Chapter 333 No Sickness (2050)

As soon as they left the hospital, Jiang Sheng couldn't wait to call Mei Yongfu and tell him the results of the examination.

But upon hearing such a result, Mei Yongfu was a little unbelievable, "I'm not sick, how could it be possible that I'm not sick, if Feifei is not sick, how can I faint as soon as I say it, it's a fact that every time I faint, I need to be rescued, the previous cases Did you show it to the doctor?"

"I've seen them all. I didn't believe what the doctor said at the time. After I read it several times, there was nothing serious about it, except for a little pneumonia. The person I was looking for here was an acquaintance. The doctor saw that Feifei didn't cough, and didn't even take medicine. Give it away, and say that you can heal yourself."

These words silenced the people on both ends of the phone. Without it, since he was not sick, what happened before.

Jiang Sheng thought for a while and said: "Well, although X Ji is one of the best hospitals in Jiangcheng, but it is a child, I'd better take the child to the Children's Hospital tomorrow to have a look, maybe I can see it there. something."

"Okay, trouble brother."

After Mei Yongfu thanked him, he hung up the phone. Judging from the current situation, he could only follow Jiang Sheng's idea.

Mei Yongfu looked at Jiang Xiumei, who was still lying on the hospital bed and hadn't passed the critical period, and felt anxious. The anxiety was naturally not because of Jiang Xiumei's illness, but because she was far away in Jiangcheng. She was clearly ill, but was told that she was fine. son.


The next day.

After resting in the hotel overnight, the group was refreshed, and they drove to the children's hospital before dawn and formed a long queue.

Jiang Sheng didn't have any acquaintances in the Children's Hospital. There was nothing he could do if he had money, so he could only wait in line, register, check up, and see a doctor.

This consumption took a whole morning, and I haven’t finished reading this yet. Some inspection results can only be obtained in the afternoon. No, everyone continued to wait for the inspection results after lunch, and waited for all the results to come out. It was already past 3 o'clock in the afternoon when I went to the doctor to see the report.

Jiang Sheng couldn't wait to stuff all the inspection reports into the hands of the doctor.

However, after a busy day, the result of waiting was exactly the same as that given by X Ji's doctor.

Doctor: "It's not very serious, just a little pneumonia. I see that your child is in good spirits and doesn't cough. How about this? I'll prescribe you some anti-inflammatory drugs. After a course of treatment, there will probably be no problem."

After the doctor finished speaking, he was busy prescribing medicine. However, is this the end?

Jiang Sheng was still confused, "No, doctor, is this over?"

The doctor chuckled, "Your child is not a serious problem, just take some anti-inflammatory drugs in this situation."

If it was his own child, no medicine would be prescribed, and this medicine was prescribed for insurance purposes.

Jiang Sheng took out the previous case in Xincheng and handed it to the doctor, saying: "This is the case record of this child when he was in Xincheng. When you cough, you will faint, and then you will be sent to the emergency room. This year, you have been in the emergency room no less than four times. We couldn’t find the cause there, so we came here to see it. Are you saying it’s pneumonia or not? It’s not serious, can I just prescribe some anti-inflammatory drugs? Is there no cause?”

The doctor said: "But judging from the examination report, your child's problem is indeed not serious. As for the situation you said about fainting after coughing, judging from your report today, it is unlikely."

But I have already entered the emergency room, so it is definitely not a child's pretending, and I have entered it several times, and this pretending can't come out. No doctor will cooperate with a child to act.

Therefore, the doctor suggested: "You should not go for another examination, maybe it is another problem, but from this point of view, the problem with the lungs is not serious."

Jiang Sheng had no choice but to show the case of X Ji Hospital yesterday. There was an acquaintance yesterday, and the whole body examination was done, "I did everything yesterday. The result is the same as yours. There is no problem, but this child I fainted after coughing, we really have no choice, thinking that the children's hospital is for children, so come over and check."

The doctor looked at the inspection report that Jiang Sheng took out, and how should I put it, "There is indeed no problem. The only problem is the lungs, but it is not serious. Why don't you take some anti-inflammatory drugs first and then have a look. If it doesn't work Send it over quickly."

There is really no way to do this. As for the child, whether it is now or based on the inspection report, the problem is really not big.

Hearing what the doctors say, Jiang Sheng can't force it. If he is really not sick, he can't make it.

It's just that the doctors on both sides of the hospital said so, and he was not sure whether Mei Mengfei was really sick for a while.

Jiang Sheng looked at the group of people accompanying them and asked, "Did you see Feifei when he was ill?"

Mei Mengcheng said: "I saw it once or twice before, and the most recent one was on the [-]th day. Our whole family saw it, and people fainted after coughing." So there is absolutely no suspicion of pretending to be sick. This can't be faked, and the kid was weak before he fainted. He went home first because he wanted to deliver some food. He also stayed at Fan's house all afternoon and he understood it very well.

Jiang Sheng was helpless, "Both doctors said so, then there is no problem, and now we can only wait."

That's right, these two hospitals are the top hospitals in Jiangcheng, and it's impossible not to see if there is a problem, that is to say, we still have to wait for Mei Mengfei to get sick before looking at the follow-up situation.

But Mei Mengzhen knew that Mei Mengfei would not be able to get sick anymore. After all, after drinking her spiritual spring water, as long as it was not a major problem, she should be fine by now.

Judging from the doctor's report, it was said that Mei Mengfei had pneumonia, which means that his brother's previous illness was pneumonia.

She thought about how Mei Mengfei coughed and fainted during the New Year's Eve, and when her younger brother in her previous life lived under the fence, and suffered such a serious illness and suffered the other party's scorn and sarcasm, just for a moment, she felt very distressed.

Mei Mengzhen let go of her younger brother's hand, and hugged her younger brother tightly in her arms.

Mei Mengzhen's strength in holding him was a bit strong, and Mei Mengchen was a little hurt from being strangled. He didn't know why his sister was hugging him so hard all of a sudden, but her sister liked it, so he didn't struggle, but instead held her sister tightly. in my arms.

For a while, the siblings were extremely affectionate.

But he came back to it after a while. He was already smart, so he knew that this sister was worried that he would also get sick, so he felt distressed, but Mei Mengchen loved her sister even more, "Sister, Chen Chen is not picky eaters, and has a balanced diet healthy."

Mei Mengchen's voice was so low that only Mei Mengzhen and Pei Ziyu next to her could hear it.

The two laughed lightly unconsciously, "Chen Chen is so smart, he can guess what my sister is thinking."

"That's right, Chen Chen is smart, sister, don't worry, Chen Chen is in good health, but healthy."

(End of this chapter)

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