Chapter 334 The question of whether to stay or not (2150)

Mei Mengchen is not exaggerating. Ever since Mei Mengzhen used spiritual spring water to recuperate his body, Mei Mengchen rarely even catches a cold, let alone other illnesses.

Although Mei Mengchen is only at the age of kindergarten, she is really not small. In addition, winter clothes are already heavy, and she is clumsy when wearing them.

Mei Mengchen's small body gradually slid down, and Mei Mengzhen wanted to send it up again, but Pei Ziyu hugged her.

"Let me do it."

Although Mei Mengchen is young, he still wants to save face. Mei Mengfei is still walking on the way to see a doctor, but he is hugged by the two of them in turns, and he wants to come down as soon as he enters Pei Ziyu's arms.

"I'll go by myself."

Pei Ziyu smiled and said, "Don't you need to hug? Isn't it good to hug?"

"Feifei can go by himself too." He can too.

Mei Mengchen glanced at Mei Mengfei in front of him, Mei Mengfei was held by Jiang Sheng's little hand, and walked slowly towards the outside of the hospital.

Seeing this, although they didn't understand the child's mentality, they also put the child down, holding each hand and following Jiang Sheng.

Both children are in excellent mental state, but they also waited in the hospital for a day, and now they are out of the hospital and feel a little tired.

Among them, the most tiring one is Jiang Sheng. Not only did he have to find a relationship to see a doctor for the children, but he also needed to arrange food and accommodation for them. Now that he heard that Mei Mengfei was really healthy, his shoulders relaxed a little. .

Speaking of physical exhaustion, what made Jiang Sheng even more exhausted was his heart.

He was a little entangled. The doctor's suggestion was to take the child home for observation first, and then send him there if he became ill.

But what if you don't get sick?
Also, who will take care of the children during the observation period?
he comes?

This is even more impossible, Jiang Cheng didn't bring anything with him, let alone his younger sister's children, and he couldn't take care of them well, let alone during the Chinese New Year, he still has a lot of relatives My friend hasn't left yet, how can I really stay in Jiangcheng to look after the children?

So he definitely wants to go back, but among the accompanying people, except for him, the rest are all children, no matter who he entrusts the children to, he is not at ease, besides, why do they take the children for you? If you have something to do, don't others?

Jiang Sheng got a headache when he thought of this.

He didn't think carefully about this matter. When he came out, he only wanted to send him back if he was not sick. If he was sick, he was hospitalized and then called someone to come over to guard him. with.

Another one, whether the child will go back or not, he can't make a decision on this matter, so he has to discuss it with Mei Yongfu first, even if he doesn't go back, you should send someone over to see the child.

Several people followed Jiang Sheng to the private room, listening to his phone call while waiting for dinner.

Jiang Sheng didn't hesitate, and called him, "Yongfu, I went to the Children's Hospital today, the doctor checked it, and the result was the same as that of X Ji, just a little pneumonia, just take some anti-inflammatory drugs, and other things No problem at all."

With the same result, Mei Yongfu was really a little confused, "No problem, how could it be no problem."

It's not that Mei Yongfu hopes that his son is sick, but it's unimaginable how the previous situation will happen when he is not sick.

"Now there is a problem. The result of the test is that the child is not sick. I don't know if it was not detected or what, but it is not sick. Should we send the child back or something."

It's not easy for him to make this decision, it's better to leave the decision-making power in Mei Yongfu's hands, at least it's not his responsibility if something happens to the child.

Mei Yongfu also regretted it a little now, he should go to Jiangcheng with them, otherwise he wouldn't hesitate here.

Now it's time for dinner, and Mei Yinan just came over to deliver dinner to Mei Yongfu. He rolled his eyes when he heard these words, and immediately said: "Send the child back, and you still want someone to give you dinner in Jiangcheng Watch the kids."

No one has this obligation. It’s okay to help temporarily, but who would be willing after a long time? The children in her family are not willing, and Jiang Sheng is not willing. Just send it back.

But Mei Yongfu also had a problem, no one showed Feifei to him when the child was brought back, and she couldn't get out even if she had to look at Jiang Xiumei.

Mei Yongfu's gaze was on Mei Yinan, and Mei Yinan was keenly aware that there was something wrong with her eyes, and said with an unhappy face: "Don't think about things you shouldn't think about, it's okay to treat everyone as an idler during the New Year's Eve." My son, I have to leave relatives, this is all the food I took to give you, and I will go back later."

Mei Yinan really had something to do, there were only so many relatives in the Mei family, but there were quite a few relatives in the Fan family, that is, the old people in the Fan family were gone, so there was no need for those on New Year's Eve and the first day of the new year to get together, but after that It is also necessary to leave one by one, and the rest of the family is really not free today, otherwise she would not be the one who delivered the meal.

Who is not busy during the Chinese New Year? Even Mei Mengzhen knows to take her younger brother away. This person actually wants to take advantage of the Chinese New Year to throw the child to her. Naturally, Mei Yinan does not agree, and thinks that this person is too old It's ridiculous to be so ignorant.

Before Mei Yongfu could speak, Mei Yinan blocked his mouth, and now he couldn't speak even if he wanted to.

But the child must be sent back, Jiang Sheng also has his own affairs to be busy, it is impossible for others to contribute money and effort, Mei Yongfu said: "Then please help me to send Feifei back."

Jiang Sheng also heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this. It’s okay to pay for money, but don’t pay for your efforts. “Okay, I’ll go back tomorrow.”

In just a few words, Mei Mengfei's stay or stay was decided.

Mei Mengfei wanted to go back, but looking at Mei Mengzhen, he was a little reluctant to part with her, but this sister was not his own sister, but someone else's sister, and he was a little depressed and envious, and then he thought about it again. It's not that he doesn't have a sister, he will also ask his sister to spoil him when he goes back.

Thinking of this, Mei Mengfei felt a little better about eating, and looked at Mei Mengchen's small eyes with a little arrogance, hmph, as if no one has a sister, what are you showing off.

Mei Mengchen naturally saw it, but she didn't take it seriously. After all, your sister is not as good as mine. Even if you have a sister, can it be a thing?

The adults didn't pay much attention to the rivalry between the eyes of the two children. After eating at one end, the other end led people to rest.

Early the next morning, after a few people said their goodbyes, Jiang Sheng took Mei Mengfei, Mei Mengcheng and Fan Tianyu back to Xincheng in a car.

According to Fan Tianyu's thinking, he has already come to Jiangcheng and doesn't want to go back, but who told him to ride this time, the car is still in the new city, and he can't go back, he can't leave the car in the new city, right? It doesn't matter if the family can drive, he bought another car, but the family doesn't have a driver's license, so they just leave it alone, so he still has to drive the car.

(End of this chapter)

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