After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 338 A lot of accidents this year

Chapter 338 There Are Many Accidents This Year (2550)

Liang Xiao started tidying up the room he lived in after everyone went out.

Although she wants to leave, she can't just leave like this. She first cleaned up the sanitation at home, then removed and washed all the four-piece bed sets she used, and finally replaced them with new ones, which is also convenient for them. Accept or use.

At the same time, he packed up his luggage and put it in the living room, taking it with him whenever he went.

She still needs to use the computer for the time being, and besides, she also has a computer bag, so she can carry it alone when she leaves.

After finishing all these, it was almost noon. She took out the wrapped dumplings in the kitchen, cooked them and finished lunch.

In the end, he only had to wait for Mei Mengzhen to come back before he could leave.


Mei Mengzhen, who had already arrived in Xincheng, bought some gifts for her younger brother and went to the hospital to visit her aunt Jiang Xiumei.

Although she didn't really want to come, but there was no falling out between relatives, and superficial work still needed to be done.

In the ward, Jiang Xiumei was extremely haggard, her already slender figure was even more scrawny now.

Grandpa Jiang was sitting next to her and was peeling apples. Seeing Mei Mengzhen coming over, they exchanged greetings, put down their things and left.

Even though it was so simple and perfunctory, Grandpa Jiang still liked it.

Looking at the back of Mei Mengzhen leaving, Grandpa Jiang sighed, "This kid is not bad."

Jiang Xiumei said: "I originally planned to introduce her to our Chengcheng family."

But Mei Mengzhen has a partner, they all saw it outside the operation that day, Mei Mengzhen also introduced to Jiang's family, "Everyone has a partner, why do you say this, you still want to destroy her."

Grandpa Jiang thinks the other party is nice, but there are quite a few nice girls. Jiang Cheng is also the eldest son of their family, so there is no need to do that kind of thing.

Seeing Grandpa Jiang's unfriendly eyes, Jiang Xiumei held back her mouth, "I know, I won't say anything."

After all, Grandpa Jiang was getting old, even if it was only during the day, it would be very exhausting to take care of her all day long.

The body is tired, and the heart is also tired, so naturally I don't like to listen to my little daughter's unreasonable words.

"I was thinking about getting you a nurse."

Jiang Xiumei panicked, "Dad, you don't care about me from now on."

Grandpa Jiang stared, "You are my daughter, how could I ignore you, and you don't even look at how old your father is, I am not tired of looking at you all day long."

In a small city here, it doesn’t cost much to hire a nurse, and his retirement salary can still afford it. Besides, Mei Yongfu has to go to work during the day, so he has to rest at night, and now his family has no money, so he always needs someone to work. Yes, otherwise no one will support the family, so it is much easier for anyone to ask for a caretaker.

"Dad, when did the doctor say that the operation will be performed? Will I be able to recover after the operation?" The feeling of lying on the bed is too uncomfortable, it's only been a few days, she really can't bear it, she wants to hurry Get better, Jiang Xiumei couldn't wait to ask this question.

Grandpa Jiang didn't dare to answer this directly, "Just wait, the injury is so serious, even if you have surgery, it won't be healed in a day or two, and you have to wait until your head is healed before you can have the surgery again. You fell so badly." Heavy, who is to blame."

These words really made Jiang Xiumei speechless, "I was dizzy at the time, and I fell down. Who knew it was so high over there, and I fell like that. If I knew it, I would have been more careful. At that time, Yongfu wanted to help me." , I still won't let her help her."

In fact, before Jiang Xiumei woke up, the Jiang family had already heard the words of the people from the Mei family, but they didn't see it with their own eyes, and didn't hear it with their own ears, so they didn't believe that this person could fall from such a high place by himself. Go on, but after hearing her daughter's explanation, the daughter really fell it herself. Even if the Jiang family didn't believe it, they could only believe it, "It's good to lie on the bed, and it can make you more honest."

Facing her own father's complaints, what else could Jiang Xiumei say, she could only pretend not to hear, after all, her own father paid for the money in the hospital, if she was left alone, who would she turn to?


Knowing that Mei Mengzhen was going to send her younger brother back today, the aunt waited for them at home, and when she saw someone came back, the aunt enthusiastically pulled Mei Mengzhen into the room.

There are some things she wanted to ask in private, Mei Yinan closed the door and asked: "Zhenzhen, my aunt won't beat around the bush, so I just asked, did Xiao Pei say anything after you went back? There are a lot of troubles in our family."

"No, the New Year's events are all accidents."

"Accidents are accidents, but there are a lot of accidents this year. My aunt is worried that Xiao Pei will dislike you because of our family."

"No, he doesn't care about that."

Seeing that Mei Mengzhen didn't care much, the aunt became a little anxious, "Why don't you care? I think there are too many things at home. I'm bored to death this year. How can Xiao Pei not be bothered? I'm afraid that you will be involved because of family affairs, what a good partner this little Pei is."

Mei Mengzhen said in relief: "Auntie, Big Brother Pei really didn't dislike me because of family affairs. Besides, no matter how many family affairs there are, our family didn't have any troubles during the Chinese New Year. Besides, what happened has nothing to do with me. , at most, just take a look and take care of it, it's quite normal between relatives, so it's really nothing."

Mei Yinan really thought about it carefully, yes, she didn't discuss asking for money, and she didn't bully Zhenzhen. When something happened, she united together to solve the problem. Although the purpose was not pure, it was also solidarity, at least on the surface of the relationship. Not too bad.

Thinking of this, Mei Yinan also felt relieved, "It's fine as long as it's okay, I'm just afraid..., yes, every year there are things, but this year alone has the most things, this year let Xiao Pei Come here, I'm angry when I say it, this Jiang Xiumei...!@#!!¥%!¥."

Mei Yinan cursed and cursed, took her out of the room and went to the kitchen to make lunch by herself.

Seeing his mother swearing, Fan Tianyu asked in a low voice: "What's wrong, why is my mother swearing again?"

"It's none of our business to scold my aunt."

Once he heard that it was Jiang Xiumei, Fan Tianyu stopped asking.

During this period of time, Mei Mengchen took his luggage into the room and packed it by himself. Fan Tianyu pointed to the room and praised him: "Chenchen really wasn't brought out by my mother. Look, this The boy went to pack his luggage by himself."

There is a small wardrobe in Fan Tianyu's room. It is the kind of simple wardrobe that can be installed and disassembled in the supermarket. The small one is specially used to store Mei Mengchen's clothes. After all, my brother has only lived here for a year. , There is no need to buy a good wardrobe alone that takes up too much space, this one is very suitable, and when people leave, just dismantle it and pile it aside.

This simple wardrobe is not very high, Mei Mengchen can take and put it by himself with a small bench. Now when she enters the room, his brother has already hung several coats in the cabinet.

(End of this chapter)

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