Chapter 340 Support Club (2750)

"What's wrong with your little aunt?" Liu Pei asked.

Mei Mengzhen told the people in the dormitory about the past few days of the Chinese New Year. Of course, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, it is ordinary parents who are short-sighted, and the matter is not their family's business. It is natural to talk about it It was only after arriving at Jiang Xiumei's natal family that they discovered the relationship between the two.

"I'll go, you've had a wonderful year, right?" He Yiran couldn't help but sigh, she originally thought that this year was already a wonderful one, after all she made so much money, but after hearing these things about Mei Mengzhen , It's much more exciting than making money.

After all, who doesn't love gossip.

But when Jiang Cheng was mentioned, Luo Yingying still felt a little depressed, and asked tentatively: "Zhenzhen, you and Jiang Cheng are relatives now, will you post after that? Will this affect the relationship between you two?" Not very good."

"If he didn't say it, I would definitely not mention it to others. Besides, what kind of relatives are he and I? I don't admit this, or Yingying, are you reluctant? If you are reluctant to tell me, it may be useless. The information is only I'm afraid Lai Qianqian made it a long time ago, after all, it was all last year."

Moreover, the person who provided the information was Luo Yingying herself, and the information in the post was also Luo Yingying herself, and it really had nothing to do with her. Moreover, she was the one who made the post at the beginning. She didn't want to shirk responsibility, but now she can't It's useless.

Luo Yingying shook her head, "No, it's not that I don't want to, you don't know, Jiang Cheng contacted me again during the Chinese New Year, everyone knows that he has a girlfriend, so I was very upset at the time, but when she asked me After it was you, I was even more upset, because I was afraid that you would show mercy because of the relationship between relatives."

"But didn't you block him? Last time I wanted to ask, how could he still contact you?"

"The unfamiliar number he changed contacted me, otherwise I wouldn't answer his call, no matter what."

Everyone nodded as they understood.

Mei Mengzhen thought for a while before explaining: "Yingying, the content I will post next has nothing to do with me, even if you want to show mercy, it should be because you want to show mercy, the following posts are all between you and Jiang Cheng. "

Liu Pei asked sensitively: "Yingying, your heart will soften after a year, or Jiang Cheng used some words to confuse you again."

Luo Yingying denied, "No."

"Then why are you trying to test Zhenzhen?" Everyone is not stupid, and the meaning of these words is not incomprehensible to everyone, especially Yan Keke, whoever has any bad thoughts about Mei Mengzhen, she can I noticed it immediately, so I followed the words and asked Luo Yingying directly.

"I didn't test Zhenzhen, I just wanted to ask."

Isn't that a meaning?

Mei Mengzhen said: "The decision is in your hands, but even if you tell Lai Xixi, she may not listen to you, and last year's preview is still on the top of the forum, so the enthusiasm hasn't come down even after Chinese New Year. We are all waiting for the follow-up gossip, if this post is not posted, you have to give Lai Qianqian more information, otherwise she will not end up."

As a human being, you can't just throw away people when you run out of them. This is too tasteless.

Luo Yingying said: "I'm not soft-hearted. I just keep posting, but I just don't feel good."

He Yiran couldn't help laughing and said: "You two have only talked for a day, what's the matter?"

Of course, this must be the time when Luo Yingying had a crush on Jiang Cheng, but the two of them were really together for only one day. This is a fact, and she was still scumbag. Compassion, He Yiran doesn't understand.

"No, if we do this, it won't hurt Jiang Cheng's current girlfriend."

"There's nothing to hurt, let's break up. Wouldn't it be better to leave this kind of scumbag? And I told that girl all these things at the beginning. She threatened to trust Jiang Cheng herself, and she will be responsible for the consequences."

"Okay, let's do that."

Luo Yingying's attitude made the atmosphere in the dormitory suddenly turn sour, and the topics of the few people no longer revolved around Jiang Cheng, and Yan Keke said excitedly: "Zhenzhen, I have nothing to do during the Chinese New Year, and then I will find it by myself." I have done a lot of things, I have applied for a fan club for you, and the registration and certification have been successful, you can follow Weibo, oh yes, you have Weibo, right?"

"I have, but, why did you really go to register." She made a joke at the beginning, how could this person take it seriously, she especially remembered another joke she made back then, "You didn't do that kind of charity, did you? Just an ordinary person, if we really want to donate money to help people, we can just do it ourselves, there is really no need for you to support fans and do charity.”

Mei Mengzhen asked excitedly, but she lagged behind, neither Yan Keke nor He Yiran answered her words, she felt a 'thump' in her heart, stroked her forehead, "So, what step have you guys made?"

"I invested 1000 million." He Yiran told the truth, and she was rich, it was all small money.

Yan Keke didn't dare to look at her, but said: "I invested all 300 million of my pocket money, and my dad also invested 200 million for me to play alone, a total of 500 million, the company has been registered, and the project has already started .”

Mei Mengzhen let out a big sigh. She didn't want to know what projects she was working on, and she didn't want to know how far the project had progressed. She just asked, "Is the money enough? I'll call you 1000 million first."

Now that you've done it, don't be stingy, it's not like she can't take it out, let alone in her name.

Hearing that Mei Mengzhen wanted to send money, Yan Keke was excited, "Let me just say, it is impossible for Zhenzhen not to support it."

"Of course I want to support it. It's a good deed. It's just doing it in my name. I'm a little guilty. I'm not a celebrity, and I don't have any appeal. I guess this project is only done by a few of us. If you have no money, just tell me, I still have this little money."

1000 million is called small money.

Not only Yan Keke, Luo Yingying and Liu Pei were surprised when they heard this.

Liu Pei asked: "Zhenzhen, where did you get the money? Isn't that novel your real experience?" So shouldn't you live a poor life? Liu Pei didn't understand the 1000 million yuan, so she wanted to know, so she asked, and she didn't force Mei Mengzhen to tell her if she wanted to.

"The content of the novel is true, but it's not that I don't know how to make money. Xiyuan makes a lot of money."

Everyone knew that she was the boss of Xiyuan, so the argument she gave was naturally Xiyuan.

Speaking of Xiyuan, He Yiran also said excitedly: "I have good news for everyone, I am also the small boss of Xiyuan, and currently own 20% of Xiyuan's shares."

Mei Mengzhen explained weakly: "He Yiran threw land and buildings at me, like a rich man. I have no choice but to let her buy shares."

Luo Yingying asked, "Where is the land and what building is it?"

"On the land on the Shiguang side, the building has not yet been built. By the way, I will show you the design drawings. We will discuss this quickly, and the construction will start there after the year. Xiyuan will move there earlier. The location could be bigger.”

He Yiran sent the file to Mei Mengzhen's mobile phone, and Mei Mengzhen turned on the computer and opened the design drawing.

I have to say that the one that has spent money is different, "This building looks very nice and has a sense of design. By the way, is this building still on the 28th floor?"

(End of this chapter)

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