Chapter 339 Relatives (2650)

Mei Mengzhen said with a smile: "Chen Chen is so obedient, he still packs his luggage by himself, why didn't he wait for his sister to help."

"I don't need my sister, Chenchen can do it by himself."

After hanging up the clothes in his hand, Mei Mengchen slowly climbed off the small stool, looked at the game consoles he was playing in the suitcase, and asked with some distress: "Sister, can this Chenchen stay and play? "

"Yes, I brought it back for you to play with, but you can't take it to kindergarten, you can only play it at home, and you still have to look like you are going to school."

"it is good."

Mei Mengchen took out the game console again, and put it in his small drawer. After putting it away, he pointed to this side and said to Mei Mengzhen, "Sister, my aunt bought it for me, and it's specially for storing my things. , which my sister bought for me.”

"Oh, can my sister take a look?"

"En." Mei Mengchen nodded excitedly and shyly, "Yes."

After Mei Mengchen finished speaking, she took a step back, and Mei Mengzhen took a step forward. The cabinet was not big, it was a separate cabinet similar to a bedside table, and the drawer on the top contained the game console just now, and she saw the game console in it. The old mobile phone she used, it seems that the drawers are filled with more expensive things, and the cabinet under the drawer is filled with his toys. Mei Mengzhen bought a lot of toys for her younger brother. How can she remember what she bought? It's just that my younger brother treasured it and put it in the cabinet, my heart will always be softer.

"Chenchen put it so well, have you played with it? The toy will break if it is not played for a long time."

"I have played with the broken toys on the balcony. My aunt put them in a box for me, but my aunt said they were broken. I will throw them away when I get older. The ones in the cabinet are still playable."

After Mei Mengchen finished speaking, he led him to the balcony.

This room was originally Fan Tianyu's room, it was larger and had a balcony, but this room was rarely lived in, and the balcony was full of sundries by the aunt.

There are several boxes on the balcony, Mei Mengchen pointed to the row of boxes by the door and said: "These three belong to Chen Chen, and the bottom ones are old clothes that Chen Chen can't wear. Auntie said don’t throw away the clothes that are in good condition, who will give them to others in the future, the middle ones are also clothes, but there are still a few pairs of shoes, which are also good, but Chenchen has grown up and can’t wear them, the top ones are just for playing Bad toy."

The bottom two boxes are basically immovable, and the top box can be broken at any time, and toys can be put into it at any time, so it is placed on the top.

Mei Mengchen has a good memory and remembers everything after seeing it.

Speaking of which, Mei Mengchen's house actually doesn't have anything children need, "Chenchen, when you graduate here, my sister will take you to buy some furniture you like. When the time comes, what do you want for your room?" Dress up whatever you want."

"Okay." Mei Mengchen said excitedly: "Chenchen wants a secret base like my sister's."

Mei Mengzhen froze, space?Do you even think about it?

But the younger brother didn't see the space. She was scratching in the cabinet at the time, probably thinking that there was something else in the cabinet, "Okay, I'll make one for you then."

Seeing his younger brother's excited little appearance, all the sadness of leaving has dissipated.

After lunch, Mei Mengzhen naturally left.

It was past 4 o'clock when we returned to Jiangcheng. After going upstairs to meet Liang Xiao, the two went back to school directly.

Mei Mengzhen didn't bring anything with her, so she went back to school empty-handed, but it was Liang Xiao who packed the bags.

Mei Mengzhen took her suitcase, "I'll drag it, it doesn't take much effort."

In addition, there is a computer, Liang Xiao carries it on his shoulders, and the backpack is not that heavy.

The two went to the cafeteria to have dinner first, and then walked back to the dormitory together.

Classes will start tomorrow, and everyone in the dormitory has already arrived.

Liang Xiao's dormitory is like this, and so is her dormitory.

Seeing that she finally came, several people were excited, "Zhenzhen, you are finally back, we thought you came directly to class in the morning."

"I'm definitely going to come back. The schedule of our computer department is so perverted. It takes too much time for me to come here from home."

Luo Yingying said with a bitter face: "Zhenzhen, do you already know our new schedule? I didn't expect that this semester's schedule would be even more perverted than last semester."

Mei Mengzhen was also stunned when she said this, although there were more classes, "But there is no need to get up early on Tuesday and Friday, and there is only one evening self-study on Thursday afternoon."

"Yes, it's fine if you don't have class for an afternoon, but there's still an evening self-study session, even if you want to go out and play, it's not good."

"It's just evening self-study, can't it be fine if you don't go to school?"

Speaking of which, Luo Yingying and Liu Pei were afraid of delaying their night market business, who would be willing to play if they could make money.

Although it's not good to ask people not to attend class, even if they don't say it, these two people will skip class even after two days of class.

Liu Pei said: "Zhenzhen, you know us too well, that's what we plan to do."

While talking, her eyes shifted to Yan Keke's body. She didn't pay attention to it before, but now she looked again, and Yan Keke had lost more than a little weight.

"Ke Ke, how many pounds have you lost?"

Yan Keke was very happy when she saw that Mei Mengzhen noticed her, "Zhenzhen, I lost more than 40 catties, and now I'm only 150 catties." Can be thinner.

"I lost weight exactly according to your request. I almost didn't exhaust myself this year, but the effect is so obvious that not only my parents are satisfied, but I am also very satisfied."

She spent the entire winter vacation either soaking in the swimming pool or practicing yoga every day, which is why she has such a good effect.

"You don't look too good-looking when you lose weight, Keke, listen to me, and lose weight until you lose 100 catties."

Yan Keke's smiling face froze instantly, and felt that this request was a bit too much. She had already lost 40 catties, would she lose another 50 catties?She wanted to slow down first, "Why don't you sell me a few more medicines during the summer vacation, and I will swim and do yoga at the same time, and the effect will definitely be great."

"Then let's talk about the summer vacation. School has just started, but you are fine now."

"Yes, yes, my parents are very happy, they wrapped me a big red envelope for the Chinese New Year." Yan Keke looked arrogant.

It can be seen that the red envelope is really big.

Luo Yingying and Liu Pei's annual vacation was also good, not to mention He Yiran, her family was the most troublesome.

In other words, she hasn't mentioned the matter of meeting Jiang Cheng with everyone, "During the Chinese New Year, my family has a lot of things. What surprised me the most is that Jiang Cheng is my aunt's nephew."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the dormitory was stunned for a moment, and then they looked in disbelief.

He Yiran said: "Really? Are you relatives?"

"Yes, I don't know at all. I only found out this time because my aunt was hospitalized and called people from her natal family, but I ignored him the whole time, and my boyfriend also went home with me." The last sentence is the point.

(End of this chapter)

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