Chapter 325 Don’t Learn Lesson (1250)

But Mei Yinan felt that Pei Ziyu would feel sorry for her, Zhenzhen is so pitiful, she is lucky to have someone who can love her.

Thinking about it this way, Mei Yinan became entangled again, whether it was better for Pei Ziyu to know about the family affairs, or not.


After a while, several people came to the parking lot. Qi Yongwang, who was driving for the first time, was quite unstable. When everyone was about to throw up, the car finally drove home.

Everyone got out of the car and looked at Qi Yongwang with speechless eyes.

Mei Yifan couldn't help but said: "Yongwang, if you want to go on the road at your level, you should practice more."

This means that there are fewer cars during the Chinese New Year, but if there are more cars, I am afraid that it will not be as simple as vomiting.

It was rare for Mei Yinan not to refute Mei Yifan, and felt that her suggestion was quite reliable. In fact, this person can still speak human words sometimes, so why not be a good person, sometimes she was a little puzzled.

Several people went upstairs in a daze, and when they arrived at Mei Yongfu's house, they suppressed the nausea in their hearts a little.


Dead silence.

This is the feeling that Mei Yinan and his group met when they entered Mei Yongfu's house.

Jiang Xiumei covered her mouth and sobbed softly in the room, her hair was already disheveled, her eyes and cheeks were reddish, and there were several footprints on the red dress she bought for the Chinese New Year.

And Mei Yongfu was sitting on the sofa in the living room being pinched by Mei Mengcheng and Fan Tianyu.

He said he was pressing, but in fact he didn't struggle, he just let his thoughts go quietly and stared at a dead thing in front of him.

There is no sound at all in a house. It's the New Year's Eve. Anyone who looks at it will feel intrusive.

But Mei Yongfu felt that he was not allowed to be beaten, nor was he allowed to be scolded. He couldn't help being angry when something like this happened, and he didn't know how to express his emotions other than this.

The relatives of Mei Yongfu had never seen this kind of look before, and they felt a 'thump' in their hearts. Even though they knew that the matter was serious, it now looks more serious than imagined.

Mei Yifan couldn't hold back, and broke the peace of the living room, "Yongfu, what happened?"

Mei Yongfu sneered 'huh', "Ask her."

Mei Yongfu raised his eyes and looked in the direction where Jiang Xiumei was. If everyone couldn't get an answer from Mei Yongfu, they could only ask Jiang Xiumei again.

Mei Yifang asked: "Xiumei, what's going on, let's talk about it first so we can solve it."

Jiang Xiumei glanced at Mei Yifang, but she still didn't say anything.

Mei Yinan doesn't have such a good temper and waits for these people to dawdle, "If you have anything to say, hurry up, it's Chinese New Year, this is the first day of the new year, no one wants to spend time at your house, your son is still here The hospital, Zhenzhen is watching there, and Zhenzhen’s boyfriend, I need to know that there will be so many things at home this year, I will not let Zhenzhen bring her back, it is hard for them to find a partner, it is because of you These messy things have been messed up, let's see how I settle accounts with you, hurry up and say."

Mei Yongfu murmured: "Feifei, oh, big sister, the family money is gone, 30 yuan, Jiang Xiumei only left a 250 yuan in the passbook, if you say she is not laughing at me, then she is laughing at herself."

In short, it's outrageous.

But why is there no money? 30 is a lot, and it cannot be lost in one day. Didn't Jiang Xiumei tell Mei Yongfu that she needed money during this period?
"No, I don't know at all. I just said in the hospital that I need to pack my things and get a passbook to withdraw money. I saw that something was wrong with her and said that I would come back together. When I asked her, she said that she was doing business with someone, and then she was cheated. Money All gone."


After Mei Yongfu finished speaking, everyone looked at the two people beside him, one was almost cheated, two were definitely cheated, and the three sat on the sofa neatly.

I was very speechless, why are all the liars in this world cheating on one family.

Wang Gaofeng couldn't help asking: "What a big business, have you been cheated out of 30 yuan once?"

Even if it's not his money, he still feels bad.

After a long while, Jiang Xiumei explained: "My classmate brought me to invest. We made money at the beginning, and I got dividends, but who knew they would let me increase investment later, and I added it when I saw the money. Know……."

Unexpectedly, the money will be gone later, the dividends will naturally be gone, and people will not be able to contact the news of the disappearance, and then I will definitely be cheated.

Jiang Xiumei explained with a choked voice, but the routine was so familiar no matter how she heard it.

All eyes were on Mei Mengcheng again.

Mei Mengcheng really didn't expect that it had been so long since his incident, and he would still suffer from everyone's eyes, and it was useless to watch him if she didn't learn the same thing herself.

"Look at me." Mei Mengcheng muttered, and everyone looked away.


Mei Mengcheng has been really down-to-earth in the past few months, and she knows at a glance that she will live a good life, but Jiang Xiumei is not necessarily so.

"Your classmate is male or female." Wang Gaofeng asked out of nowhere, of course, classmate, classmate, I don't know if it's normal for a man and a woman to ask a question, between classmates, female classmates are the same thing, Male classmates may be another matter, so we still have to figure it out.

But who would have thought that this question directly touched Mei Yongfu's sensitive nerves, he didn't think about it just now, isn't there a problem when he thinks about it now?Mei Yongfu raised his head, waiting for Jiang Xiumei's answer.

Jiang Xiumei also realized that the matter seemed to be more serious than before, and she scolded Wang Gaofeng in her heart that the atmosphere was like this, why he couldn't speak so much, and what kind of questions were they asking.

Naturally, Wang Gaofeng didn't expect an unintentional question to make the atmosphere even more dignified, and he also secretly cursed himself to shut up if he couldn't speak.

But the question has already been asked, and the current situation requires that the answer be known.

"I'm asking you something, male and female students, what can't you say." Mei Yongfu already thought that this classmate was a boy in his heart.

When he heard Jiang Xiumei's answer, he couldn't help mocking himself, "Male classmate, what a male classmate, when did it happen?"

"What, what's the matter?" Jiang Xiumei was taken aback for a moment, not understanding Mei Yongfu's question.

"I asked when you guys got together."

Jiang Xiumei was so shocked that she forgot to cry, and quickly explained: "I don't have Yongfu, don't get me wrong, don't listen to other people's nonsense, I really don't have one, he is just an ordinary classmate."

"An ordinary classmate, you invest 30 yuan with him? Then your relationship is really quite ordinary. If you have a better relationship, how much do you plan to invest? Do you want to mortgage the house to others?"

Speaking of this, Mei Yongfu paused for a moment and tensed up again, "Damn you, you probably already..."

Before she finished speaking, Jiang Xiumei quickly denied it: "How is it possible, I would never do such a thing even if I am a fool."

"Is there anything you can't do? For a male classmate, you spent all the money for Feifei's medical treatment. You can tell your conscience, how long has Feifei been in the hospital, and how long have you been in business? .”

(End of this chapter)

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