Chapter 327 I fell to my waist (1450)

You must know that both Qian and Mei Mengfei are Mei Yongfu's bottom line, and Jiang Xiumei has touched everything, and touched it to death, even if he wants to forgive this person, he will not be able to forgive him.

Jiang Xiumei cried to no avail, so she could only focus on the members of the Mei family again.

This is really a natural reaction of the body, and it was completely raised by Mei Yongfu, because it is the same with him. Whenever there is a little problem in this family, he will first find a solution to his brothers and sisters at home. Jiang Xiumei married ten years ago. After many years of exposure, the habit has become natural, and when encountering things, they just focus on everyone in the Mei family.

Everyone in the Mei family: Damn everyone.

Everyone didn't want to talk to this person. The savings in the family are gone, but there is still a house. If we really want to come to this point, won't we be able to pay for medical treatment if we sell the house?
You can't just let others sell the house, but don't sell it yourself.

Didn’t Mei Yong’an’s family solve the problem in the same way at the beginning? Solve the problem by themselves first. When they really need their help, they won’t refuse. Take it upon yourself to find them if something goes wrong.

Mei Yinan said: "Tianyu, Mengcheng, take your uncle's family to Jiangcheng Children's Hospital by car. If it's not serious, it's okay for us to collect together, but we can't take out too much."

The ugly thing is first, they vowed to pretend to be poor to the end, or the same sentence, they can help, but they can't help endlessly, and they can't be expected to be all on them.

Mei Yinan's doing this is already very good, and it is impossible to have more, Mei Yongfu understood, and immediately said: "Okay, if the real illness is so serious, I will sell the house and give it to Fei Feiye, he is My son, I can't just ignore it, let's go and see what the disease is."

What Mei Yongfu said made everyone feel a little better, and they still had a little conscience.

"Xiumei and I are going back to the hospital first, you guys go back first, you have to run around with us because of the big Chinese New Year trouble."

It was rare for Mei Yongfu to say a kind word, which made everyone a little unaccustomed to it. Everyone walked out together, leaving Jiang Xiumei alone at the back of the team.


It may be fine for a person to be tense all the time, but once the tense nerves are relaxed, the spirit will start to be a little trance, not to mention that Jiang Xiumei has been crying all morning, and her mind is a little blurred at this time.

Jiang Xiumei stopped and walked behind the group of people, her footsteps were messy like a drunk person, but she accidentally stepped into the small hole in front of her and fell to the ground.


Everyone heard the sound and found that Jiang Xiumei was lying on the ground struggling to crawl.

Just as Mei Yifang was about to step forward to help her, Jiang Xiumei waved her hand, and immediately got up from the ground, "No, I didn't see the way clearly."

"Be careful." Mei Yongfu accused him of being dishonest and restless when walking.

Seeing her get up, everyone didn't bother anymore, and continued to walk forward, but before taking two steps, a scream came from behind again, and when everyone turned their heads again, they didn't even see Jiang Xiumei's figure.

It is impossible for a person to disappear for no reason. When everyone looked at the sound, the person fell again, but he fell down the stairs instead of staying where he was.

The group of them actually walked on the sidewalk on the ground, but there are some buildings here on the ground, so they need to go up and down stairs to get to the road, and the road they walked happened to be a downward staircase, and the terrain here Gao did not have a guardrail, and Jiang Xiumei was in a trance, lost her footing and fell from the side.

The stairs here have more than 20 steps. Jiang Xiumei must have fallen hard just like that.

Everyone hurriedly went downstairs to check the situation. If they didn't see it, they didn't know. When they saw that they found a broken brick under Jiang Xiumei's waist, just in this posture, I'm afraid this waist...

Everyone was shocked, but no one spoke up.

Mei Yifang even said: "Call 120, hurry up."

Jiang Xiumei was in a trance and didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at the moment. She was stunned when she just wanted to say that she didn't need to raise her hands to get up by herself, because she couldn't exert any strength. She couldn't even get up, and then she realized that she couldn't feel the pain.

Jiang Xiumei recovered from her trance for a little bit, and then looked at the height next to her, she became afraid after realizing it, "I, I, what's wrong with me, why can't I move, I just fell down , this is impossible, no..."

Even if Mei Yongfu gets angry again, he will not add fuel to the fire at this time, "Wait a minute, it's okay, the ambulance will be here soon."

Jiang Xiumei was still trying to get up by herself, she supported her sides with her hands, but she just couldn't exert any strength, exhausted all her strength, her hand crookedly stroked just below her waist, Jiang Xiumei felt something was wrong, there seemed to be something under her waist, She pawed her waist twice with her hands, and pulled out a broken brick from her waist. She cried again on the spot, "Yongfu, Yongfu, I..."

Whether the brick was broken by Jiang Xiumei before she fell, or after she fell, let's not talk about it. The broken stone is right under her waist and must have hurt her waist. I don't know if her head fell right now. But it is definitely not okay for people to cry like this. Mei Yongfu held Jiang Xiumei's hand and comforted him: "It's okay, we'll call an ambulance, and we'll be fine in a while."

As for whether it will really get better, no one can guarantee, but now it can only be so comforting.


When the group returned to the hospital again, it was still a neat family.

When everyone came to Mei Mengfei's ward, their expressions didn't improve at all. In Mei Mengzhen's opinion, they smelled worse than when they went out.

It stands to reason that it is someone else's business, even if it is not resolved, it will not be this expression, Mei Mengzhen pulled Fan Tianyu to her side, and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter, why this expression, what happened?" gone."

"My little aunt was cheated, and she started a business with someone. She was cheated out of more than 30 yuan, so she kept 250 yuan in the passbook. Later, we went to report Jing, and after we finished, we planned to go back to our respective houses. Who knew that my little aunt fell I fell twice, the first time I fell down, but I got up by myself, and the second time I fell directly downstairs. I was unlucky, there happened to be a broken brick downstairs, and my aunt’s waist fell on the broken stone, and the lower body was on the spot. I lost consciousness, and I was a little scared when I looked at it, and then I called an ambulance and sent it to the hospital, and it is being rescued now, and my uncle is with me."

They accompanied them to the emergency room first, knowing that people would not come out so soon, so they came here to have a look again. After all, the hospital is accompanied by a few children, and several adults have been away for so long, so they will naturally think about it. Come and take a look for some peace of mind.

Mei Mengzhen was shocked. She knew that her aunt would be paralyzed, but was she so paralyzed?
Or is it because of her that the development of the matter has changed, of course no matter how it is changed, the result is still there, so the aunt is still paralyzed.

"What now."

"What can I do, wait for someone to come out of the emergency room, I can't leave now, don't tell Feifei first." Fan Tianyu glanced at Mei Mengfei and said: "This kid looks much more energetic."

That is, don't look at how much spiritual spring water she feeds, as long as it is not a serious illness, she should be fine by now.

(End of this chapter)

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