Chapter 332 No Problem (1950)

It is definitely not possible to just leave like this, even though it is winter, you have to pack your luggage before you can start.

After they made a decision, they greeted Mei Yongfu. He was naturally grateful if someone could take his son to the doctor. Mei Yongfu had no opinion. The only regret was that he couldn't go by himself. He took Mei Mengfei's previous medical records and clothes They all packed up their bags, then took them to the hospital and handed them over to Jiang Sheng.

Mei Mengzhen also went back to Fan's house to pack up her things, and the group left the new town together.

On the way, Mei Mengzhen and her younger brother were in Pei Ziyu's car. It must be said that after getting in the car, Mei Mengzhen was officially relieved.

"Huh~, I really do, there are so many things going on in this family."

This sigh came from the bottom of her heart, she really felt that there were many things in this family, even if she was also a member of this family, she had to dislike it.

Also, she didn't experience these things in her previous life. At this time of the year, she was still working in a hotel. Their hotel didn't have a holiday for Chinese New Year, and the New Year's meal the previous year was really not good, so the first In the second year, she didn't take any rest at all, so she didn't know what happened at this time this year.

But even if you know it, it’s okay to have experienced it, after all, things seem to be different from the previous life.

She remembered that Mei Yinan said that Mei Yongfu was taken to the police station directly after Jiang Xiumei was injured, but he was not in this life, and she didn't even see any signs of blaming him. His relatives will not gossip outside, and rumors that are not good for Mei Yongfu will not spread around.

Of course, no matter how he is passed on, Mei Yongfu is not worthy of sympathy. She still remembers the face of Mei Yongfu telling her that her brother did not die of illness. It was very scary. This kind of person can hide as far as possible No matter how far away, never get involved in any relationship.

But now, Mei Mengzhen wanted to know about Mei Mengfei's condition. After all, Mei Mengfei's condition was the same as Mei Mengchen's. Could it be that the closer she was to Mei Mengfei's condition, the closer she would be to the cause of her brother's death.

Knowing it or not, it's always a hope.

So, when Mei Mengfei asked her to go, she took advantage of the situation and agreed.

Hearing Mei Mengzhen's exclamation, Pei Ziyu asked: "Don't you have so many things every year?"

Pei Ziyu wasn't bothered at all, she could tell that Mei Yinan and the Fan family were still very protective of Mei Mengzhen, but troubles had nothing to do with people.

"How could it be that Auntie is so busy with so many things every year, it's only this year, and you have caught up with me."

It was precisely because there were so many things piled up together that she had nothing to do.

"By the way, did you see that person in the hospital just now? Did you recognize him? That's Jiang Cheng."

Pei Ziyu really didn't recognize him. After all, the photos on the forum were all mosaiced, but he was somewhat similar in figure and name, but he wasn't sure, "It's really him, are you relatives? Have you seen him before?"

Pei Ziyu had never heard Mei Mengzhen mention this before.

"Who is related to him, and I just found out that Jiang Cheng and Jiang Xiumei are aunts and nephews."

The two lives are just acquainted, and she is also very novel, Jiang Cheng is actually Jiang Xiumei's nephew, but after thinking about it, I can't laugh, so there must be some conspiracy in the two people who knew each other in the previous life , otherwise it would be too coincidental.

After thinking about it, Mei Mengzhen's expression became serious.

Pei Ziyu asked, "Zhenzhen, what's wrong with you."

"It's all right."

Mei Mengzhen was just a little puzzled. She remembered Jiang Xiumei's words in the hospital before and wanted to introduce her nephew to her. This nephew might be Jiang Cheng. In this life, it's nothing, but in the previous life...

But after thinking about it, she was wrong. Jiang Xiumei was already dead at that time, and she had never had contact with people from the Jiang family before. In this way, it was mostly a coincidence that the two were still together in the previous life.

But for these things, she didn't want to get to the bottom of it in this life. After all, she won't be with Jiang Cheng in this life. She already has Pei Ziyu. If there is any relationship and involvement, then the tragedy of her falling off the elevator should not happen again, and that's fine.

"Hey, let's go back to Jiangcheng in a while. Should we go home directly or stay in a hotel?"

She could go home, but she couldn't bring people back to her home, otherwise it would be difficult to explain and not to mention, and it would also affect Liang Xiao's writing of novels, so she said, "Why don't you just stay in a hotel, the hotel opposite the hospital."

There is never a shortage of accommodation opposite the hospital, and it is also convenient to see a doctor the next day. Who of these expert numbers starts to line up before dawn.

However, don't worry too much, they don't need to worry about these things. Jiang Sheng has acquaintances in the hospital. He went to the hospital that afternoon and arranged for the examination on the same day. While waiting for the examination results, he non-stop arranged for everyone hotel and dinner.

This service is quite in place, but everyone understands that this is all taking advantage of Fan Tianyu.

Fan Tianyu was also very helpless, he and Mei Mengcheng took Mei Mengfei to ride in Jiang Sheng's car, and he would be annoyed to death by exchanging pleasantries all the way. Can't Fan Tianyu wipe off his face?So we can only greet each other.

When he finally arrived at the hospital, he was relieved.

Jiang Sheng was busy for a long time and finally hung up the phone, and said to everyone: "Xiyuan is also on holiday, and I don't know if you are used to the food outside. I have reserved a table at the restaurant next door and also at the hotel. I will eat later. After dinner, it’s convenient to go to the opposite side to rest.”

"We are used to food, we are not picky eaters." Fan Tianyu said politely.


Several people waited in the hospital for a long time, and after the examination, everyone was stunned.

Doctor: "It can be seen from the above that the child has a little pneumonia, but it's not very serious."

Then there is no more then.

Nothing serious?
"But this child has fainted several times. What's going on?" Jiang Sheng asked puzzled.

"It's really not a problem. It's just a little pneumonia. It's really not serious. We are all acquaintances. I won't even prescribe medicine for you. The child is immune. I haven't heard of this small pneumonia." He coughs, he can heal on his own, just keep warm and don’t drink ice.”

The doctor's words made everyone even more confused. Jiang Sheng thought for a while and asked, "Could it be something else?"

After all, after fainting and being rescued so many times, how could it be just a little bit of pneumonia.

The doctor shook his head, "You have done all the examinations, and I have read all the reports. Except for a little pneumonia, there are no other problems. How about this? The child will stay here in Jiangcheng for a few days. If there is any problem in the middle , Hurry to the hospital."

There is indeed nothing wrong with the inspection report, and it is impossible to arrange hospitalization. The medical resources are so tight, so now we have to wait until the child really has a problem. The child is in good spirits.

Jiang Sheng had no choice but to agree.

Mei Mengfei looked at Jiang Sheng with his small eyes, and then at the people who accompanied him to see the doctor, completely confused about the situation.

Mei Mengcheng explained: "I will bring you to Jiangcheng for a few days."

Mei Mengfei was happy when he heard about playing, "Okay, play." He just likes playing.

(End of this chapter)

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