him into the ward, he made up his mind, "Go to Jiangcheng, I'm going to take Feifei to Jiangcheng to have a look, so I can live here It’s not always a problem not to know the cause.”

Mei Yinan naturally agreed, and she was startled when she saw Mei Mengfei like that, "Let Tianyu drive you there, or let Meng Chengsong do the same, when do you plan to go?"

"I'll wait until Feifei wakes up tomorrow to see how the situation is going. If I can, I'll go there tomorrow and get to know the situation earlier. It's better than being in a hurry without knowing anything."

Now that the unit is on annual leave, it doesn't matter if they don't come back after the annual leave is over. There is nothing to do at the beginning of the year, and the company will understand them and will not refuse to approve the leave.

"Okay, Tianyu's car needs to be more comfortable, let Tianyu take it."

Fan Tianyu is a car, Mei Mengcheng is a van, Fan Tianyu's car must be more comfortable.

Mei Yong'an said: "Sit in the car and ask Meng Cheng to go with him, so the two brothers can help each other if something happens."

After all, both of them are children, if there is anything to do, it is better to have someone to discuss it, although it may not be useful, but it is better than one person.

"Okay." Mei Yinan kept the packed meals, "Eat something first, we'll come back tomorrow."



After all this tossing, it was already close to the early morning when the group went home, and they fell asleep hastily. After breakfast the next day, the group went to the hospital again.

This time Mei Mengzhen also followed, judging from the current situation, I'm afraid Mei Mengfei didn't eat the porridge last time, otherwise she wouldn't be sick like this.

Last time, she said that she only fed the Lingquan water that time, but she really couldn't bear to see a child fall in front of her eyes, so she came here this time for the last time. If you can feed it, you can feed it. Really pull down.

This is really a matter of life and death, after all, she doesn't have so much time to spend on a child.

When a few people came to the hospital, Mei Mengfei had already woken up in the hospital bed, but he was very weak, and his speech was weak.

While several people were discussing how to get to Jiangcheng, Mei Mengzhen came to Mei Mengfei and asked softly: "Feifei, do you want to drink water, your lips are peeling."

Mei Mengfei just woke up for a while, and he was lying in front of the hospital bed without any energy. When he heard Mei Mengzhen's words, he pouted as if he was really dry, "Drink."

"Then I'll feed you."


When Mei Mengzhen picked up the water glass, she rested her fingertips on the rim of the glass, and then dripped two drops of spiritual spring water into it along her fingers.

There was a straw inserted in the water glass, Mei Mengzhen mixed the straw in the water twice, then brought the straw to Mei Mengfei's mouth, he opened his mouth and drank two sips of water through the straw.

But after drinking the water, Mei Mengfei realized something was wrong. The water is too delicious. The key is that after taking those two sips of water, he actually felt comfortable all over. He was smart and wanted to drink again immediately. A glass of water Just like that, he drank it all.

"The water is delicious." Mei Mengfei drank all the water in the glass, and sighed while letting go of the straw.

"I've finished drinking such a large cup. It seems that I'm really thirsty. Feel your stomach to see if you're full."

Mei Mengfei regained his energy and really put his little hands on his stomach, which seemed to be really bulging. He wrinkled his little face and said, "I'm still hungry."

"Eat when you're hungry, and you can't get enough water. I'll ask later." Mei Mengzhen shouted to the people behind her, "Auntie, is there anything to eat?" Feifei said He's hungry."

Hearing Mei Mengzhen's words, Jiang Xiumei, who was dazed behind the crowd, quickly looked over, "Feifei is hungry, I bought porridge this morning, and I just left it when he didn't want to eat it, can Feifei have some porridge, please?" Your favorite meat porridge."

"it is good."

Mei Mengfei regained her energy after drinking the Lingquan water, and her appetite improved a lot. Right now, she felt very hungry. Jiang Xiumei immediately went to the place where Mei Mengzhen was just now, and wanted to feed it spoonful by spoonful, but Mei Mengfei ate it. After taking two sips, he frowned. The porridge didn't taste as good as the water just now, "It's not good, don't eat it."

"You child, the meat porridge tastes like this. You used to like eating it very much. Why is it not delicious anymore? What do you want to eat? Mom will buy it?"

Mei Mengfei thought about it but couldn't figure out what he wanted to eat, but the water that Mei Mengzhen fed just now was delicious, so he glanced at Mei Mengzhen and said, "I want sister Zhenzhen to feed me."

"You child, it's not that the porridge is bad to drink, it's because I feed you that you don't want to eat it, right?"

Jiang Xiumei is not in a hurry now, she understands her son, it's fine if he wants to eat.

Mei Mengzhen also laughed, the child was quite clever, "Then let me feed you, auntie."

(End of this chapter)

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