Chapter 323 All Money Lost (1050)

Jiang Xiumei gave Mei Mengfei a kick, then handed the bowl to Mei Mengzhen, and said politely, "Zhenzhen, I'm sorry."

"It's all right."

Mei Mengzhen took the bowl and put her fingers on the edge of the bowl, then dripped two drops of spiritual spring water along the edge of the bowl, stirred the porridge for a while, and the spiritual spring water was mixed in the porridge. Feed it into Mei Mengfei's mouth.

After being fed by a different person and adding spirit spring water, Mei Mengfei ate deliciously naturally, and even Jiang Xiumei, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but feel a little jealous, "This child, why don't you want me after you wake up?"

"Sister Zhenzhen's feed is delicious." Mei Mengfei's frail body spoke the truth.

But Jiang Xiumei didn't know the situation. She felt that they were all the same bowl of porridge, so the taste would be different. "Okay, my sister's food is delicious, so you should eat more."

Jiang Xiumei looked at Mei Mengfei's delicious food and didn't pay any attention to this side, and her mind was on Mei Yongfu again.

Mei Yongfu is going to Jiangcheng to see a doctor for Mei Mengfei, the cost must be not small, and the little money they have left on hand is definitely not enough, it is imperative to use the savings, but the problem now is the passbook There is not much money left on the Internet, where can she get the money now to plug such a big hole.

Jiang Xiumei was absent-minded, she bumped into Mei Yongfu in a daze without even noticing what had been discussed here.

Mei Yongfu frowned, "What's the matter, walk carefully, aren't you feeding? Why are you here?"

Jiang Xiumei came back to her senses, "Feifei doesn't want me to feed, Zhenzhen is there to feed."

It doesn't matter who feeds Mei Mengfei, as long as the child eats it, "Okay, I think Feifei is in good spirits, it's still early, I plan to go to Jiangcheng now, let's go back and pack some clothes, and then go get some I don’t know if there is a bank next to the hospital.” There is a handling fee for withdrawing money from other banks, so he won’t make money for the bank.

After he finished speaking, Jiang Xiumei didn't move, and the veins on his forehead burst out of anger, "What's the matter with you today, I was absent-minded when talking to you, did you hear me talking to you?"

"Listen... I heard it."

"Go home, go quickly." Mei Yongfu became a little impatient, as if she didn't hear her when he told her something so urgent, he yelled over, Jiang Xiumei trembled in fright, Mei Yongfu also noticed in this state When something was wrong, he looked at Jiang Xiumei carefully for a while, and suddenly felt a little uneasy, "I'll go back with you."

"oh oh."

Fan Tianyu and Mei Mengcheng sent the two of them home to pack their things. The four people in the car did not speak until they got off the car, and finally there were only the two of them. Mei Mengcheng sighed: "What's wrong with this atmosphere?" What's going on, did I miss something just now?"

He just went to the bathroom, and he was away during this period of time. If something really happened, it would be during this period of time.

But Fan Tianyu was there the whole time, so he didn't understand the situation, he thought for a while and said: "I don't know, it doesn't seem to be doing well in the hospital."

Both of them didn't understand, and it was useless to guess further, so they waved their hands and stopped talking.

But it was not so easy for Mei Yongfu and Jiang Xiumei who returned home.


Time passed bit by bit, and Jiang Xiumei's hands were still slow after packing her luggage. Mei Yongfu, who already felt something was wrong, was now even more sure that something was wrong with Jiang Xiumei.

"Tell me, what are you hiding from me?"

She didn't come home all night, and there was no sound in the house. When Mei Yongfu yelled at her loudly, Jiang Xiumei's heart rose to her throat, and the clothes in her hand fell to the ground, making a ping-pong noise. sound.

Jiang Xiumei felt guilty, she didn't dare to look into Mei Yongfu's eyes, and said in a panic, "No..., no."

Mei Yongfu stared at Jiang Xiumei for a long time, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and immediately felt bad, "Where is the passbook, our passbook."

Although Mei Yongfu is very concerned about money, he still trusts Jiang Xiumei. Jiang Xiumei is responsible for keeping the passbooks at home. Although he does not ask questions, he will also ask how much money is left at home, and will not actually go to the bank. Check the account. In this way, he really doesn't know how much money is left in the passbook.

In Jiang Xiumei's faltering voice, Mei Yongfu's heart turned cold, "What about our family's money, it's not like we're out of money, I'm asking you something."

Jiang Xiumei couldn't help explaining, "Yongfu, I, I didn't do it on purpose. I, it's not that my family doesn't have much money. I just did business with my classmate and took some money. Who knows, who..."

Mei Yongfu continued her words and said, "Who knew it was a loss?"

Jiang Xiumei nodded resignedly, "It's a loss, it's all a loss."

Mei Yongfu glared at Jiang Xiumei viciously, "It's all lost? If you lose everything, it's over. Let me ask you where the money is."

Jiang Xiumei knew how much Mei Yongfu valued her money. She knew she had done something wrong and wanted to make up for it, but the hole was too big to be plugged. She didn't dare to tell Mei Yongfu, nor did she dare to talk to her natal family Some people say that it can only be concealed.

Jiang Xiumei sobbed: "No, no, nothing." Looking at Mei Yongfu's unbelievable expression, Jiang Xiumei panicked, "Yongfu, I really didn't mean it, and I didn't know it would happen, I... ,I……."

"What are you, Jiang Xiumei, do you have a conscience? That's money for your son's medical treatment. Tell the truth, what have you done?"

"I didn't do anything, I started a business with my classmate, and if I lost money, I lost money." Jiang Xiumei explained.

"What kind of business can lose so much, but there are 30 in the passbook, and it's all lost. It's only a few days."

Mei Yongfu didn't believe what Jiang Xiumei said. Besides, the family spent money a few days ago, so how could such a large sum of money just disappear.

Jiang Xiumei hurriedly explained, but her eyes still didn't dare to look directly at Mei Yongfu, "It's not these few days, it's because I have partnered with others before. I got a dividend in the early stage. I thought I was making money, so I invested more. Who knows The man ran away and the money was gone."

There is no need to change this money-swindling routine. In the past ten years and the next ten years, this routine has always been fooled, and even family members such as Fan Tianyu and Mei Mengcheng have already been deceived by this routine Yes, but Jiang Xiumei still didn't learn any lesson, obviously she just didn't take it seriously.

The mentality is that kind, anyone can be deceived, but I can't, I eat more salt than you have eaten rice, I can't be deceived.

However, it is often this kind of person who is deceived.

"Then let me ask you, what about Feifei? You lost all the money, what about Feifei, he is going to Jiangcheng to see a doctor now, what do you tell my son to do." Mei Yongfu's voice grew louder, and the anger in his heart grew I was about to burst out uncontrollably, but I still endured it abruptly.

And the cheated and almost cheated brothers who had waited downstairs for a long time without anyone coming down just happened to listen outside the door.

The two looked at each other, feeling a little embarrassed, but what should we do in this situation now, they are here to urge people to go downstairs, so whether they come or go to Jiangcheng is another matter.

(End of this chapter)

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