Chapter 326 Someone Is Always Being Deceived (1350)

Having said that, Mei Yongfu also remembered some things, "No wonder I said I went to Jiangcheng to see a doctor a few years ago, and you insisted on dragging me to say that I would go after the next year, so you said you had no money at that time, right? Jiang Xiumei, who was born in ten For the sake of the couple's love for several years, and for the sake of you being Feifei's own mother, please explain to me exactly how the money was spent."

How can I spend it, how can I spend it, Feifei is hospitalized, the family’s money is reluctant to spend, so I go to these relatives, but the relatives are not very rich, it’s okay to spend it once or twice, no one wants to spend it after a long time Give.

After the relatives of the Mei family looked for it, she herself wanted to 'borrow' money from the relatives of the Jiang family, but it's okay to 'borrow' money once or twice.

Jiang Xiumei had no choice but to spend money from her own family, but if money gave birth to money, she would not feel distressed.

Just at this time, a classmate who had not been in touch with her for a long time sent a message to her. The two chatted on the phone more and more happily. They decided to cooperate without even seeing each other.

In fact, it's not a big business, it's just a supper stall, and the location is in Jiangcheng.

In addition to being famous for breakfast, Jiangcheng is also famous for supper. As long as the taste is not particularly bad, or the place where there are very few people, you will definitely be able to make money.

Jiang Xiumei didn't dare to vote too much at the beginning. After all, the classmate is a classmate, but also a classmate who has not been in touch with for a long time. Who would dare to vote for the other party with hundreds of thousands of dollars, so she only gave 5 yuan at the beginning.

The other party also took out 5 yuan, and the two of them together would be 10 yuan, more than enough for a supper stall in Jiangcheng.

After operating the stall for a month, she made a small profit. At the checkout, she shared a profit of 2 yuan. In the second month, she directly paid back her capital and made another 5 yuan.

Her classmate felt that the business was feasible, and wanted to make a formal appearance, and it could last for a long time with a little more investment by one person.

Jiang Xiumei hesitated for a while, then was fooled by the other party's dream of money, and then agreed. The 30 deposit in the passbook, plus the 7 yuan earned later, a total of 37 yuan was called to the other party.

The follow-up of the matter was very clear. The other party took the money and ran away. The phone was turned off immediately. Naturally, no one could be found with the contact information. Then Jiang Xiumei was dumbfounded.

Then I kept it hidden until now, and then it was discovered by everyone later, and it took a total of more than 3 months.

Everyone was speechless after hearing this 'story' for a long time. This is obviously a trap. First let you invest to let you taste some sweetness, and then taste a bigger sweetness, and you will get everything in one go.

Fan Tianyu's affairs followed this routine, and Mei Mengcheng's affairs also followed this routine.

Doesn't she, Jiang Xiumei, think she is smart?How could he still be deceived by this routine.

Mei Yongfu gritted his teeth, wishing he could go up to him and beat him up again, "That is to say, in this process, you sent the money to the other party without even seeing the other party, so much money back and forth, You have never met, so you are not sure if that number is your classmate, and you never thought that the other party might be a liar?"

This Jiang Xiumei always felt how incredible she was, and thought that she was smart and could calculate, but she calculated and calculated, so what did she get.

For a moment, everyone in the living room looked at Jiang Xiumei as if they were fools.

Jiang Xiumei was still crying beside her, but no one stepped forward to comfort her at this time, and this was not something that comfort could solve.

"Report to Jing, don't you guys have reported to Jing? File a case and investigate."

"It's useless, didn't Meng Cheng also report it? Isn't there no news at all?"

guilty! zui!group!This guy is too cunning to get caught so easily.

Even Jiang Xiumei, who was deceived, gave up on herself a little bit.

"It doesn't matter if you don't report it. Leave a record. Maybe the person who lied to you and the person who lied to Mengcheng are still the same person. Maybe he will be caught if you report it." Mei Yifan said, anyway, it's not impossible. This is possible.

Jiang Xiumei nodded, "Go, let's report to Jing, Yongfu."

Jiang Xiumei didn't know what to say, and she knew in her heart that she did something wrong, but it's not so easy to get the money back now, and her son is still in the hospital, "Feifei."

It’s okay not to mention it, but when Mei Mengfei is mentioned, Mei Yongfu’s anger will be even greater, "You still have the nerve to mention Feifei, if the money is still there we are already on the way to Jiangcheng, if something happens to my son because of you Son, let's see how I deal with you."

The matter has become a foregone conclusion, and there is no point in talking about it any further, Mei Yinan said: "Let's go, go report to Jing, it's Chinese New Year, there should be someone in the dispatched CHU."

"Yes, their work gets more and more busy during the Chinese New Year..." Fan Tianyu closed his mouth halfway through the speech, he is busy, isn't his family going to add work to him.

"I'll go and start the car first, how did you get here?"

Speaking of coming, I don’t really want to be the car driven by Qi Yongwang when I leave again. Everyone turned their attention to Mei Mengcheng, and immediately said: “The van is downstairs, Tianyu will drive one later, and Mengcheng will drive one. A group of us dragged to the institute."

The two nodded, obediently got up and went downstairs to wait in the car, and the group of them took the next elevator and went downstairs one step later.


in the place.

Although things get more complicated as the years go by, they are all trivial things. People who reported that they were cheated of so much money on the day of the Chinese New Year have never encountered such a thing in their Xincheng police station in the past ten years. My son, and a large group of people came together to report the crime.

On this festive day, everyone was a little confused. Minjing asked while taking notes: "You said you were cheated of 30 yuan, when did you get cheated, and why did you report the crime today."

Under Mei Yongfu's pressure, Jiang Xiumei told Comrade Min Jing everything about everything.

Comrade Min Jing felt the same emotion as everyone in the Mei family, why would someone be fooled by the same routine.

As for why, it is not a greedy and cheap mentality.

"There's no such thing as a pie in this world, and it's been so long, even if someone is caught, the money probably won't come back, you guys have to be mentally prepared."

Mental preparations have already been made.

The matter of the police station has been settled, but the matter of Mei Mengfei has not been resolved so quickly.

Jiang Xiumei had been worrying about money before and distracted her mind. Now that the money matter has been made public, it is not so scary, but Mei Mengfei's condition is imminent and must be seen.

Jiang Xiumei became afraid after realizing it. She looked at the crowd in a panic, "Feifei, what should Feifei do."

Everyone couldn't help rolling their eyes in their hearts. Now they thought of Mei Mengfei, why did they go so early, but if they mentioned it to their family members, they wouldn't lose so much money if they were stopped now.

"You still have the nerve to mention Feifei."

Mei Yongfu is upset when he sees Jiang Xiumei now, and he can't wait to go up and beat this person.

(End of this chapter)

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